Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, November 12, 1975, Image 20

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November 12, 1975

Children express creative talent
in special art enrichment classes

Art teacher Sue Folly tells Mrs. Girven’s class about different colors.


Last year, a special art
enrichment program was
begun in the Donegal
The program was so
sucessful it has become a
permanent part of the art

Mrs. Sue Folly teaches
several small groups of
: selected students. The
classes usually include only
twelve children, so everyone
gets individual attention.
After-the lesson Melissa Reisinger’ (right) cleans up enthusiastically while friends encourage
her to work even harder.

Students include very
artistic children who need
the chance to create on an
advanced level, and any
children who can benefit
from individual instruction.
The pictures with this
article show Mrs. Girven’s
class at Grandview.

Denny Hershey and Rick Ginder painting. Brian Dunklcberger concentrates when he paints.

Adults make wheel-thrown and hand-built pottery in eve. classes
A ten-week course in No molds are used. Student Geni Heistand
wheel-thrown and hand Teacher Linda Ross says, says, ‘‘There’s something
built pottery is being given , ‘“These are all original fulfilling about making
at DHS. The adult students ideas. We're really starting something useful from a
meet Thursday evenings. from scratch.” lump of clay. You can say, I
made this myself.”’

Jenny Swanson (foreground) and Susan Sink (background) at work on wheels.

Teacher Linda Ross (left) and student Geni Heistand examine a pot.