Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, November 05, 1975, Image 18
Page 18 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Girl Scouts to sell calendars, collect aluminum cans, by Cindy Charles Senior Girl Scout Troop #944 held their first meeting on September 3 at the Florin Fire hall to organize and plan their activities for the year. They will be selling Girl Scout Calendars and collecting aluminum cans $ ¢ { A (Va / SONNY Wy / 1, Look for recycling purposes. For Needleguild this year, the girls decided to make boot banks made out of felt, coffee cans, and other materials. The troop will be collect- ing papers in Mount Joy on November 7. We would appreciate if you would set your papers out Friday oe toe, ; Ee i aaa Zr what's paper evening by 4:30. If you have too many papers to set out, please call 653-2484 bet- ween 10:00 and 2:00 Friday, November 7. Also, if you November 5, 1975 could bring the paper to the = Florin Fire Hall on Friday = evening or before 10:00 Saturday morning, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Lh trp 90227 = -, ot wi 2 ppt 2} Sn. — ’ sm y by 4 Ze Santa S$ Nar... 7; mr aS Not one but two Christmas Savings Plans to choose from. REGULAR CHRISTMAS CLUB SCHEDULED SAVINGS You meke 8 waeky deposit of: D it savings regularly and receive in eposit your savi - 50¢ $1 $2 $3 $5 $10 $20 terest at the current rate of 4%% annually. and for Christmas shopping next year Next Christmas you will have all of the money receive a Christmas Club check like this you've saved — PLUS — the added interest $25 $50 $100 $150 $250 $500 $1,000 Your iToney nas semed for you. Start your savings now and you'll be under Santa's Hat next year. THE "HOMETOWN BANK" Each depositor insured Ww S40 000 UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY, PA. 17552 IDET AL DAPOL!T ‘WILE ANCE CORPORATION A Ct AN - Three Needlework Guild members, seated behind some of the guild’s handiwork, watch the Girl Scouts present their own creations. Shown are, from left to right; Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. D.M. Wolgemuth, and Mrs. Vera Newcomer. Needlework Guild helps needy : One- thousand, three hundred and twenty-three articles and $251 were collected for the annual ingathering for the new Directors: Mrs. Arthur Haines, Marietta, Mrs. Jere Miller and Mrs. Robert Walker, Mount Joy. Miss Lynn Schumack, a Mount Joy chapter representative of Catholic Needlework Guild of Social Services was the America, in St. Marks speaker for the meeting, United Methodist Church, Mount Joy. One-hundred items were contributed by 10 girl scout troops, Donegal neighborhood, Penn Laurel Council. Distribution to the needy and agencies was October 29. The annual business session was held at 2 p.m. when Mrs. Simeon Horton, president, introduced three explained the functions of the service which has been in existence for many years. She stated that there is a great need for garments, especially for unwed mothers and babies. Approximately 200 girl scouts presented a flag ceremony and explained how their contribution was made. Refreshments were served. D.H.S. Juniors selling candy The Jr. Class -of Donegal is selling candy for their money making project this year. The candy is Kline's grade A. There is a variety first week in December. All orders will help to make this sale a success. Thank you for your support. peanut butter cups, and which includes caramels, peanut clusters, and more butter creams, pepper- which are coated in dark or ments, coconut creams, milk chocolate. almonds, marshmallows, The candy is being sold to raise money for the class of Orders were taken until November S, by the mem- bers of the junior class and the candy will arrive the 77's junior and senior projects, which include the prom, yearbook, class plays, and class trip. STONEBRIDGE FApy, 1 1/4 mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. W here we feature our own -. LOCAL BEEF, PORK, VEAL & ps + Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS Full Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS CUSTOM BUTCHERING TURKEYS—DUCKS—GEESE—CAPONS All Local Grown Place orders for your ‘‘Holiday Meal”’ no later than November 24 eet ri RPE vas PHONE 653-4087 Mon. - Wed., 9 - 6 — Thurs. - Fri., 8-9 — Sat., 8-5 John H. Brubaker go AB il TO