October 29, 1975 Located 505 West Market Street, Marietta, PA 2 1/2 Story Frame Dwelling 6 room house & bath, oil furnace with radiators, basement. also 2 Story Frame Dwelling 4 room house & bath, gas furnace with baseboard heat. also Barn 30 X 70 Feet Size of Lot—80 X 200 Feet Selling this property as one unit OPEN HOUSE October 31 & November 7 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. REALTORS PARTICIPATION INVITED 7 piece dining room suite, R.C.A. freezer on top, Frigidaire electric range, cedar chests, refrigerator w/ Season. False alarm turned in Friendship Fire Co. an- swered an automatic alarm at Floral Creations on East Main St., Mount Joy at 1:39 p-m. After checking the building, firemen logged the accidental false. The Department was in service 24 minutes. Dr. Robert V. Cresswell, who is running unopposed for auditor of Marietta Borough on the Republican ticket. SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 9 975 ’ Ray Knorr’s , election I statement Don’t wait to have your CHRISTMAS PHOTOS in I was first elected as a taken he Justice of the Peace in 1954 Hic and served 15 years as a J Justice of the Peace and 6 PORTRAITS oh years as a District Justice of our specialt ut the Peace, for a total of 21 p y years. 1 have served two 4 . years as President of the Photographic Supplies Lancaster County Magister- Complete Equipment Department ial Association in 1973 and 1974. J I am a member of the BISHOP S STUDIO : . i Legislative Committee for 44 North Market Street Left to right: ‘Mrs. Richard Vogt, Mrs. Henry Houck, Mrs. Jacob Lindemuth, Jr., Mrs. the State Association of the Elizabethtown, PA N Mervin Wise, Mrs. Raymond McElroy. Courts of Initial Jurisdic- Phone 367-1322 tion. 1- # At present, I am a student s Corn husk wreaths made at Zion .5.n 5 5 cn > pus, working for a degree in Zion Lutheran Church Marietta. decorations, atghans, a bi- Administration of Justice. n Women, Marietta, held a Hours for the bazaar will centennial coverlet, Christ- te | workshop in cornhusk be from 4 to 8 p.m. on mas cards with the church Introduce \ ladame Jova in to the 8 wreath making in prepara- Friday and from 9 to 1 p.m. altar scene, plants, hand irl fi () i tion for a Christmas Bazaar. on Saturday. Chairpersons crocheted garments, an oil man In your le. nec rop ata time. i Mrs. C. H. Showalter Jr. for the event will be Mrs. painting of the site of the [EEE THE. z= h demonstrated how to make Jacob Lindemuth Jr., Mrs. church, and more. ; the corn husk wreaths. The Ben Thompson, and Miss Homemade foods will y wreaths will be offered for Ruth Wisman. include cookies, pies, layer : sale at the benefit which will The Bazaar items will cakes, salads, baked beans, be held November 7and 8 in include ceramics, hanging and free coffee will be Shireman’s Auto Showroom macrame held plants, white available to all those who 9 150 West Market Street, elephant table, Christmas stop by. d y Marietta Senior League to meet Nov. 3 Tempt him like he’s enjoyed from dawn to r never been tempted dusk to dawn... and y : before. t necessarily alone. by Elsie McCloskey House. Yost, a florist, and Jim : 7 Classically Fao Nl boas: Sree ; : : Mrs. Mary Portner, Pres- Hershey will be with us. He Raymond B. Knorr, who is Madame is a blend of the Cologne, Eau de Toilette, * % The Marietta Senior ident, will have charge of will be making Christmas running unopposed for the world’s finest flowers, Dusting Powder and * League will hold their the Business meeting. Arrangements, with artifi- office of Distric Justice on mterlaced with rich the cologne /dusting * regular monthly meeting, on The program of the cial flowers. the Republican ticket. dusky spices. To be powder Gift Set. Monday, November 3rd, at afternoon will be flower Mr. Yost visited with us » ’ * 1:30 p.m. in the Community arrangements. Mr. John several years ago and Once y on ve introduced him £0 Madame . demonstrated flower ar Jov an, what you ao wv 1th it 1S your arrair * ranging with real flowers. It Buchone 14 fl. i be au de Colon 20% or. $7.50, E a de * is fascinating to watch him Gil Set (225 a, Ei: de hn | sing Ponies on Bo * make these beautiful cre- Powder) $12.50 »* ations. : REAL ESTATE Biss Cresswell runs| SLOAN’S PHARMACY : e invite all our mem- . 3 Household Goods, Antiques bers and friends to come fOr auditor 61 E. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4001 and see this very helpful and : SATURDAY, NOY. 15, 1975 interesting demonstration of PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 3! . : new ideas for decorating for r 10:00 A.M. Christmas and the Holiday NEW PYREX" Compatibles | 1/2 Quart Casserole Regularly $5.95 SPECIAL $4.88 chest of drawers, sewing machine, small tables, rockers, portable T.V., cane chairs, doll house, book case, piano rolls, quilts, train set, tin toys, pictures & frames, cash drawer, Bibles, lamps crocks, lard press, silverware, gold watches, glassware, china, dishes, post cards of Marietta, A.M. & F.M. radios, blankets, linnens, sterescope viewer & pictures, English bike, garden tools & tractor, and many other items too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE TO BE OFFERED AT 2:00 P.M. "EAST DONEGAL JAYCEES are sponsoring a TURKEY Full Line — Chicago Cutlery Buy Sharp/Keep Sharp With Chicago Cutlery SHOOT Behind The Maytown Fire Hall 1p.m.to4 p.m SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 CARL HALLGREN, Attorney H. [ABE] SHAFFNER 653-5689 Sale by H. KELLER, Aucts. ALICE B. DE CARLTON WILLIAM DE CARLTON Power of Attorney Phone 653 1861 93 East Man Viount J 12 Gauge & 16 Gauge Guns Only FOOD STAND FERRER XEY FARRAR NRNRAN ARNE NNN NEY
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