Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, October 22, 1975, Image 4

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October 22, 1975
news, features, art, poetry composed
by and for the students of Donegal schools.

EDITORIAL: Dale Eisenhauer,
Gestewitz, Wendy Hawn, Gail Hunter,
Renee Husband, Nanette Pinto, Melvin
Shearer, Jeanne Freed, Barbara Landis,
i Melody Mumma, Mary Kanoff, Theresa
Graham, Tim Roaten, Lauri Martin, Carole
TYPING: Sue Williams,
Wayne Erdman, Deb Evans, Ginny Bigler,
Deb Bender, Jody Bass.
ADVISOR: J. B. Siberski.
Deb Pedrick,

Student Council discusses ten-point agenda
The Donegal Student
Council held a meeting on
Wednesday, September 17,
periods S and 6, in room
Members present were:
Grade 9—Scott Adams,
Diane Hess, and Jim
Grade 10—Mimi Ginder,
Jim Johnson, Stacy Miller,
Scott Mowrer, Deb Sar-
Band marches
by Holly Baker
On Monday, October 13,
the band participated in the
first annual marching band
exhibition at McCaskey
High School. The bands
that participated in the
event were; Elizabethtown,
Conestoga Valley, Manheim
Township, McCaskey, and
Lancaster Catholic. For a
finale, the bands united on
Grade 11—Kevin Brad-
ley, Joan DeVitry, Steve
Eno, Barb Landis, Greg
Lindemuth, Loris Raber,
Mike Sager, and Paul
Grade 12—Bob Barto,
Kathy Beach, Karen Grei-
der, Kevin Miller, John
Monchak, Lesetta Mumma,
Kirk Wolgemuth.
I'he following items were
discussed in detail:
in exhibition
the football field and played
“God Bless America‘‘.
The band is currently
selling candy bars and
collecting labels that will go
towards furnishing new
school instruments. The
labels come off of soap
wrappers, axion, baggie
wrappers (containers,) ajax,
etc. If you have any labels
to donate, please give them
to any D.H.S. band
by Jeanne Freed
It has been an awful day
And nothing has gone right.
To add to your many troubles,
You also have a bad night.
The telephone brings you bad news,
And you want to sit and cry.
Your parents are ill in the hospital,
So serious they might die.
You're young and don’t know what to do,
But your loving relations are there.
They'll give you lots of help and support.
These people sure do care.
The only way to thank them
For their continuous help and love,
Is tell them that you love them,
And ask God to thank them from above.
by Nanette Pinto
Just another For if I had them
boring day back again
With nothing much Again to look
to do forward to
So I think about
the days gone by
Wishing they
were new
I would have taken
time to find
Something worthwhile
to do!
I. Brief exchange pro-
gram with York High
2. painting the
3. possibility of helping
with Homecoming Dance;
4. changing and improv-
ing the cracker machine;
S. possibility of holding
two Pancake Breakfasts;
6. repaving the driveway
and parking lot;
7. purchasing paint for
murals in hallway;
8. holding an art exhibi-
tion and contest;
9. sponsoring a movie;
10. setting up a student
radio station in the morning.
Further discussion was
tabled until the next meet-
ing and until these topics
could be investigated fur-
ther. The meeting was
adjourned at the end of the
Jr. Hi soccer
going strong
Mike Zeller
Dean Zimmerman
Donegal opened the season
with a 2-0 victory over
Wheatland. Randy Velez
and Dean Zimmerman got
the scores.
In their second game, they
edged Norlanco 1-0. Ron
Meckley had the lone tally.
Their third game was a 9-0
stomping of L.S. Randy
Velez led the way with 5
Brian Brooks had his fourth
shutout in a row, as Donegal
blasted John Reynolds 9-0.
In their fifth game, they
squeaked by Manheim
Township, 2-1. Randy Velez
and John Meyers came
through with the big goals.
So far it’s been a great year
for the Junior High Soccer
team, and if you come out
and cheer, it might be even

Behind the Sconcs
by Melody Mumma
Jon Booth of 14 Manheim
St., Mount Joy spent three
weeks this past summer in
Poland. Jon traveled with
nine other students from
Lancaster visiting such
cities as Warszoura, Torun,
Gdarsk, Olsztyn, and Bialy-
stak where they participated
in Soccer clinics and ex-
changing ideas with other
young Polish soccer players.
Jon said that his trip was
a real experience and that it
taught him how lucky he is
to live in America.
Cheerleaders express thanks
The Donegal Varsity Foot-
ball cheerleaders would like
to extend their thanks to
everyone for their support
during the Homecoming
Weekend at Donegal.
The cheerleaders, Booster
Club, and Varsity Club
sponsored a dance featuring
Tender Touch from Middle-
town. The group proved
versatile and made the
dance a big success.
Members of the varsity
football cheerleading squad
include: Kathy Beach
(captain) Kerry Coover
Chris Heinaman, Gwenda
Albert, Deb Thomas, Lori
Lucabaugh, Raeann Parker,
and Deb Sarbaugh. They
are coached by Miss Maile,
a home economics teacher at
We, the cheerleaders, sin-
cerely hope that you will
continue this great support
throughout the remainder of
the season. We have four
more games left and will be
looking for you at the next
game. Spirit! Let’s hear it!
Rehearsals must not interfere with classwork
by Thereas Graham
Because of the success of
last year’s program, the
vocal music department will
be continuing with it’s
sectional rehearsal sche-
Every student is expected
to report to the sectional at
the appointed time. How-
ever, if there is an assigned
test scheduled for the same
period in which a student
has his voice sectional, the
student must remain in his
room and take the test.
Each student is responsible
for any assignments given
or collected during his
absence from his regular
class. It is also each
student’s responsibility to
inform his teacher at least
one day in adyance of his
scheduled sectional.

Candle sale
by Jeff Boulton
The senior class sponsored
a candle sale to raise funds
for the class trip, yearbook,
class play, graduation ser-
vices, and other activities.
The seniors wish to thank
everyone who cooperated.
Radio carries
school delays
by Jeanne Freed
Many parents and students
have difficulty in gaining
information about cancella-
tions and delays of school.
This has been rectified by
getting the services of
WGSA, dial 1310 AM;
WIOV, dial 105.1 FM; and
WGAL, dial 1490 ‘snowbird’
operations to announce the
information. These stations
usually announce the fact
that they would like people
to not call at the station.
The messages are repeated
every 10 or 1S minutes, so
you may listen to the repeat.
Calling at the station only
adds more confusion, and
weakens the stations effi-
ciency. Thank you for your
Council plans
more dances
by Theresa Graham
Since the Homecoming
Dance was a success,
student council would very
much like to increase the
number of weekend activi-
ties at the high school to
generate interest in school
functions. One event would
be a Halloween Dance/
Party. Admission would
include the price of the food
and drink.
John Monchak is current-
ly working on a tentative
schedule of events for this
school year.
As you can see the
Student Council is trying to
make this a successful year
and is doing everything to
make it more interesting for
the students of Donegal
High School.