Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, October 22, 1975, Image 18
Page 18 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN - Pumpkin Time is Party Time Shop our party. department fo: Hallmark paper partyware and accessories. MJ Welcome Wagon by Susan KR. Back The regular meeting of the Mount Joy Welcome Wagon Club was held October 15, 1975S at the Florin Fire Hall. Mr. & Brubaker of Stone- Mrs. bridge Farms were the guest speakers for the evening. After the regular meeting a fun night was held with Bingo. Judy Novinger, Commun- ity Service Chairman, is having good success with the service and craft calls being made at Shocks Home Craft bazaar classes will soon come to an end; ‘““Before you know it No- vember 15 will be upon us!” The final craft class schedule is as follows: Monday, October 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the home of Betty Byrd. Monday, October 27 at 8+p.m. at the home of Sharon Roberts. Monday, November 3,from 1 to 3 p.m. at the home of Ruth Moore. Wednesday, November 5, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Judy Miller's. Drop off points for the hears J.H. baked goods should be dropped off on November 14 between 2:30 and 7 p.m. at Lois Phalen’s house in Donegal Heights, Judy No- vinger’s, Westview, Mount Joy, or Dianne Hummel’s, Oaklane. The bazaar will be held November 15 from 10 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. at Park City in the Gimbels Mall. Regular craft class will be held Thursday, October 23 at 8 p.m. at Judy Miller’s. The group will be making macrame owls and pot October 22, 1975 i‘rubakers served at Clearview Lanes for October 25, at 8 p.m. Plans for the trip to the - Baltimore Colts and Kansas City Chiefs football game have been cancelled. Members who did not get the remaining balance of their money in for the New York trip in December should contact Thelma Ran- kin as soon as possible. The next meeting will be November 19 at the Florin Fire Hall at 6:30 p.m. Sponsor’s night will be held and a covered dish will be hangers. Judy should be contacted for any needed items. ; not craft items for the bazaar are as follows: Nancy Penkunas, Donegal Heights for the Elderly. Anyone interested in lending a helping hand for one hour served. Members who did sign up to make once a month should contact and Linda Fox, Crescent Janice Shelly, Social anything should contact ything ‘ Judy. Brae Development. The Chairman has lanes re- Thelma Rankin. SLOAN'S PHARMACY 1 ov . ... Perr mera EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY 9 REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING tots parents DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES, OF THE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE THE UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK of MOUNT JOY 1975 Hallmark Caras Inc Septemb 30 IN THE STATE OF . TERNS YLVANTA ...AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON >ePtember 30, 7s Two workshops for pa- PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER TITLE rents of preschoolers will be 12, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 161. held again this year. The h B REA Jewelr workshop for parents in the «a ’ Mount Joy area will be held ASSETS Dollars Cts. vf] ELSE ; Sd 15 at Grandview Elementary Cash and due from banks (including $ ody +211 83 unposted debits) . . bE 115621538150. MARIETTA, PA. School on October 27 at 7:30 US. Treasuryseourlties .......... +. me No 3}.397.0335.(50.] | p.m. Ideas for helping your Obligations of other U. S. Government agencies and corporations . . . ............... o.oo loeoeeevinnii. RARE... Lose, ] MEL A GERRY HEISTAND, PROPS. child develop a love of Obligations of States and political subdivisions... . .o. . ut ieibin. ion sm wimg re a em aii 51.956.1.271.419., I . f inf ill b Other securities{including $..... NONE. corporatestock). . . >... a core mln ~.35.1.750.100.. €arning from infancy wi € Tradingaccountsecutiies .. ... . . o....c i eran ar R a a A a TRCN... co} 020502 presented by Mrs. Karen Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements toresell. . . ................|.cccom. 299%. 992. o.. Steinbrink, new readin BONS a eR Eee EL er a a 151.734) 34 5166 clinician with I U on Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank-premises . . . .. cc... d.nioaiks 3 64 614 76 a r- " P f h 1 f Realestate owned other thanbank premises. . . . 0 cod Ta Sa am bens ++DORG:.. .. hiss arents o presc oolers o Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and “associated companies”. . .................. |ooooii one, .. 1... we any age are invited to attend Customers’ liability to this bank on acceptancesoatstanding . . ................... co heovooiiiiiis, ...hone sens aries the workshop nearest your Other assets (including §___NON€ direct lease financing). . . . ............-. 195( 27642 CA RS home FOTAL ASSETS. ee st tev i ia as ified 7, 756132103 ; LIABILITIES g Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . ................... bes fered 6}.6.89,.300(93.. 4 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . . . .............. |... 17.471}.275,.07. 3 1975 G M C VA N Crafts show Deposits of United States Government. . . ................ a I SRT Bien .148}.314}.37. & 1974 H 0 N D A M 0 T 0 R OC Y C LE f M . Deposits of Statesand politicalsubdivisions. . . . . .. .. .. 0. i ical iran iin Rahn oe .3371.959.:.72.. a 1 973 Cc 0 R Vv E YT T E Cc 0 U P E 4 d or arietta Deposits of foreign governments and officialinstitutions. . . ..........ccv iin ini Rainn nane.....J....... = y spee Depositsof commercialbahks .. . a a ie iT nes ROE... cesses i 1972 A U D B, 4 door, auto Dennis Shumacher, chair- Cortligd ang Siicers Shocks IC... ivan % Sn et er rte a eng ROXIE ...ccpeeresns i A vc + KE TOTALDEPOSITS =... 3... . .$ 24,646,850.,09 1971 PO NTIAC LEMANS CO UPE , V8, man of the Bicentenial (3) Totaldemand deposits .”. . ........... $..1,.015,575,02 { A/C committee of Marietta asked (b) Total time and savings deposits. . . . . . . . . $27,571..235.07... : ; the boro council's permis- Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to FEPUTCRASE oo. Wiss os THR Lciinnnnaririide NONEG 1 id P: 1970 CAPRICE COUPE , A/C-like new! sion to close Market Street afta fot onoues a ER eT Ble ne ls ont ifrerimri saps Efe : : i Sk Re He re ER Es Tere Ne a OTIS Lo bd from Waterford to Biddle | Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding . . . . . . ..... none. 1 Avenue for a craft show and Otherdigbilities «ct... i ae NE re 664] 713] 48 & IA. & A. AUTO SALES] community picnic, some- TOTALLIABILINES coi. hbo A aitpiin i an ill oo fl Stet i i 25 311] 563] 57 i i : : MINORITY INTEREST IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES . ...................... none j Phone: 653-4831 time in August or Septem- | Er ber, 1976. RESERVES ON LOANS [located next to Mount Joy Citgo] SAAD HORITES Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) . . . OtherTeseiveSORIOBNS . ..-. . 0... ror. i a hr E Ea Reservesomsecurilies i... . coc cise 0 se i a CONTEST! * \*/ x ML WO oer eet VS 2 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS x * Capital notesanddebentures ..... .. o.oo. 00 Lh or a eri CIDER Te % D OUR OWN SWEET CIDER LAST Equity aia : 21180 {556 |33 made in our Fruit Market with a blend of qualit I PE le ce tan TE ee q y apples Preferied SIGCRACHAIPATEVAIIE, 15 sols ic or rsa nnsdnins srs PS avid ts nan fe Fo nane...1....... for the best in flavor. CHANCE No. shares outstanding none GAL. $1.50—1/2 GAL. 85¢ Common Stock-total parvalue . $1..00. . . .. . _. Fis iver ante ros a Eos NES 1000 00. No. shares authorized _125,000 In "APPLES TO ENTER No. shares pha 125,000 SUIS or nt tn se RE NT IVE te ee Te x 400 000 00... Undividedprofits. .............. a i ee Fe 655.556.|33 RED & YELLOW DELICIOUS—STAYMAN WINESAP Every load of wash you Reserve for contingencies and other capitalreserves . ................. .._ {77 ndgne | | do at STEHMAN'’S JYOTALCAPITALACCOUNTS .... «ip. ots. iin om 21180 (556 |33 All sizes of PUMPKINS for ples or faces LAUNDROMAT, Mount TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . ............ ... 27.756 (132 103 an umn decorating Joy, gives you a chance at » 81 MEMORANDA Besides our own HOME MADE SHOO FLY PIES four big FREE GIFTS to Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with calldate . . . . ......... .. __ | _ _ 241441 1560 100 be presented at a drawing Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date . . . ........... . _. —y 547 539100 | MRS. SMITH’S PUMPKIN PIES on Saturday, October 25th Interest collected not earned on installment loans included in total Capitalaccounmts.. . . . ......[........3 one. 1 - | 10 a.m PRIZES Standbylettersofieredit ..........0 avto i n aE Sena es nYne.... include a $20 gift certifi- cate at Stehman’s IGA, a $10 gift certificate at Stehman’s IGA, and a $5 gift certificate at Steh- man’s Laundromat. JERSEY SWEET POTATOES—IRISH COBBLER POTATOES FARM FRESH EGGS DUTCH GOLD HONEY—PURE MAPLE SYRUP Groceries - Fresh & Frozen Vegetables, Seconds in MRS. PAUL’S FISH and WEAVER’S CHICKEN SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fri.-8 am. to 9 p.m. —'Wed. & Sat. - 8am. to 6 p.m. WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. % § ite West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661 YOUNEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN [advertisement] we’ve add a new baked item - | Frozen ready to bake or fresh baked in our kitchen. i at ' SER ARERR BT BTS WWW EIR SORE RTE we ew