Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, October 22, 1975, Image 13
4 CE AR SERENE CRIES gi a Ls to EMC October 22, 1975 Dr. Richman helps register historic Swatara Ferry House The Swatara Ferry House, more popularly known at the “Old Fort’’, was recently approved for inclusion in the National Registry of Historic Places. Dr. Irwin Richman, of Bainbridge, professor at Penn State-Capitol Campus, fulfilled an important role in the structure’s inclusion while serving as Architec- tural Historian and adviser to the Middletown Historic Commission. It was Dr. Richman, coordinator of the graduate program in American stud- ies at Capitol- Campus, who FARM FRESH Farm Fresh ts gl NO DEPOSIT! NO RETURN! Save yourself Shopping Trips! You Can FREEZE and STORE our Handy Plastic Milk Bags JUG Mi LK i, 1.45 Pasteurized & Homogenized %* skim milk - $1.10 % NonFat & Chocolate Milk-Lemonade-Iced Tea Conoy-Springs Dairy Open Mon-Fri, 9 to 9; Sat, 8 to 8, Ph. 367-6292 1 mile west of Bainbridge along Route 441 examined the site for authenticity, structural style and period. Dr. Richman is a member of the Society of Architectur- al Historians and is a well known authority on the early history and culture of the area. He states that the structure ‘‘was not a fort, but a ferry keeper’s house. The part closest to the river dates from the late 18th century, while the second addition dates from the early 19th cedntury.”” He continued, ‘‘They are both traditional three-room Penn- REFRESHING FRUIT DRINKS 50c half gal. INVESTIN YOUR HOME Home Improvement is one of the best invest- ments a family can make these days. Keep your home up-to-date with a new kitchen, bathroom, family room or garage. And make sure your home is kept in good repair. Check your roof, spouting, siding and paint, etc. For all your home improvement needs, Call: PAGE CORPORATION 684-6981 or 285-4575 Written estimates and financing arranged at no cost or obligation. sylvania German floor plans’’ and that the additon was ‘‘probably built as a tenant house.”’ The decision to include the site, ultimately reached by the U.S. Department of the Interior, culminates nearly two years of survey- ing, research and communi- cation between Middletown Borough, the Historic Com- mission, the Pennsylvania SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN—Page 13 To collect for UNICEF The children from Grand- view and Seiler Elementary Schools will be collecting for UNICEF from October 24th through the 31st. UNICEF is the United Nations’ Redevelopment Authority, Children’s Fund S : the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission, and HUD. The safe, fast convenient way to deposit your Social Security check No more watching and waiting for the mail, or going out when the weather is inclement. And worrying about theft particularly when you're not at home. With Direct Deposit Protection you haven't a thing to worry about. Your check will be directly deposited to your account automatically without any effort on your part. It's faster, safer and this new service is now available at no cost to you. All you have to do to put Direct Deposit Protection to work for you. . .is drop into the Union National Bank and fill out a simple form. 1. You can protect your check against mailbox theft 2. You can save time and earn interest. 3. Solves check cashing problems. 4. Your funds are always available when needed. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY, PA. 17552 No more waiting for the mailman. Now, we do it for you! THE a(R URN GE | Each geposiior insured to $40,000 & FIDEE AL DIPONT WILE ANCE CORPORANON