Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, October 15, 1975, Image 2
Page 2—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Marietta Community Chorus starts practice by Hazel Baker Practice for the annual Christmas cantata by the Marietta Community Cho- rus began last Sunday in the Marietta First United Meth- odist Church. “The Wonderful Story”’, a cantata by Robert and Shirley Dashan, will be presented on Sunday, De- cember 7, at 8 p.m. in the above church. Directed by Mrs. Gerald Libhart, the production will have Mrs. Margaret Miller as organist and Mrs. George Bryant as pianist. All persons over 16 interested in participating in -the cantata are welcomed by the chorus. Officers of the chorus are: Thomas Price, president; Fred Reitz, vice president; and Mrs. George Bryant, secretary-treasurer. During their rehearsals, the group will also practice a 1976 musical which will be presented during the Bicen- tennial celebration in Au- gust. Former members are particularly invited to return to the group. MJ Jaycees sponsor bicycle rodeo October 15, 1975 A aii. | () TEAMS! Octo x GRAND OPENING *x* The Mount Joy Jaycees group. Prizes will be award- that apply to bike operators; 71 WEST MAR Ry STREET, MARIETTA Thursday are sponsoring a bicycle ed to those who score the and six skill tests to check 8 B&O <b rodeo for all children ages 6 most number of points in the ability of the child to TT PPOO000030000000000 The New through 12, October 25, 1:00 their age group. handle his or her bike. Ioni until 2:30 p.m. at Seiler The rodeo is organized in Emphasis will be on safety. Co onia Elementary School. Each two parts: a written exam to No dangerous stunts will be IDG Lan contestant will compete with determine if the contestant performed. ONEBR F A R/ children in his or her age is aware of the safety rules The Jaycees encourage all % fo) ORR REL SR NE Or children in Mount Joy to test Visit our New Retail Store ) (tormerly Sansone’s)| = Sa May ; their bicycle skills by parti- ; Prof. e Mari-Go-Round cipating in the rodeo. 1% mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. ao MENU 122 E. Main St. | i : Where we feature our own Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 § Kendig wins | j0oCA| BEEF, PORK, VEAL & LAMB. B FEATURES English honor Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS Evening Special | Based on scores he Full Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS Steamed Clams i JUS T A RRIVED! i received in a test, Newton CUSTOM BUTCHERING Kendig, son of Dr. and Mrs. "on. - Thurs, 8-5:30 - Fri, 8-8 — Sat. 8-5 M $2.95 ; Authentic Amerind designs in beau- ¥ (<8 Kendig, 62 E. Main SHONE 253-9087 lon H. Grebe: Ging tiful silver tones to play up the § street, Mount Joy. was rn mati singular hue of the turquoise! exempted from having to Busi Luncheon i wifi ZT take the beginning college Won Speci al i course in En glish at Penn Rane dirisppsapgpmstrsslttpinmndtbnniny obse $1.10 - $1.50 State. \ \ throu d Prof. Robert W. Frank, \ I BUY USED CARS \ John £4 Jr., Chairman of English, \ : \ dent HAPPY HOURS 5 - 7 ! dO said that exemption reflects \ AND TRUCKS \ Elsie ; is well on preparation students \ \ the p OPEN 11:30 a.m. ; received in high school. \ \ N N For Res. Call \ oe \ 426.1109 CONTEST! \ cee se escescse \ Te N N ENTERTAINMENT : . \ Phone 653- $580 \ Glenn Garber | Indian styled rings-Fashion Earrings > & \ BETWEEN 9 & § \ Moc Prices from $2.00 * : \ pervi: Wii rr > ti n | SC A RD 1 AR 153 IO ANOTHER 8 GRAND SQUARE DANCE pros The Grand Square Club of Lancaster will hold a Club CHAN CE fF 5 5 5 bh Dance at the Willow Street Vo-Tech School on Saturday, . October 18, from 8 to Il p.m. TO ENTER WANT 10 SAVE MONEY? > ne ver WE iF wach CALL ME BEFORE YOU BUY A fori very load of wash you do at STEHMAN’S WATER SOFTENER volun LAUNDROMAT, Mount which Joy, gives you a chance at AMMON SMITH msies four big FREE GIFTS to g pane ‘ 653-1159 be presented at a drawing on Saturday, October 25th eal OCTOBER 18 at 10 am. PRIZES SMITH WATER CONDITIONING C0. ay include a $20 gift certifi- 807 West Main Street Mount Joy cate at Stehman’s IGA, a N © 4 eTAR 18 11 am $10 gift certificate at . Stehman’s IGA, and a $5 = gift certificate at Steh- ® man’s Laundromat. EMERGENCY EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS MEDICAL SERVICES IC EN YOU NEED NOT Safinday Aftersoon Available Day & Sit v BE PRESENT TO W and Sunday COLUMBIA HOSPIT ® | IN Dr. David E. Schlosser 7th & Poplar . . [advertisement] (Mount Joy Area Only) (Emergency Entrance) gt I I New Mar letta Fire Hall SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN : 0 Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Gogspe Concent BOX 75A R.D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 4 ublished weekly on Wednesday t 4th of July and I Sponsored] by fin Marietta Pioneer Fire Co., No 1 102. Maker. Wr. Jo Christmas week (60 issues per year) verview Elementary School, Route 441 —. 203% Publisher - Nancy H. Bromer, 426-2212 or 426-1707 5. Ogatober 18, 1975 -7:00 p-m. le? gr ig Hise. Advertising Mgr. Nancy Bromer, 426-2212 10 THE SCHIRMERS THE JOYFUL NOISE “Tours of A. Bube’s Nos, Buiter Hazel Baker, 426-3643 THECHOSEN ONES ~~ CHURCHMEN & TERESA Brewery ond Cate. | | CcUlation Mor Judy Swab, 426-3159 : combs by special re. Adverti - : tising Rates Upon Request Tickets can be purchased from firemen or at ServaNan uz May 1, Entered at the post office in. Marietta, Pa., as second class . mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. The Bive Note Motos inn; Route 441 Serr NDAY DINNERS Subse Mion Rate: $4 per vear Pp one HAM.to7 p.m. Vol. 75 No. 40 October 15, 1975 ————— . xr