Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, October 08, 1975, Image 16
Page 16—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Mrs. Robert E. Hoffer Patsy Ann Keller is married to Robert E. Hoffer in Mt. Joy The marriage of Miss Patsy Anne Keller, 268 Marietta Ave., Mount Joy, to Robert E. Hoffer, 90 E. Main St., Mount Joy., took place Saturday, October 4, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Mark's United Methodist Church with the Rev. W. Richard Kohler officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller, 268 Marietta Ave., Mount Joy. She was graduated from Donegal High School in 1974. She is employed by Lancaster Newspaper, Inc., Lancaster, Pa. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Dorothy S. Rose R.D.#1, Mount Joy, and the late Abram S. Hoffer, Sr. He was graduated from Done- gal High School in 1973. He is employed by Tri- angle Realty, Inc. Lancas- fer. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of Polyes- tercrepe of Victorian style with fitted bodice, long sleeves with deep cuffs, and a high, open neck. The chapel train was edged with chantilly lace. Her gown was made by her mother, as well as all the attendants’ gowns. She carried a cascade of gardenias with ivy and baby’s breath. Mrs. Peggy Crowl was Matron of Honor, Miss Judy Keller was Maid of Honor, both of Mount Joy and sisters of the bride. All attendants carried dried flower arrangements. Serving as bridesmaids were: Miss Jean Hoffer, sister of the groom,of Mount Joy; Mrs. Jana Hamilton, friend of the bride, Mount Joy; and Miss Karen Klos, friend of the bride, Lancas- ter. The Jr. bridesmaids, both sisters of the bride were: Joette Keller and Amy Keller, both of Mount Joy. Flower girl was Greta Brenna, friend of the bride, Mount Joy. Matthew Keller, brother of the bride served as ring bearer, Mount Joy. Serving as best man was Abram Hoffer, Jr., brother of the groom, Mount Joy. Ushers were: Sam Crowl, brother-in-law to the bride; James Hamilton, Steve Lan- dis, Dennis Engle, friends of the groom, all of Mount Joy. Jr. Ushers,both brothers of the bride,were: Tim Keller, and Benji Keller,of Mount Joy. Gift receivers were: Aud- rey Myers, of Lititz, and Vickie Greiner, Mount Joy, friends of the bride. Guest Registration was: Deb Reuter. Following the wedding ceremony a reception was held at the church fellow- ship hall. The couple will live in Mount Joy. HARE 0A Tg BT Te IB! 131: MARIETTA, dF MEL & GERRY HEISTAND, sly by Hazel Baker Miss Cindy Lou Patter- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Patterson, 130 Eleanor Drive, Maytown, and Michael McCarty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCarty, 117 W. Walnut Street, Marietta, were uni- ted in marriage on Saturday, October 4 at 6 p.m. The double ring ceremony was performed by Reverend .James Reapsome, in the Congregational Bible Church, Marietta. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of sheer organza with a high neck and long, full sleeves. The cuffs and hem were accented with cluny lace and the bodice had a venice lace trim. She wore a two tier elbow length veil with a Juliet headpiece trimmed in venice lace and seed pearl clusters. She carried baby daises, carnations roses, Cindy Lou Patterson,Maytown is married to Michael McCarty ind babybreath. Mrs. Leslie Patterson was matron of honor and brides- maids were Mrs. Ruth Simione and Mrs. Sue McCarty. James Sargen, Jr. was best man and ushers were Ronald McCarty and Ronald Patterson. Mrs. Sherri Shaeffer was soloist for the occasion and was accompanied by Mrs. Marion Garber, as organist. A reception was held in the Social Hall of the church and after a wedding trip to the Pennsylvania Grand Can- yon, the couple will reside in Mount Joy. The bride is a graduate of Donegal High School and the Mount Joy Vo-Tech School. She is employed with W.T. Grant Co., Elizabethtown. The groom graduated from Donegal High School and is employed at Arm- strong Carpet Plant, Mari- etta. Mrs. Michael McCarty AMERICAN MOTORS 35,000 miles LJ Petite tiie died dietie de ee hh ppp Route 230 West, 4 M RENAULT DEALER USED CARS 72 VW ““411”° SW, auto, air ’71 PINTO, auto, 50,000 miles, solid ’71 JAVELIN, 6 cyl., 3 speed ’69 DODGE VAN, auto, 3 seats ’64 FORD ECONOLINE VAN Many others to choose from WISSLER MOTORS ite West of Mount Joy AER TT iid di To hh UE SRI ER aime EE LER EI EY ) I RRR PHONE 853-209, TERMASSS SST SS TSS ASS SS SSS Ss sas esNT October 8, 1975 Mrs. Richard Paul Rettew Donna Gale Geltmacher weds Richard P. Rettew, Marietta by Hazel Baker Miss Donna Gale Gelt- macher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gelt- macher, 117 Essex Street, Marietta, and Richard Pau Rettew, son of Mr. and Mrs J. Paul Rettew, 440 E. Market Street, Marietta, were married on Saturday, October 4 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Aristede S. Red performed the double ring ceremony in St. John’s Episcopal Church. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of sheer organza over tafetta. The square neckline was edged in cluny lace and dotted with seed pearls. Tight fitting sleeves with pleats and cluny lace trim were gathered at the elbow in a soft sheer flounce. The long skirt, attached from the empire waistline had panels of cluny lace and pleats extending to the flounce at the bottom which was also edged in cluny lace. She wore a matching cathedral length mantilla with the headband type headpiece covered with cluny lace ruffle. The illusion veil was trimmed with the same lace. cider. Thurs.-Fri. - Sat. She carried a semi-cascade of mixed white chrysanthe- mums and babybreath, cen- tered with a detachable corsage. Mrs. Charles Huck, Ma- rietta, attended her sister as matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Miss Su- sie Gillham, cousin of the groom, of Mount Joy; and Miss Sandra Nagel, Mariet- ta. Miss Susan Collins, Marietta, was gift receiver. Also in the wedding party were Thomas Johnson, Maytown, cousin of the groom; Charles Huck, bro- ther-in-law of the bride, Marietta; and Dennis Woodring, Harrisburg. Mrs. Martin Byers was organist and Gloria Johnson was soloist. The reception was held at Hostetters Dining Hall, Mount Joy. The couple will live in Harrisburg. The bride graduated from Donegal High School in 1974. The groom is also a graduate of Donegal High School, class of 1971, and 2 graduate of the Electronic “omputer Programing In- ;titute. He is employed by the Department of Public Welfare as a computer operator in Harrisburg. ATR RID Vr SIE > MER LR RR Re Pick Your Own STAYMAN APPLES ; : Next Week - October 8 to 11 Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Sat. 8 am. to 3 p.m. At Our Fruit Market Our own special blend of APPLES makes the best Its fresh, sweet and delicious. Natural good- ness - no preservatives added Gal. $1.50 - 2 Gal. 85¢ APPLES: Red and Yellow Delicious Smokehouse - Stayman - Mcintosh PUMPKINS for pies or decorations GOURDS - INDIAN CORN SWEET POTATOES: Home grown or Maryland grown Local grown IRISH COBBLER POTATOES 50 Ib. - $4.40 Broken WEGE PRETZELS - 5 Ibs. $3.25 Fresh and Frozen VEGETABLES FRESH HOAGIE SANDWICHES - LARGE REG. 85¢c - HAM $1.05 SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. - Fri.-8 a.m. to 9 p.m. — Wed. & Sat. - WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. { % mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661 8 p.m. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. UR IOI) AI AI