Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, October 08, 1975, Image 1

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5 Toy, Th.
National Fire Prevention Week observed here by local fire companies; (See pages 10 & 11)

Volume 75 No. 39 October 8, 1975
Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin
- Ten Cents

Sharon Grissinger, last year’s Homecoming Queen,
crowns Kathy Beach. Miss Beach was escorted by soccer
star Bob Barto.
Homecoming at D.H.S.;Kathy Beach queen;
Indians lose;pictures, stories on pages 6,9,12

Gary Graybill to present proposal
for house to Mount Joy Council

Gary Graybill
Gary Graybill, son of Mrs.

Considerable sympathy
has ‘been aroused for the
evicted Graybills. Mr. and
The Historical Society,
reacting to expressions of
sympathy for the Graybills,
Mrs. Glenn Weaver, 212 has announced that it did
Fairview St., Mount Joy, not ask for the building; the
ind other citizens concerned borough offered it to the
about Mrs. Graybill, a Society.
widow, and her son Gary, Borough officials have
aave been circulating peti- expressed personal sym-
tions urging the Council to
change its decision.
The Lancaster news-
papers have published
pathy for the Graybills, but
see the problem as a conflict
between private and public
interest, in which they are
committed, as public offi-
Majorettes Sue Pickle, Cindy Charles, and Jonan Shi

a as
rk stood in front of the DHS marching

Eva Gray B i, wi} Drese ¢ 2 numerous articles descri- cials, to a solution that A -™
on nC il at th oy bing the plight of the would benefit the greatest Kevin McKain on the sophomore float
g ouncil a Cf Graybills. number of people.
regular monthly meeting
next Monday evening.
Gary will propose that the
Borough permit his mother
and him to continue living in
the house on Manheim and
Barbara Streets that they
have been renting from the
Borough for $20 a month.
Part of Gary’s proposal is
that his mother and he will
undertake renovating the
house. The Borough
Council had asked the
Graybills in August to leave
the house, inhabited by the
family for the past 45 years.
The Council planned to
lease the building to the
Mount Joy Historical Soci-
ety for $1 a year. The
Society would renovate the
building and convert it into a
museum and public meeting
place for Mount Joy resi-
The Council viewed their
decision as in the public
interest, since the house is
located in the borough park.
New ambulance is dedicated by Friendship Fire Company

Johnny Morgan looks over a well equipf i m a
Friendship Fire Co. Pr

Z A'newam
ambulance was dedicated by Friendship Fire Company last Saturday. Included in
the above picture dre: Jerry Hoffmaster, John Farmer, Gary Maxwell, Bill Martin, Mayor
James Gingrich, Rén Alleman and ambulance committee chairman Don Alleman.