Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, September 10, 1975, Image 19
September 10, 1975 CLASSIFIED NOTICE - Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4060. 821 Centerville Rd., lancaster, 17601, FOR RENT - Marietta, 1 bedroom apartment in nice quiet building. Furnished or unfurnished. $100 to $110. 285-5500. NOTICE - Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world at your doorstep, please call - Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area) WELCOME WAGON FOR SALE - IBM Selectric fonts, PR-9-M and EN-11-BC, hardly used. Half price. 426-2212. FEEDING CALVES? - 24 Suckle bottles with clip-on pen holders. Used, good condition. Cheap. 426-1707. JUST ARRIVED — Kelly green and white nylon Donegal lined windbreakers on sale now at Columbia Hardware for $12.99. Buy now for the football season. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FOR SALE—’74 mobile home. 2 bedrooms, front dining room, living room with extension and laundry. Partially furnished. Must sell. 653-4773. JUST ARRIVED—Shipment of Atlanta cast iron woodburning stoves & fireplaces. Supply limited. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. SUPER SALE—72’’ x 32”’ finished dark walnut trestle table. Formica top. Reg. $169.95, Special $125. Sale ends Sept. 20. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. NOTICE—Phillips Art Studio open September 185. Beginners class, Sept. 15; 2nd & 3rd year students, Sept. 16. Call Mrs. James Phillips, 653-1576 for further information. JUST ARRIVED —New 1976 Lawn Boy power mowers. Buy now & receive FREE $25 gift certificate for any shrubbery of your choice. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FOR SALE - Clarinet & oboe. Both in excellent condition. Call Sell’s Barbershop, Marietta. NOTICE - Piano & voice instruction. Marietta & Columbia. Mary Davis. 426-3226. NOTICE §{ Cash paid for electric toy trains. Any amount o1 condition. Call 898-2832. NOTICE — Worms and night crawlers for sale. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Do you have sewing experience in a factory? Would you like all daytime work? In a modern local plant? See our display ad on Page 6 — Donegal Industries Inc. NOTICE{We screen unusual fireplaces. Custom made and stock screens installed. Glassfyre screens, with folding French doors: Thirteen different finishes, tools and equipment. Ream’s Fireplace Shoppe, Talmage, Pa. 656-9016. BARN SALE - every Sat. & Sun., 10 to 5. Antiques, furniture. We do chair caning and chair rushing. SURDICH BARN, Route 441, 2 mi. south of Columbia in Washingto Boro. FOR RENT—Mount Joy, lovely apartment could be permanent home. Retired couple prefered. Opportunity for handyman. Call 653-4980. SALE — 3’ X 5’ American Flags with stand. Reg. $4.99 Sale $4.00. Other flags in stock. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. SPECIAL — One only - 2 man rubber inflatable boat. Reg. $99.95 - Sale $49.99 with free oars. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. ATTENTION: Save money on 30 year guaranteed aluminum siding that has been copied from famous brand name sidings. Free estimates. 426-1571. FOR SALE — 1973 SCAMPER camper trailer. Sleeps 6. Contains kitchenette, stove _sink, ice-box, much more. Excellent condition. $1250. Call 426-3455 after 3:00 p.m. FLEA MARKET—Open weekends at 8 W. Main Street, Mount Joy (side entrance). Antiques, arts & crafts, collectibles. Featuring local artist Tom Hermansader, water colors. Fridays, Sto 9 p.m., Saturdays & Sundays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Country Store Atmosphere. Mt. Joy Country Peddler. Call 653-2021 for information about stands & rentals. 1 i ES I Sr A EE EN IR A ED A ED 0 0 ED 0 SER TR RR RRR CLASSIFIED ADS All classitied ads are 10 cents per word. Minimum SL. Please mail your ad with money or check to ‘Classifieds’, Susquehanna Rufletin, Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta. Pa, of Thanks -$2 PLEASE DO NOT PHONE CLASSIFIED ADS SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 19 COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? =emmmm— QUALITY PRE-OWNED CARS CONTRACTOREES== 174 gore $%9s One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance 1973 GRAN TORINO - 4dr. $2895 RUIOSALES OIL SERVICE 1973 GRAN TORINO coupe $2995 ARNOLD HOLLINGER 1972 CAPRI coupe ‘2600’ ser. $2395 PONTIAC «OL DIMDBILE MOUNT JOY | © 653-4404 1971 PONTIAC LeMans coupe $2195 Sales & Service ATLANTIS PETROLEVM 1969 NOVA SS coupe $2195 MAYTOWN, PENNA. Oil Burner Sales & Service [A. & A. AUTO SALES] WAsouRY _ PAINTEBODVWORK Phone: 653-4831 RA ; PB CARRIGER {located nes to Mount Joy Citgo) MASONRY JERNEBESS PAINT & BODY SHOP Cars painted Wrecks rebuilt Brick - Block - Stone Wh : Silicone Masonry eel Alignment Service [wan 10 save money??? WETS | veus | Wem CALL ME BEFORE YOU BUY A PRINTING ADVERTISERS WATER SOFTENER MYER PRINTING SERVICE | ow cone Oren e cTiVE AMMON SMITH OFFSET PRINTING Advertising 653-1159 LOW PRICES EE EER Hy Rr, ire Susauetanna Times SMITH WATER CONDITIONING CO. Phone 367-6169 aan 807 West Main Street Mount Joy - J GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results! (Hs: dit: yoursalf prices) re. POUNDS D pki RENT oun Ringe N JAC-t new portable, easy-to-use hot water Company got —- D ON EGAL aa ' Sidasieg #9 ution MUTUAL INSURANCE : TE COMPANY Supporting Ra MARIETTA, PENNA. vacuumed up « leaves your carpets CLEAN, FRESH and ODOR-FREE! a Local @ 197% Lart Grams Company inc Pring xeers Them cueanen once S1200 3 (ay STEHMAN'S 'LAUNDROMAT ORANGE ST. MOUNT JOY PHONE 653-2440 Donegal Mutual Insurance Company ROUTE no. 441 BY-PASS MARIETTA, PENNSYLVANIA 1754] - -—r Please send me the Susquehanna Bulletin weekly [SO issus per year] for: Lancaster County marketing livestock! 0 1year-$4.00 [J 2 years - $7.00 NEW HOLLAND makes the 0 3 sears. $9.00 difference in auctions! [Outside Lancaster County] 01 - $4.50 MONDAY - 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 5 de 10 a.m. - Horse Sale { 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw [J 3years-$11.00 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Outside USA - Inquire About Rates Mail to: Susquehanna Bulletin Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, PA. 17547 Name St. & No. or R.D. No. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 Cityor Town .....