Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, August 20, 1975, Image 11
August 20, 1975 Jane E. McDowell Jane McDowell, George Koval announce their engagement Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell of 268 West Market St. Marietta, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jane E. McDowell, Pittsburgh, Pa. to George Koval, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koval of Monessen, Pa. The bride-elect graduated from Donegal H.S. in 1971 and from the University of Pittsburgh in 1975. She is a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in deaf education. Her fiance graduated from Monessen High School and The University of Pittsburg and is at present a second year medical student at the University of Pitts- burg. No date has been set for the wedding. Help Your Child Get Started in Life With Our Insurance Money Plan For further information call Marietta 426-1613 or 426-3862 or write to the above address ———, SAMUEL G. ZUCH NEW YORK LIFE 16 E. MARKET ST., MARIETTA, PA. LIFE,HEALTH,GROUP INS.,PENSIONS,ANNUITIES HAMBURG PATTIES —S5Ibs. $4.95 ALL BEEF FRANKS 99clb. GRADE AA BUTTER 95¢ POTATOES—10 Ibs 95¢ Something New ! BAUM’S BOLOGNA KRAFT'CHEESES \ CREAM CHEESE SUNDAES & SHAKES Fresh Dipped Ice Cream CONES — PINTS — QUARTS CHOCOLATE & SKIM MILK Summer Time Refreshers FRUIT PUNCH, LEMON—LIME, GRAPE | ORANGE, ICED TEA — all only 85¢ gation, 45c¢ half gallon CHOCOLATE & SKIM MILK Miss Suzanne Oberholtzer becomes Mrs. The marriage of Miss Suzanne Oberholtzer to Ke- vin L. Zurin took place Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Mount Joy Mennonite church with the Rev. Shelley Shellenburger officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Oberholtzer, Mount Joy R2. She was graduated from Donegal High School and is employed by Weis Markets, Mount Joy. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Zurin of Mount Joy R2. He was graduated from Hemp- field High School and Mount Joy Vo-Tech School carpen- try course. He is employed Kevin L. Zurin by Jay H. Ginder, Builder, Lawn. Miss Donna Nissley of Mount Joy was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Carol Oberholtzer, sister of the bride, Mount Joy, and Kathy Baltozer, Lititz. Flower girl was Amy Greiner of Mount Joy. Scott Zurin, Mount Joy was ringbearer. Serving as best man was Steve Edris of Manheim. Ushers were: Keith Zurin, brother of the bridegroom, Gary Zurin, and Jeff Mus- ser, all of Mount Joy; and Bob Neff, Lititz. The couple will live at Mount Joy R2. Obituaries Harry D. Campbell, 79, formerly of Marietta, died Monday a week ago in St. Petersburg, Fla. Husband of Pearl Lutz Campbell, he and his wife celebrated their 60th wed- ding anniversary this June. He was the son of the late Edwin and Annie Ruther- ford Campbell. A building painter, Campbell worked for the U. S. Civil Service Commission. He was a World war I veteran. An Episcopalian. In addition to his widow, he is survived by his daughter Evelyn, Mrs. James Spoo, and another daughter, Margaret, Mrs. Paul Bless, five grandchil- dren and five great grand- children. Also surviving are five sisters: Miss Edna Camp- bell, Hershey, Mrs. Francis Morris, Linglestown, Mrs. Samuel Reynolds and Mrs. Nathan Walters both of Marietta, and Mrs. Carl Shannon, Carlisle. Joseph Roberts, 65, Mari etta died last week in his home, 580 E. Front St. Roberts was a retired Ralph M. Hostetter, Prop. : 1 mile east of Mount Joy along Mount Joy Road Open 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Monday thru Saturday Closed Sunday Phone- 653-5155 shipping clerk who had worked at Donegal Steel Co. ‘He belonged to the Congre- gational Bible Church of Marietta. He was a member of the Chiques Rock Hunt- ing Club. His parents were the late Samuel and Mary Adelman Roberts of Marietta. Besides his widow Susan Ressler Roberts, he is survived by three daugh- ters: Mildred, Mrs. James Millar, Marietta; Joane, Mrs. Mrs. George Ott, Marietta; and Jane, Mrs. Donald Mimnal, Washing- ton Boro; sister, Mrs. Alice Emsweiler, West Fair- view; two brothers, Samuel and John Roberts, both of Marietta, and eight grand- children. Mervin Scott Arnold, son of Merle S. and Mary Jane Sollenberger Arnold, 2320 Kenwood Avenue, Willi- amsport, died last Tuesday as a result of a car accident. The driver of the car in which Arnold was riding, swerved to avoid hitting a deer, and struck a barrier. Besides his parents, who used to live in Maytown, Arnold is survived by two sisters, Victoria, Boston, and Marlene, Athens, Greece. Arnold was the grandson of Mrs. Elizabeth Sollenber- ger, Manheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Arnold, May- town. Births Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parmer, Jr., (Judy Copper- smith) Bainbridge, a son at Osteopathic Hospital, 8/11 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wil- lard (Jane L. Chester) 101 S. Clay Street, Marietta, a daughter at General Hospi- tal, 8/12. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinne (Gail Thorne) Mount Joy, R.D. 2, a son at Osteopathic Hospital, 8/14 Mr. and Mrs. John McCurdy (Bonnie Root) 718 Square Street, Mount Joy, a daughter at St. Joseph's Hospital, 8/13 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 11 BEGINNING SEPTEMBER CLASSES: Ballet Gymnastics Slimnastics Drama Call Eleanor Hildebrant Mount Joy 653-1984 Antiques China and Glassware 328 E. Market St. Marietta, Penna. Located 4 miles West of Eliza 426-1270 fgbethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 8 W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. (Side Entrance) ANTIQUES - ARTS & CRAFTS COLLECTIBLES — FLEA-MARKET — OPEN WEEK-ENDS Fridays - 5 pm to 9 pm Saturdays - 10 am to 6 pm Sundays - 10 am to 6 pm Interested Stand Holders CALL 717-653-2021 Air Conditioned — Country Store Atmosphere FOR RENT MAYTOWN TOWNHOUSE 2 bedrooms, complete bath, powder room, living room, dining room w/sliding glass doors to patio. Beautiful kitchen by G.E., hookup for washer- dryer, dishwasher, w/ to w/ shag carpet, air con- ditioned, Cable TV, playground, tennis court. Only 1 79% A month available Sept. 7th. THE VILLAGER TOWNHOUSES PHONE 426-3411 ar a -—— ti tii — AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes te difference in a... ions! 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 10 a.m. - Horse Sale 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal { WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 4 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal | NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc.| New Holland, Penna. ] Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 3544341 | | f MONDAY - : {