Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, July 02, 1975, Image 2
Page 2 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Photo bv Ruth McConnell Virginia Horst installs her daughters Mrs. Pat Horst Blough and Peggy Horst as members of the B.P.W. BPW installs 19 new members Nineteen new members were installed by Mrs. Ben Horst Jr., Past President, for the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women’s Club, Monday night at Hostetters Banquet Hall. Mrs. Mary Andrews, Dis- trict Director, was installa- tion officer for the new officers: Mrs. John Fry, president; Mrs. Earl Koser, Ist vice-president; Mrs. Albert Whalen, 2nd vice- president; Mrs. Ronald Hart, corresponding secre- tary; Miss Sandra Heisey, recording secretary; and Mrs. Barry Etsell, treasur- er. Entertainment was pre- sented by Joyce Mumma, Betty Groff, Carol Musser, and Ethel Broske, members who contributed musical selections. Mrs. Earl Koser, chairperson of the membership committee in- by Hazel Baker troduced Mrs. Andrews, district director, and presen- ted her with a gift. Mrs. Koser also presented a gift to Mrs. Horst. ‘‘Memories’’ was the theme of the session arranged by the member- ship committee; Mrs. Geroge Broske, Miss Mary Jane Hoffer, Mrs. Joe Mumma, Mrs. Andrew Reymer, and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton. Mrs. Gerald Sheetz, pres. conducted the business session when three dele- gates and three alternates were elected to the fall district meeting to be held at Gettysburg on September 20 and 21. Delegates will be Mrs. John Fry, Mrs. Earl Koser, and Mrs. Albert Whalen, Mrs. Ronald Hart, Mrs. Barry Etsell and Miss Sandra Heisey will serve as alternates. An invitation was read LI MLN $ a Photo by Ruth McConnell Lillian Fry, Mary Andrews from the Hershey Club inviting local members to its fashion show-luncheon on September 20. The July meeting of the Mount Joy Club will be held at Groff’'s Farm on July 28 at 6:30 p.m. The District Dinner-Theatre Party will be held at the Host Farm on August Sth at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Ben Horst is district ticket chairperson. Miss Kim Lauver, girl of the month was introduced by Mrs. Barry Etsell, chairperson of the personal development committee. Mrs. Carl Lauver, was also a guest of the club. Miss Pat Brown, winner of the BPW scholarship, and her mother,” Mrs. Brown, were introduced by Mrs. Ben Horst Jr., scholarship committee. New members are Betty Jean Mumma, Ruth Mott, Mary M. Stauffer, Donna Wetzel, Peggy Horst, Chris- tine Brown, Darla Mason, Elaine Richards, Mary Bookwalter, Janet Musser, Jean Miller, Ann Crank- shaw, Dorothy Wagner, Joyce Evans, Helen Hamil- ton, Pat Blough, Sandra Grove, Nancy Bromer, and Olga Casavant. National St’d. family picnic National-Standard Co., Mount Joy Plant, held their annual employee's family picnic on Saturday, June 21 at the Mount Joy Legion Picnic Grounds with over 300 attending. Entertainment was pro- vided by Kitty Durkin and her marionettes, Smilie the Clown, and Glenn Garber at the organ. Door prizes were awarded to Harry Hess, Finley Smallwood, James Baker, Donald Leibfried, and Edward Forry. People insure against floods Residents of East Donegal Township, Marietta, Mount Joy Borough, and Mount Joy Township are all eligible for Federal Flood Insurance. The third asmiversary of the Agmes Flood is a convincing time of the year to be reminded of the possibly great benefits that could be derived from flood insurance. Hurricanes, such as Ag- nes, are most likely to occur from June through September. Coverage up to $35,000 is available for single-family homes and up to $100,000 for other residential build- ings. Coverage up to $10,000 is available on contents of residential build- ings. Flood insurance can be obtained through any local property or casualty insur- ance representative. Leche League to meet Jul. 9 The Elizabethtown-Mount Joy Group of La Leche League will hold its regular ‘meeting on Wednesday, July 9 at 7:30 P.M., in the meeting room of the Norlan- co Family Health Center. The topic for informal discussion is ‘‘The Baby Arrives; The Family and the Breast-fed Baby."’ Any woman interested in learning more about mothering is welcome to attend. For more informa- tien, call Mrs Gladys Thompson, 426-1306 and for telephone counselling, call Mrs. Mary Ann McMullen, 392-5748 or Mrs. Lori Flynn, 393-1490. Will children lose $60,000? In the future, pupils in Donegal schools may not get the special training in reading which they have been receiving. The reason they might lose this special training is because of the lack of interest shown by their parents. The federal government, which has been contributing $60,000 to pay for the special training in the Donegal school, insists that parents participate fully in planning the program. But at a meeting last Tuesday for parents of children in the program - only one parent was pre- sent. Parents could have suggested changes, other uses for the $60,000. But becuase of their lack of interest, their children might lose the benefits of the federal money. July 2, 1975 July is hot.......ceeusees tearerssnesnssenes sesaeiraves Believe it or Not.......ccevarernesensennnsenees stereres Don’t let your car......cccesesevinvsssensnssersenens . Leave you on the spot! by A. Observer MILLER’S sp® ; Mobil’ SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 1 426-3430 LANCASTER COUNTY FARM DINER SMORGASBORD 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET FACILITIES Phone 717-367-6956 Rt. 230-1 Mile East of Elizabethtown, Pa. STEHMAN’S LAUNDROMAT “nea's Most Unusual Center” ORANGE ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. Newly Remodeled Air Conditioned Hours 7-11, 7 Days a Week SCHMIDT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs - Alterations - Sewers - Water Heaters Antiques China and Glassware | THE PARLOR Bats HEATING SYSTEMS 328 E. Market St. INSTALLED & Marietta, Penna. SERVICED. 426-1270 EAST PETERSBURG, PA. 569-5989 l Kitchen Aid Dishwashers & Disposals LESTER E. ROBERTS & SONS 847 East Main Street Mount Joy EMERCENCY EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS MEDICAL SERVICES SATURDAY AFTERNOON Available Day & Night SUNDAY COLUMBIA HOSPITAL" Dr. David E. Schlosser 7th & Poplar (Mount Joy Area Only) (Emergency Entrance) SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin : Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and Christmas week (50 issues per year) Publisher - Nancy H. Bromer, 426-2212 or 426-1707 Advertising Mgr. Nancy Bromer, 426-2212 News Editor Hazel Baker, 426-3643 Circulation Mgr. Judy Swab, 426-3159 Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $4 per year Vol. 75 No. 26 July 2, 1975 a mT