Dick. Standing, left to right: Joseph Moore, Alois Heilig, Charles Siller, Walter Becker, Guy Myers, John Eshleman, and Joseph Shaeffer. M.J.H.S. Class of ’25 holds 50th The Mount Joy High School Class of 192S celebrated their 50th Reunion together at Historic Strasburg. Photo by Ja es E. Beck II Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Biemesderfer, guests of the class MONTMORENCY CHERRIES starting July 4 YOU PICK OR WE PICK PRICES ARE LOWER THIS YEAR We Have Canning Lids white enamel with rubber seal 65¢ doz. - 50 for $2.60 - 100 for $5.00 SPECIALS Weaver’s Chicken while supply lasts Dutch Frye Breast - 5 Ibs. $5.95, Reg.-87.25 Turnovers - 5 Ibs.-$3.95, Reg.-$4.95 Frosty Acre frozen Beef Patties - 10 Ib.-$8.75 Martins Frankfurters and Weaver’s Chicken Frankfurters OUR OWN FRESH EGGS TRY OUR HOME MADE SHOO FLY PIES 2 pies for $2.25 Picnic Supplies - Groceries Summer Store Hours Mon, Tues, Thurs., -8 am to 8 pm Fri.,-8 amto9 pm Wed, and Sat., - 8am to 6 pm WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. 4 mile West of Photo by James E. Beck II Scated, left to right: Mildred Way, Mrs. Roth (Smith) Strickler, and Mrs. Miriam (Mumma) July 2, 1975 Mount Joy summer playground underway All the sponsoring organ- izations for the Summer Playground Program would like to thank the Mount Joy Lions Club for extending the use of its facilities for the ‘Learn to Swim Cam- paign’’. At the Mount Joy play- ground the beginners’ class will be held from 8:30 to 9:15a.m. from July 7 to July 18. Swimmers must provide their own transportation. In Marietta the beginners’ class will be from9:30 to 10:15a.m. from July 7 to July 18 and busses will be provided for the swimmers. In Maytown and Florin the beginners will be swimming from 9:30 to 10:15, July 21 to August 1. The advanced beginners’ and intermediate classes in Mount Joy and Marietta will be held from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m., July 21 to August 1. The Maytown and Florin advanced beginners and intermediates will be swim- ming from 8:30 tb 9:15a.m. from August 4 to 8. Junior and Senior Life- saving will be offered at all playgrounds from 9:30 to 10:15a.m., August 4 to 8. These students must pro- vide their own transporta- tion. e Are you often away from your phone or office? e Do people need to locate you instantly? * Are you tired of being tied to your office? Busses will be provided for all swimming lessons for the Maytown and Marietta playgrounds. Boys and girls from the Mount Joy and Florin playgrounds will pro- vide their own transporta- tion. All of the boys and girls wishing to take part in the program must be registered at their respective play- grounds. The ‘‘Learn to Swim Campaign’’ is under the direction of Warren Hay- man, Water Safety Instruc- tor, who will be assisted by volunteers from the three communities. Another new service of your telephone company might be just what you're looking for. The first truly “shirt pocket” pager, United Telephones’ “Pageboy 1” radio pager, is the newest companion to your pocket, pen or pencil. z | It’s the smallest, lightest pager avaifable. inches long and a light 3.9 ounces. You'll only know it's there when you need it. It's only 4 1/2 Call or visit your local United Telephone Business Office today and ask about the Pageboy II. UTS UNITED TELEPHONE
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