Page 10-SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Have a Good Holiday Weekend We will be Closed on JULY 4 Banquet Facilities Available | The Carpenter’s Inn Phone 367-2432 26-32 Market St., Elizabethtown Os 8 WEEK > OF JULY 4th Buy 1 single roll at regular price and the 2nd roll will only cost 1 cent.choose from the large selection of patterns in the American Spirit & American Beauty Collections. | lie Buckley s 2lfe 90 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. 653-5554 Hours: Daily 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thurs. Fri. eve. 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed Wed. Union National Mount Joy Bank 4th of July Holiday Hours MOUNT JOY OFFICE On Thursday, July 3rd, all drive-in and walk-up window facilities will be open until 6 p.m. This includes the Main street window and the Motor bank There will be regular lobby hours until 2 p.m. MAYTOWN OFFICE On Thursday, July 3rd, the Drive-In Window will be open until 5 p.m. There will be regular lobby hours. — MOUNT JOY & MAYTOWN OFFICES On Saturday, July 5th, there will be regular drive-in and walk-up hours from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. CLOSED FRIDAY, JULY 4th John C. Goodling, Sr., March, 1929 John Goodling, Sr., 92 first Marietta mailman by Hazel Baker John Goodling, 525 E. Market St., Marietta, the first home delivery mail carrier in Marietta retired after 37 years on the route. Now at age 92, he keeps busy raking his lawn, gardening, fishing and watching T. V. Born in Perry County on March 30, 1883, Goodling was married to the late Ethel Kraus Goodling and is the father of two children: Buy Only One More Muffler! FOR LIFE OF CAR Labor not nt sje) Route 230 West Mount Joy, Pa COLUMBI FACTORY OUTLET BED SPREADS DRAPES LINCOLN WI-WAY ': MILE EAST OF SAVE 20%-50% DAILY 9-6, FRI. 9-9, SAT.9-5 (684-6341) FREE REPLACEMENTS WISSLER MOTORS | COLUMBIA TURN SOUTH ON OSWEGO DRIVE La Rue Goodling Hohen- stein, Centerville, and John Jr., Marietta, also a mail employee at the post office. He has three grandchildren. Goodling served Marietta in the positions of Elder, Sunday School Superinten- dent, and Treasurer of the United Methodist Church of Christ for SO years. He is a member of the Marietta Lion’s Club and also of the Restoration Associates. Goodling attributes his longevity to plenty of exercise and good eats. His life span covers the era from no automobiles to man’s landing on the moon. He is possibly the oldest citizen in Marietta. July 2, 1975 KENNY SMITH SPORTING GOODS 65 E. Main St. Mount doy: Pa. 17352 Fp— TOP QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT DISCOUNT PRICES DUOFOLD TENNIS WEAR,JELENK WARM—UPS SPEEDO & DOLPHIN SWIMWEAR PUMA. TIGER, CONVERSE, NIKE, & TREETORN SHOES COMPLETE LINE OF ICE HOCKEY & STREET HOCKEY EQUIPMENT ALL ATHLETIC GOODS HOURS: Mon. & Tues. - 10 to 5:30; Closed Wed; Thurs. - M0 to 8; Fri. - 10to 9; Sat. - 10 to 3:30 Phone 717-653-5051 B.B. BILLMEYER, Jewelry “Since 1915” MARIETTA, PA. MEL & GERRY HEISTAND, PROPS. GREINER'’S GARAGE, INC. Tires Lubrication Front End Alignment R.D 2 (Route 230) MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 17552 Phone: 653-4650 L & 6G MOTORS Quality Used Cars & Trucks Batteries {ONEBRIDGE FARpy S Visit our New Retail Store 1% mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. Where we fore our own LOCAL REEF, PORK, VEAL & LAMB. Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS \ 5p Full Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS CUSTOM BUTCHERING Mon. - Thurs., 8 - 5:30 — Fri., 8-8 —Sat., 8-5 PHONE 653-4087 John H. Brubaker WHOLESALE RETAIL CUSTOM ‘Since 1875’ Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone: [717] 367-1246 ET A SR REC. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING cut-wrapping-freezing CUSTOM CURING ARR, FOR THE FREEZER Hind Quarters Front Quarters Sides of Beef cut-wrapped-frozen HOMEMADE BOLOGNA A AE REA SAMUEL G. ZUCH NEW YORK LIFE 16 E. MARKET ST., MARIETTA, PA. LIFE, HEALTH.GROUP INS..PENSIONS,ANNUITIES Help Your Child Get Started in Life With Our Insurance Money Plan For further information call Marietta 426-1613 or 426-3862 or write to the above address X FEATURING DRIVE THROUGH X SERVICE Hours-Tuesday thru Saturday-8 AM to 9 PM We Will Be Closed July 4th AoA SOA Ok . Porter * Soft Drinks ROOT DISTRIBUTOR PE AN 0D Pe BS ed ed on To » x, - VEX * vr 22 nn nus nnnnnx
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