Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, June 04, 1975, Image 18
Page 18 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Bicentennial dinner made by students by Mrs. Brenda Kindbon On May, 20, 1975, one of my. freshman America Cult- ures classes planned and prepared a bicentennial dinner. The students re- searched the recipes them- selves, as well as doing all of the cooking. Judy Sheetz and Sally Reis- inger were in charge of the fruit cup which was made of fresh apples, oranges, ba- banas, and cherries. Elea- nor Rapp and Dortha Saude were responsible for cooking fifteen pounds of roast beef. Sliced baked potatoes, corn, and green beans helped to complete the menu with apple cider and juice as a beverale. A special treat was home- made bread baked by April Richards, Wendy Prescott, and Frances Lilly. As a grand finale, dessert consist- ed of homemade Cherry, Apple, Pumpkin and Shoofly pies baked by Melanie Pobon, April Richards, Holly Spence and Sandy Shearer. Of course no pie is complete without home- made ice cream which was made by Keith Pietsch, JOIN OUR Holly Spence and Patty . Sheetz. To provide some of the co- lonial atmosphere, the cooks, including Kathy Moyer, wore long dresses and aprons. The aprons were made by Sue Pickle, Lori Richards, Betty Slesser, and Nancy Stehman. They also made tablecloths to decorate the tables and embroidered them. Afterwards, everyone agreed it was a successful evening. All the students donated food and pitched in to help for an evening which provided a tremen- dous learning experience for them. FOREMAN AND MUSSER GRADUATE FROM PENN STATE Barry Eugene Foreman, R.D. 2, Mount Joy, and Glenn Arthur Musser, R.D. 1, Mount Joy, were gradu- ated from Pennsylvania State University. Foreman received a B.S. in architectural engineering and Musser received a B.S. in agricultural engineering. NOW , Barbara Jennings and Mary Ann Bellafonte Barbara Jennings flies in Angel Air Derby Barbara Fellenbaum Jen- nings, formerly of Mount Joy, recently completed a 1429 mile flight as co-pilot from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, to Titusville, Fla., in PA-28R-200 Arrow 11. Mrs. ‘Jennings made the flight with co-pilot Mary - Ann Bellafonte as a contes- tant in the Angel Derby Air Race, the 25th International All Women’s Air Race. Mrs. Jennings was among 104 women avaiators who participated in the contest. She is a resident of Valparaiso, where her hus- Be sure of that well deserved Vacation Next Year, SAVE conveniently from 50¢c to $10.00 per week, and watch your club grow as you make your vacation plans. Pay 50 cents a week and receive Pay $ 1.00 a week amd receive Pay $ 2.00 a week and receive . Pay $ 3.00.a week and receive ......... Pay $ 5.00 a week and receive ... eon 0» If you had a Vacation Club at Union National last year, relax and enjoy your va- cation. If you didn’t have a Club — NOW is the time to start! A CLASS FOR EVERY PLAN AND PURSE cee. $ 100.00 .$ 150.00 ...$ 250.00 Pay $19.00 & week and receice ..........$ 500.00 MOUNT JOY, PA. JOIN TODAY UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MAYTOWN, PA. band is an attorney. She learned to fly after her children needed less of her attention. She is a member of the Porter County Pilots Association. Bcok to be published on Mount Joy by Cheryl Hallgren The Mount Joy Bicenten- nial Committee under the leadership of Paul and Vera Gingrich held its monthly meeting on Wed., May 14 at the Boro Hall. Patricia Moran, chairper- son of the Heritage commit- tee reported that a booklet about Mount Joy will be published for 1976. It will include pictures from the past and a written history of the town. Mrs. Moran's committee will be meeting on Wednesday, June 11, at 8:30 at the Boro building to begin organizing the pub- lication. Anyone wishing to help with this project is invited to attend. Chairperson of the Festiv- ities Committee, Larry Gain- er reported that the Jaycees are planning a carnival for the Bicentennial celebration and other organizations are being contacted to sponsor projects during 1976. Gloria Straub listed sev- eral suggestions proposed by the Future committee. They are: the changing of the name Mount Joy to Mountjoy, which would re- quire the placing of this question on the November ballot, the designing of a Boro flag and seal, the sale of 1776 trees with a plaque noting the Bicentennial year and several other projects still in the planning stages. The next meeting of the Bicentennial Committee will be held at the Boro Hall on Wednesday, June 11 at 8:00 ¢.m. The public is invited to attend. DID YOU HEAR.... Grace (Mrs. Guy) Hoff- man celebrated her seventy- fifth birthday on the day before Memorial Day. June 4, 1975 ECKMAN'S HOTEL 130 W. FRONT ST., MARIETTA LUNCHES DAILY 11:00 to 1:00 KITCHEN OPEN "THURSDAY EVENING 4:00-7:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 5:00- 11:00 " BEER - WINE - LIQUOR — 426-2225 _ ——— > STONEBRIDGE FAR, ~ Visit our New Retail Store r 1% mi, S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. 4 - asa Where we feature our own LOCAL BEEF, PORK, VEAL & LAMB} | Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS ¥ “H¥{ Full Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS CUSTOM BUTCHERING = Mon. - Thurs., 8 - 5:30 — Fri., 8 - 8 — Sat., 8 - 5 & PHONE 653-4087 John H. Brubaker Trane red ma your hot ma (to be a cool chick) The red hot mama we’re talking about is your wife...the mama of your kids. Before she boils | over from the summer heat and flips her lid, give her Trane Whole House Air Conditioning. It’s easy. We’ll send out a specialist to analyze your the system that’s best suited for _ you...then install it with the professional skill and care for which we’ve earned our reputation as a Trane Authorized Dealer. No delays. No muss or fuss. Mama will like that. So why not surprise her? Call us today and turn your red hot mama into a cool chick. (It may be the coolest move you’ve made since the day you made her your wife.) No obligation for Estimates rr Whole House anne Air Conditioning LEO KOB, INC. Since 1904 PLUMBING — HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING 24 S. Market Street Ph. 367-1363 Elizabethtown