Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, June 04, 1975, Image 14
page 14 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN I Late spring and early summer is a time of new sunshine, warm rain, grow- ing grass and dandelions, but more importantly, it is also a time for fishing. In spring the fisherman is among the luckiest of men, for available to his is the antidote to spring fever and an excuse for getting out into the open air. This excuse comes in the call of the Susquehanna small mouth bass. (Season opens June 14.) Since fishermen are sound-minded men, we re- treat from the battle against the dandelion and growing grass, responding to the call that comes from the depths of nearby waters. Available to all of us “San Remo” Normal firm smooth-top single size mattress, match- ing box springs, sturdy metal frame plus serviceable vinyl headboard. 3th 77 dup BROWSING HOURS Ly \ J Ny "TRUCKER Weekdays 1-9 OF FACTORY FRESH ‘FURNITURE Saturday 1-6 locally, is the thrill of trying 17 New bisven st. M1. Joy to catch the air climbing, tail a. walking, head shaking , small mouth bass. Pound for pound, the fighting qualities of our smallmouths are not matched in fresh water - fishing, and the mild suc- culent flavor is among the best of fresh water fish. These bass are bred and hatched free, in the wild, and willing to fight you to frazzle trying to stay that way. Smallmouths are easy to catch or impossible to catch, depending on their mood. My children have caught them on worms with the most inexpensive of rods, while men in specially designed ‘‘Bass Boats’’ with several thousand dollars worth of equiptment often fail. Bass can sometimes be coaxed into a biting mood any time of the day, in any month of the year, but there are some ‘‘best’” times. When the water tempera- ture is between 65° and STEHMAN’S LAUNDROMAT Newly Remedeled Air Conditioned Hours 7-11, 7 Days a Week Foreign Car Owners ! Finally A repair specialist you can trust. right in Mount Joy. Now you don’t have to waste time, travel, and money on repairs. We also offer: ¥* (Quality Pre-owned Cars 73 TORONADO,2 dr.hardtop,air, AM-FM stereo,power windows, power door locks,vinyl roof 72 THUNDERBIRD, 2 dr.hardtop,air, AM-FM stereo, vinyl roof, power windows *70 CHRYSLER Newport, 4 dr.hardtop, air, PS,PB, radio, vinyl roof "FORD Fairlane,2 dr.hardtop,PS, radio, vinyl roof ’67 CORVETTE coupe,power windows, AM-FM radio historic A. Bube’s Brewery & Catarnmhs, “National Register of Historic Places’ ‘Registered Historical Landmark'’ Well informed tour guides explain the many facets of brewing in the upper and lower levels of Lancaster County’s oldest brewery. Giant vats are still in place within the Lagering Cellar. The fermented brew was placed in wooden casks in order to age for a period of 30 days before being drawn off into smaller kegs which were stored 43 feet below the street surface. Temperature remains around 50 de- grees year around in the Catacombs. TOURS DAILY MAY 1 TO NOVEMBER 1 102 N. Market St., Mt. Joy, Pa. (1 block back of Post Office) Phone 653-2056 HOURS: Mon. -Sat.-7to9;Sun.-9t0 9 MOUNT JOY CITGO Service Station Abe Weidman Lunches—11 to 2; Dinners—S5 to 9 Monday thru Thursday—5 to 9 Friday and Saturday—S5 to 10 SUNDAY DINNERS Served in First Floor Dining Room 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. Locally Owned 964 Main Street, Mount Joy Phone: 653-1104 eo + * x » 54 . 5 os PREIS GR CLEeDIABBAABIA RIANA AN & June 4, 1975 Catching smallmouths in the Susquehanna By J. L. Biesecker 75°F and when the stream is on the rise, but not muddy, bass seem to feed best. Late afternoon and nights after a sunshiny day also seem to encourage the larger bass into cooperation. My largest bass of the 1974 season was caught at twilight faded into darkness. Fickle, is the only word that can describe the bass when it comes to suggesting the type of lures they will take. The most successful lures are six-inch black worms with pork-rind, Floating Rapala, Rebel, Flatfish, Meeps and other spinners. Night fishing calls for noisy top water plugs such as Torpedo and Talking Minnow. None of these guarantee success. Today’s bass producing lure is often tomorrow’s failure. I have wasted many hours insisting the bass accept the lure that had taken their brethern several days earlier. Some days, every lure in the box fails to produce results. I pretend to be discouraged, but actually use my days of failure as an excuse to return to the river sooner than I might have otherwise. When the artificial lures fail, live bait will often bring in the bass. Minnows are good, Crayfish are better and Hellgrammites are best. Hellgrammites are difficult to find since they are easily killed by pollution, but they are worth the effort expend- ed in searching them out In fact, any work that one must do to assist in the catching of Susquehanna smallmouth bass is worth the energy used. When you have experienced the jolt of this green shaft of lighten- ing striking out of the depths, smashing into the lure, sending a tingle through the body and raising the hair on the nape of the neck, you will agree that it is worth the work. After you have come to know and respect our Susquehanna Scrapper, you will also answer his call. He calls you to come test your skills, match your wits and take a chance. The exper- ience will leave you wide- eyed and anxious for more. See you June 14th on the Susquehanna DID YOU HEAR...... After the Bulletin publish- ed an article last week about Christopher Swab’s nursing an injured bird back to health, quite a few damaged or sick birds were brought to Christopher for their conva- lescence. « ¥ odin as hi WT 2 - EE EEE i a RATA ATA ATA AA ATR AT AT ATA AT AY TY RT EY CP TP FE YY AV UP TY TY CY POI TPIT SPOR O YEE!