Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, May 21, 1975, Image 3

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    May 21, 1975
The Adams Brothers

Firemen to dedicate
new hall on May 31
by Hazel Baker
Plans have been complet-
ed for the dedication of the
Marietta Fire House which
will be highlighted with a
parade, a dinner at the new
structure and a carnival at
Marietta War Memorial
The events will be held on
Saturday, May 31. The
dinner will be held from
11a.m. until 1p.m.; Dedica-
tion of the new structure will
be held at 1p.m. The parade
will move at 3p.m. and the
carnival will be from 4:30
The dedication committee,
with Harold McKain as
Chairperson, has arranged
for the Reverend Aristede
Red, Fire Company Chap-
lain, to offer the Invocation.
Representing the Heilman
Memorial from whose leg-
acy a considerable sum was
realized as stated in the will
of the late Kate Heilman
Resch ‘to be’ given to the
Boro of Marietta for which it
will serve the most people’,
will be the Reverend John
Hiestand. Paul Z. Kbnier,
Lancaster County Fire Mar-
shall with Robert Haycock,
Pennsylvania State Police

Fire Marshall will offer
congratulations and Rever-
end Red will close the
service with the benedic-
Members of the dedica-
tion committee are:Kenneth
Geesey, also president of
the association; William
Bailey, Barry Eppley, Dean
Shope and Terry Fry.
The Adams Brothers,
featuring Bluegrass and
Country music, songs and
humor for the whole family
will be the main attraction
for the carnival to be held in
Marietta War Memorial
The Adams Brothers re-
corded their first record in
1974 enfitled ‘Our Flag of
Bluegrass’ named after a
song written by Dad Adams.
The Record has been
internationally accepted.
Tom Adams is 1973
National Champion in the
Junior Band Division of the
National Championship
Country Music Contest,
held each year in Warrenton
Virginia. His banjo picking
won the championship in
1973, second place in 1972
and third place in 1971.

American flags.


wey ee-
Memorial Day
It began as Decoration Day ,
garlands were placed on the graves of the
Civil War dead. It became Memorial Day, an |
occasion for America to honor those who
gave their lives in all wars.
It has continued with solemn ceremonies |
in the cemeteries across the country with
parades of school children proudly carrying
Let us remember who we are and where
we are, Americans in a free land with the
power of self-determination, and -pause to
those who have preserved our
How May We Be Of Service To You?
Richard D. Smedley

when |,



Marietta alley
to be closed
Permission was given
Tuesday night by the
Marietta Borough Council to
close the alley between the
homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew and Mr. Harry
The alley runs between
Hazel Avenue and Front
Street and was closed
because it caused traffic
problems. An ordinance
will be drawn for the
borough to vacate this land.
Rick Umbenhauer pre-
sented an amendment to the
ordinance regulating sewer
fees. The council adopted
this amendment. Mr.
Umbenhauer is the borough
solicitor. Because the
Marietta—Donegal (sewer)
Authority has raised its
rental fees to the borough, a
$3.00 per quarter increase
must be made to property
owners, retroactive April 1.
The council agreed to ask
the state for acquisition of
Waterford Avenue and Bank
Street, which will raise the
liquid fuel tax refund to the
Council said that a state
representative had told
them they should apply for
the streets on the edge of
They granted permission
to Pioneer Fire Company to
place no parking signs from
the square to the ‘S’ bend
during the Pioneer Fire
Company parade of May 31.
Chestnut and East Walnut
Streets also will be policed
to help visiting fire equip-
ment negotiate turns.
William Brenner Post
466, American Legion, was
given permission for a
parade on Memorail Day,
May 26. The parade will
form at Riverview Element-
ary School at 10:30a.m. and
will move at 12:30p.m. The
parade will go south to
Market Street, west to Ga_
Street, then north on Gay to
the cemetery.
Council allowed the
Farmers First Bank to have
an attendant directing traf-
fic in their lot during rush
Mayor Bernard M. Mc-
Devitt will be the speaker
at the Memorail Day parade
and the invocation will be
given by the Reverend
Aristede Red. Mayor
McDevitt and Don Parker,
council president, will be
attending future Council of
Government meetings be-
cause Mr. Umbenhauer
resigned Tuesday night.
The Bainbridge Legion
Post was vandalized last
Wednesday night. Damage
appears to be extensive,
probably in excess of $500.





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