Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, May 21, 1975, Image 12

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Carol Nicky and Linda Flowers present Mrs, Kathryn Sargen
with the first Dedication Plate
Heilman descendant
honored by
by Hazel Baker
Mrs. Kathryn Sargen, a
decendant of Kate Heilman
Resch, was presented the
first plate made especially
for the dedication of Mariet-
ta Pioneer Fire Company’s
new structure to be dedicat-
ed May 31, by Mrs. Steve
Nicky, president and Mrs.
Jay Flowers, chairperson of
fund raising.
Through Mrs. Resch’s
bequest to the residents of
Marietta, ‘where it will
serve the most people’, the
amount of $29,065 was
given to the fire company
and served as the basic sum
for the $80,000 structure.
The plate of ceramic with
a white base has black
lettering, a red photo of the
La Frahce Fire Truck, and
the date of dedication.
Plates will go on sale
immediately and can be
aquired from any member of
the Pioneer Fire Company
Auxiliary or by calling the
chairperson of the fund
raising, Mrs. Jay Flowers
at 426—1862.
Fellenbaum Tennis
Tournament, May 31
The third annual John H.
Fellenbaum Tennis Tourna-
ment will be held May 31
and June 1 at the Racquet
Club West.
John H. Fellenbaum, for
whom the tournament is
named, died suddenly of a
heart attack in July of 1973.
A tennis enthusiast, Mr.
Fellenbaum was a native of
Mount Joy and an employee
of Armstrong Cork Com-
pany for 32 years.
“sbrnea’s Moot Unusual Center”
125 Orange Street, Florin Ward
your clothes to be the cleanest, brightest, freshest ever.
Leisure Club
by Jos. Shaeffer
The Mount Joy Leisure
Club Met in the Florin Fire
Hall Monday May 12 with
102 members and guests
present. The meeting wad
opened by President Joe
Shaeffer with the pledge of
allegiance to the flag. The
secretary’s report was read
by Nedra Brandt and the
treasurer’s report by Kath-
yrn Zink.
George Broff reporting on
Community Council activi-
ties, reported all is ready for
the Memorial Day activities
which will be held Saturday
May 24 and will include a
parade, bake sale, carnival,
and fire works. Mr. Groff
reported that the Vo-Tech
students will plant a tree in
honor of Robert Germer.
Mrs. Walter Scheffler of
the Sunshine Committee
reported 16 cards sent to the
shut-its. Mrs. Bertha
Foreman of the entertain-
ment committee stated the
next meeting would be a
birthday party and an
auction. Members were
asked to bring items for the
auction. Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Fetter were installed
as new members and Mr.
and Mrs. Irvin Kraybill were
Mr. Ralph Redmond,
proprietor of the Cherry
Lane Dairy. Chambersburg,
PA, spoke to the group
concerning petitions he is
seeking to present to the
Milk Control Board allowing
hin to retail milk at $1.26 a
The present law

+ Roomy, clean atmosphere
Lounge Area
Bachelor Service
Our washers feature 2 Wash Cycles and 3 Rinse Cycles
v» Ample Parking
v Play area for children (inside & Outside)
v» You can wash more for less $ $ S$.
plans auction
states no milk in Pennsyl-
vania can be sold to the
consumer for less than $1.47
per gallon. After his re-
marks, the Leisure Club
members signed the petition
and several members took
blank petitions to have them
filled in by other organiza-
President Shaeffer pre-
sented the final details for
the bus trip to Duke
Gardens Wednesday May
21. A total of 75 had signed
up for the trip at the May |
President Shaeffer an-
nounced the Mount Joy
Rotary Club was launching a
program to beautify Main
Steet by the use of flower
boxes. The initial experi-
ment will be five boxes,
three to be placed at the
borough building and two at
the library. Volunteers
would be needed to plant
the boxes and then from
time to time check on them.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Horton
stated they would oversee
the planting and the main-
tenance of the boxes.
Other items were dis-
cussed which will be
brought before the group at
a later date, and the
business meeting adjourn-
ed. The invocation was
given by Arthur Braun after
which cake and coffee were
served. After the lunch,
bingo was played by some of
the members. The next will
be held June 9 and will be
an auction.





Amy Winters, Barbie Mann, Elizabeth Zuch and Cindy
Maytown Field Day
by Pam Horst
Maytown Elementary
school held its field day for
third and fourth graders at
1:00 on Wednesday May
14th. There were events to
interest everyone such as
the dash, softball throw,
relay races, long jump, and
the tug-of-war.
Mount Joy’s annual
Memorial Day Parade will
be held Saturday May 24
starting at 2:00 P.M.
The first division will be:
Police Chief, Color Guard,
Mayor, Donegal High
School Band, President of
Community Council, the
new Ambuldnce, Troop#39
Boy Scouts float, Troop #39
Marching Unit, American
Legion Auxiliary President
and American Legion Com-
The second division will
be the Hempfield High
School Band, Cindys’ School
of Baton, Cub Pack #136
Float, Cub Pack #138
Marching Unit and Cub
Pack #136 Convertibles, and
Lancaster Catholic High
School Band.
Division three will be the

Everyone pulls at the Tug of War on Field Day
Parade in Mt. Joy Sat.

The first and ‘second
graders participated in a
tug-of-war contest. The
children made victory signs
for thier team and cheered
with much enthusiasm. The
teachers were as excited as
the students as they stood
by their teams cheering
_ them on to victory.
borough Council President,
Mount Joy Citizens Band
Float, 2 J.C. Convertibles,
Columbia High School
Band Pennseys Strutters,
Troop #63 Boy Scout Float,
Lions Club Float, and the
Fencibles, and the Assemb-
ly of God Church float.
The fourth division will be
the. B.P.W. float, 7-9 con-
vertables with the boy and
girl of the month, W.L
Beahm School Band, Bar-
ronetts of Manheim Ladies
Auxiliary Fire Co. float,For-
est Fire Crew, and the
Equipment of Friendship
and Florin Fire Companies,
a Calliope and all late
Spend the day in Mount
Joy. After the parade a
carnival and fireworks are
scheduled at Kunkle Field.
May 21 1975