Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, May 07, 1975, Image 16

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Mrs. Hamilton receives award from Mrs. Fackler
Helen Hamilton
by Cheryll Hallgren
The Mount Joy Joycee-
ettes entertained the club
women of the community
at a tea on Sunday, May 4,
at Hostetter’s Banquet Hall.
The women and their or-
ganizations were honored
for their service and contri-
butions to the community.
Approximately one hundred
women attended.
The highlight of the tea
was the presentation of the
Outstanding Woman of the
Year Award by Joycee-ette
President, Crystal Fackler,
to Helen Hamilton. Mrs.
Hamilton was chosen by a
special committee consist-
ing of two Joycee-ettes and
several local citizens. Letters
were sent to all organiza-
tions in the community re-
questing nominations for
the award. Many nomina-
tions were received and were
then submitted to the com-
mittee for evaluation.
Helen, wife of Gilbert
Hamilton, livesat 308 South
Market Ave., Mount Joy.
She leads a very busy and
active life, lending her time
and efforts to helping others
in her home, her neighbor-
hood and in her community.
Mrs. Hamilton was instru-
mental in the organization
of Meals-on-Wheels program
in Mount Joy. Each week
she helps prepare the meals
and to organize their dis-
of the
tribution. She also serves
as Executive Secretary of
the program. Helen is Presi-
dent of the Women’s Guild
of Glossbrenner United
Methodist Church and this
year she and her husband
co-chaired the congregation-
al dinner at Glossbrenner.
Mrs. Hamilton is a member
of the Mount Joy Business
and Professional Women.
At home Mrs. Hamilton
is a licensed antique dealer
and is also well-known to
her neighbors as an avid
gardener who is always will-
ing to share her knowledge
with them. She is also very
concerned about the wel-
fare of stray animals who
appear in the neighborhood
and tries to find homes for
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton
share their home on South
Market Avenue with Mr.
Hamilton’s grand motherand
Mrs. Hamilton’s father.
The Joycee-ettes who or-
ganized the writing and mail-
ing of the nomination let-
ters were Debra Newcomer,
chairwomen, Lois Getty, Pat
Sinegar and Harriet Ney.
The Joycee-ettes who or-
ganized the tea were: Cheryll
Hallgren, chairwoman, Pat
Moran, Sandra Gingrich,
Patti Sinegar, Diana Blace,
Jacquie McCurdy, Donna
Wetzel, LaVon Harnish and
Crystal Fackler.
D. Hess is May Queen
Diane Hess is May Queen at Beahm Junior
Diane Hess

Don Witman
Donald is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. Martin Witman,
R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. He
is a senior in the academic
course at Donegal High
His high school activities
include: Soccer 9, 10, 11,
12; Band 9, 10, 11, 12
(President); County Band
10, 11; Stage Band 9, 10,
11, 12; Chorus 9, 10. 11,
12; Brigadoon 11; Camelot
12; County Chorus 11, 12;
District Chorus 11, 12; Re-
gional Chorus 11; All East-

Don Witman
ern Chorus, Ist Tenor 12;
Dramatics Club 9, 10, 11,
12; National Honor Society
12; Year Book Staff 12.
Donald is a member of
Florin Church of the Breth-
ren where he is a member of
the Men’s Choir and Senior
He is in the CEP program
with Eshelman Studio, Man-
heim where they are pro-
viding him with a summer
He plans to attend Eli-
Elizabethtown College after
graduation from Donegal
High School, where he will
major in music.
Helene is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Dal-
kiewicz, R. D. 1, Marietta,
Pa. She is a member of the
senior class at Donegal High
Her high school activities
include: Track 9,10,11, 12;
Dramatics Club 9, 10 (Parlia-
mentarian) 11, 12 (V. Pres.);
Rifle Club 9; Spanish Club
11, 12; Science Cub 11;
by Pam Horst
The 1975 May Day Cele-
bration, sponsored by the
Junior High Student Coun-
cil, was held on Friday
evening at 7:15 in the W. I.
Beahm Junior High audi-
Highlighting the evening
was the crowning of the
1975 May Queen, Diane
Hess, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Hess, R. D. 1,
Mount Joy. Diane was a
representative of section
8-B. Her activities in school
include: gym club member,
an enthusiastic wrestling
cheerleader, and a student
council representative. For
Girl and Boy of Month

Helene Dalkiewicz
Drama Club' Assemblies 9,
10, 11, 12; National Edu-
cation Development Test
Certificate of Merits 10;
Senior Class Play 11, 12;
Senior Class Executive Com-
mittee 12; Camelot Stage
Committee 12; Hispanic
Honor Society 12; National
Honor Society 11, 12.
In addition. she has ser-
ved as a “Candy-Stripe Vol-
unteer” at St. Joseph’s Hos-
Lauver, queen of May
Kim Lauver reigns
by Pam Horst
The 1975 May Queen for
Donegal High School is Kim
Lauver, 213 Mount Joy
Street, Mount Joy.
Kim was crowned by
Victoria Eichler, the 1974
Donegal May Queen, who
was escorted by Jeffrey
Sheetz, president of the
senior class. Kim’s escort
was Rick Lucabaugh.
Miss Lauver’s activities
in school consist of drama-
tics club, chorus, and rhy-
thm singers. Kim is well-
known throughout the com-
munity for her tremendous
talent in music. Besides
playing the lead role in the
summer theater production
of “Ask Any Girl ” Kim
also played the lead role
of Guinevere in the recent
school musical, “Camelot.”
Her out of school activities
include singing in the choir
at St. Mark’s United Metho-
dist Church and membership
in Lancaster Opera Work-
shop. Because music out-
shines any other interest of
Kim’s, she plans to make
this her future. Besides en-
joying music, Kim also likes
horseback riding.
Members of the queen’s
court and their escorts were:
Marica Aungst, Philip Hou-
seal; Marlene Hess, Newton
Kendig; Robin Wilkinson,
Jim Gerberich; Francis Eno,
Doug Mueller; Ann Houseal,
John Weidman; Janet Sau-
der, Dave Schlosser, and
Debra Drager, Rick Germer.
High School
outside enjoyment Diane
likes horseback riding and
swimming. Her escort for
the evening was Arlen Mum-
mau. Stacy Miller, 1974
May Queen, crowned this
year’s queen.
The other candidates for
May Queen and their es-
corts were: Barbara Shirk,
Ron Meckley; LuAnn Bren-
neman, Mitchell Johnson;
Amy Landis, Philip Howell;
Zoe Anne Gumby, Charles
Elliot; Sheri Smith, Robert
Blake; Jacquee Zeller, Scott
Jones; and Nancy Boulton
with Brian Ney.

as Queen of May
May 7, 1975
pital in Lancaster.
She is a member of the
Presentation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary Chizich of Mari-
etta where she helps in the
nursery and serves as a sub-
stitute teacher.
Following graduation
from Donegal High, she will
attend York Campus of the
Pennsylvania State Univer-
sity to major in liberal arts.

Kim Lauver as Queen of May


