Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, May 07, 1975, Image 15
, 1975 May 7, 1975 CLAS S/f/ED @1ansaaannARaAnRRaRARRRARRRARRRRRRNRRARRRRARRRARRERRRRREERRNRTARINR SCLASSIFIED ADS - $1 for 15 words or less, $2 Tor § £15 to 30 words. Mail ad and money or check to £ £CLASSIFIEDS, Susquehanna Times — Bulletin, Box £ 275A - R. D. 1 - Marietta, Pa. 17547. : No classified ads accepted by phone. NOTICE - Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4060. 821 Centerville Rd., lancaster, 17601. (45-tfc) SERVICES OFFERED - WELCOME WAGON. Call Bea. trice Bossler, 367-2740 (Mount Joy area) or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta area). (4-tfc) NOTICE - We screen unusual fireplaces. Custom made and stock screens installed. Glassfyre screens, with folding French doors. Thirteen different finishes, tools and equipment. Ream’s Fireplace Shoppe, Talmage, Pa. 656-9016. FOR SALE - 8 ft. pool table, old antique tea cart, old tilt-top deacon bench. 426-3886. FACTORY OUTLET - store with apparel for the family. Open every Thursday & Friday. Penn-elm Apparel, Elm, Pa. NOW OPEN - STEHMAN’S LAUNDROMAT variety of ma- chines to do any type of wash - diapers, draperies, even 9x12 rugs. Florin Ward, Mount Joy. NOTICE - Lynn's Poodle Shop. :426-1802. FOR SALE - Premium asphalt & aluminum roofing. Ex- perienced installers. Free estimates. Call 426-1571. (3/19-10p) NOTICE - Now more than ever you need deep, full clean- ing power. The new ELECTROLUX is better than ever. For local sales & service of all makes, see or call EAST PENN VACUUMS, 210 East Main St., Mount Joy. 653-4439. FOR SALE - Moving, house full of furniture for sale. Call 426-1000. NOTICE - will watch children in my home while mother works. Marietta. 426-1258. NOTICE - Onion sets. 50 Ib. bags now $14. Small quanti- ties also reduced. Also, potatoes '% price. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FOR SALE - 1966 Pontiac Executive, 4 door. $350 or best offer. 285-5531 or 426-1525. NOTICE - Large lot of discontinued paints. 50¢ a quart. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FOR RENT - Maytown. Beautiful colonial style town- house. 2 bedrooms, 1% baths, wall to wall carpeting, $1 a gallon, kitchen by G.E., dishwasher, playground, patio, hook-up for washer & dryer. Available June 1. houses. 426-3411. Villager Town- AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! PUBLIC NOTICE Persuant to the provisions of Act 175, dated July 19, 1974, notice is hereby given that the Pennsylvania De- partment of Transportation will hold a public meeting to discuss the realignment of the Federal-Aid Highway System as mandated by the 1973 Federal-Aid Highway Act. The meeting will be held May 14,1975, at 10:00 a.m. in Conference Room A, District 8-0, Twenty-first and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Robert L. Keller, P.E. District Engineer NOTICE The East Donegal Zon- ing Hearing Board will hold a public hearing at the East Donegal Township Super- visor’s Office at Maytown, Pa., Monday, May 12, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. The hearing is for the application of the borough to erect a water treatment plant for the purpose of supplying water to area re- sidents. The property in- volved is located on Block “G,” lot 4 and 5 in the PUBLIC NOTICE The Mount Joy Borough Authority will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 3, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. In the Borough Offices Build- ing, 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, for the purpose of explaining the planned expansion of its sewage treatment plant. All interested parties are invited to attend. Mount Joy Borough { Authority Joseph S. Bateman Administrator For Sale 8 1973 Ridgewood Mobile § 32 BR, air conditioner, 657% 8,12". Close to Armstrong}! BlLease purchase available. 56300 Call STANLEY M. WENTZEL Realtor 394-3763 Ask for Bill Page Pasasscunsunnunuy $ : : the te 4 vow hmsmmnmam * SPECIAL NOTICE GILBERT’S STORE R. D. no. 1, WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. at LONG LEVEL OPE THURS. & FRIS.1 P.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAYS 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. ENTIRE STORE STOCK ON SALE AT DISCOUNT PRICES. STOCK CONSISTS OF CLOTHING—LOTS OF SEWING NEEDS. VARIETY STORE MDSE. CARDS-TOYS-HARDWARE-ETC-ETC-ETC. DRIVE A FEW MILES AND SAVE $$$$$3$5$58$58$55$$$ MANY GOOD NAME BRANDS. POSITIVELY "EVERYTHING ON SALE. BARGAINS - GALORE, COME AND SEE. ALL SALES CASH & FINAL J.A. GILBERT - PROP. COUNTY WIDE SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 15 [BINKLEY'S 7 SEWING MACHINES —- FABRICS CUSTOM DRAPERIES SINGER — WHITE — PFAFF Sewing Machines — Sales and Service McCALLS & SIMPLICITY PATTERNS 7 “Everything For the Lady Who Sews"’ / ee 111 N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN J FREE PARKING IN FRONT OF STORE REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES, OF THE UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK OF MOUNT JOY In the state of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on April 16, 1975. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Title 12, United States Code, Section 161. ASSETS Cash and due from banks (including $4,322.18 unposted debits) ...... $ 1,638,539.83 U. S. Treasury securities 2,099,180.50 Obligations of Federal Financing Bank -. . none Obligations of other U. S. Government agencies and corporations =. - - - « . . none Obligations of States and political subdivisions . .. .......... — 43,484.369.23 Other securities (including $ none corporate stock)... . .. eee 45,750.00 Trading account securities . . . . ...... none Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements toresell . ....... 1,500,000.00 LOANS. . «i... ieee 15,539,289.60 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 355,410.76 Real estate owned other than bank premises none Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and ‘‘associated companies” ... ... none Customers’ liability to this bank on accept- ancéesoutstanding: . . . :........ none Other assets (including $ none direct lease filmancing) =... . i c. ee 127,224.10 TOTAL ASSETS ............ $25,789,764.02 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partner- ships, and corporations: .......: $ 5,976,927.43 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 16,490,616.26 Deposits of United States Government 147,212.12 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 367,146.77 Deposits of foreign governments and official stitutions... . .. ........ 5h; none Deposits of commercial banks . . . . . ... none Certified and officers’ checks, etc.. . . . . . none TOTAL DEPOSITS $22,981,902.58 (a) Total demand deposits $ 6,391.286.32 (b) Total time and savings deposits $16,590,616.26 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase . . . . none Liabilities for borrowed money . ... .. none Mortgage indebtedness . .. ...... ... none Acceptances executed by or for account of thisbankandoutstanding .. ...... none Othertiabllities =... . .. ......:.. 508.312.19 Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries . +... «vc. sc voi von none RESERVES ON LOANS RESERVES ON LOANS & SECURITIES Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up ! MEW HOLLAND makes the { BUSINESS DIRECTORY pursuant to IRS rulings) ..... ... $ 260,272.91 difference in auctions! | eo omy sane ors een : : NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? =r TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS & MONDAY - " bam, - vat Hogs One of these reputable firms may be able fo be of assistance EY ras Ja uNya ...-$ 260,272.91 a.m. - forse e $ " 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw AUTO SALES OILSERVICE Spite notes and debentures... ..... ; gle % 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal | quitycapital-total . . . ........... J 276. WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw ARNOLD ASLLINOER DE I OLs ot elves ar none 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 Common Stock-total par value - $1.00 125,000.00 THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal New & Used Car UM No. shares authorized - 125,000 Sales & Service ATLANTIC PETROLE No. shares outstanding - 125,000 NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. MAYTOWN. PENNA. oo ror Sales Service a piots os err A Now i Penna. Reserve for contingencies and other Hol ad, ital res none capt FESEIVES + + + sv sv a vos vv « : Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 MASONRY PAINT & BODY WORK TOTA! CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . ..... 2,039,276.34 “ TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, & LESTERP. CAPITALACCOUNTS . . ........ $25,789,764.02 ESHELMAN CARRIGER MEMORANDA Please send me Susquehanna Times & Mount Joy SONRY PAINT & BODY SHOP Average of total deposits for the i5.colentar Says ay £ = . ; ays ending wit ate... uu ,603,400. Bulletin every week (Except Christmas and July 4) CONTRACTION St Cars painted Wrecks rebuilt Avo of aS I the 15 calendar days for one year. Brick - Block - one Wheel Alignment Service ending with calldate .......... 15,618,777.00 I . Silicone Masonry 2.6450 Interest collected not earned on installment am enclosing $4.00. Waterproofing RHEEMS 307- loans included in total capital accounts . . none Mail to: SUSQUEHANNA TIMES & MOUNT JOY Call 653-5325 or 393-6732 Standby letters of credit . . . ....... none i . 17547 ADVERTISERS I, J. H. Hoffman, Jr., President of the above-named bank BULLETIN, Box 15A, R.D. 1 Menetta, Pa PRINTING do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and We Offer correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. NBIIE ce ov se anrnsstdrssencesnnnnens MYER PRINTING SERVICE OST, EFFECTIVE J. H. Hoffman, Jr. OFFSET PRINTING LowcC We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of St RNG FRB. ND. ccc cvscreenssonnsns Advertising this report of condition and declare that it has been examin- , : EE Tare LOW PRICES EE EEE ed by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true . - Efficient - Friendly Servi + and correct. CIV OITOMIE cv ecsansnssonennsnsssnves Foot Efficient. ToNdly Service Susquobaiua. Times Alvin J. Rett "Phone 367-6169 a1 Directors Carl A. Hallgren State Sas sass sses Zip seas eas 426-2212 F Cc. Bernard Grissinger