Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, April 30, 1975, Image 2

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ing your ATF every 20,000 to 30,000 miles?

fluid changed for winter driving.
You will save dollars in the future.

A. T.F. ?
Now that the hot summer is over, call and have an ap-
pointment made to have your automatic transmission

and forget about your oil burner!
We're ready — and able — to take full responsibility
for your oil burner. . .to keep it operating at maxi-
mum efficiency at all times.
We provide day and night service, make prompt
delivery of ARCO famous heating oil. You get clean,
modern, economical heat.
Get ready now for a winter without worry. Re-
member us and you can forget about your oil burner!
Now is the time, too, to think about a new heat-
ing system if your old one is no longer satisfactory.
Call us for free consultation and free estimates.


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AFTERNOON Available Day & Night
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(Mount Joy Area Only)
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Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin
Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa."17547
Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and
Christmas week (50 issues per year)
Publisher - Nancy H. Bromer, 426-2212 or 426-1707
Nancy Bromer, 426-2212
News Editor Hazel Baker, 426-3643
Circulation Mgr. Judy Swab, 426-3159
Advertising Rates Upon Request
Entered at the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class
mail under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rate: $4 per year
Vol. 75 No. 17 - April 30, 1975
Advertising Mgr.

Letters to Editor
Dear Gentlepersons:
I was interested in the
April 9, 1975, issue of the
Susquehanna Bulletin which
my friend, Miss Elsie Mc-
Closkey, sent to me. The
article on Patrick Kenney,
Jr., was most interesting to
me because my family and
I have known him for years
and couldn’t agree with you
more fully that ‘his life is
based ondependability, hon-
esty, willingness to work,
and on being more interest-
ed in other people than in
Dear Editor:
You’ve published such a
thorough article on the
meeting between the Mount
Joy Borough Council and
the citizens interested in
zoning and the follow
through on the interest of
the borough residents who
did not attend the said meet-
After the recess period,
new business was taken up,
my request came at that
time. I was there asking for
a foot and bike bridge across
Little Chiques Creek. Wish
you could have stayed and
reported on it just as thor-
oughly as you have on the
Would it be possible to
conduct a survey on the
dangers to body and limb of
citizens living in the Mount
Joy borough area when they
are trying to cross Little
However, there was one
mistake in the article. I
was not his first teacher in
the Marietta Schools. My
sister, Mona Schlotzhauer,
the former Mona Harries,
was. I remember the day
she came home from school
and told us of the “new
boy” she had as a pupil.
“His name is Pat and he’s
such a dear,” she said.
Yours sincerely,
Joan Harries Katsarakis
Chiques Creek on the now
existing bridge. Hoping you
may arouse support of our
Lions, Jaycees and parents
who have children who
cause them concern every
time they ride through this
bridge, playing Russian rou-
lette with cars and trucks.
If or when we get the re-
quested foot bridge I'm sure
some parent will have spared
the heartache of an unfor-
tunate accident that is
bound to happen, as we
have an apartment complex
at the east end of town,
with 900 units which is to
be finished over a three year
period. I see many new
faces on bikes riding to the
park and back. Even a ride
such as this means crossing
our dangerous BRIDGE.
Lucy Haines
830 E. Main St.
Mount Joy, Pa.

David Deitrich, Pat Flanagan, Robbie Flanagan, Steve
Shireman, Dean Portner, Eddie Albert
Members of Marietta Cub
Scouts mothers were solici-
ted to compete in a cake
decorating contest Saturday
morning after which the
products were sold at a
bake sale.
These scouts won the
various ribbons:
Funniest, Raggedy Andy
- Pat Flanagan.
Goofiest - 1st, Robert
Flanagan; 2nd Robert Bel-
vins; 3rd, David Nien.
Prettiest - David Dei-
trick, 1st place; Steve Shire-
man, 2nd and James Floyd,
Most Original - 1st, Dean
Portner; 2nd, Eddy Albert;
3rd, Thomas Flowers.

April 30, 1975
The fact that eleven candidates are running for
four positions on the Donegal School Board in the
primary election on May 20 is a sign of democratic
vigor in Donegal country.
Apparently lots of people are interested in what
happens in our schools.
But the fact that hardly anyone is running for
municipal offices in East Donegal Township or in
Mount Joy, and that there is no compeitition for
party nominations in Marietta - is a sign of political
Unless the impossible happens, neither the primary
nor even the general elections will decide anything in
East Donegal or Mount Joy, and only the general
election in November will have any effect in Marietta.
Isn’t our democracy built on the process of elec-
Can we call the physical exercise of pulling a lever
in a voting booth an election if there is only one
candidate - or no one - to vote for?
Is democracy dead or dying here on the eve of
the Bicentennial?
It is late, but not too late to breathe a little life
into local democracy.
Here’s what you can do.
If you would like to be nominated for a public
office, or if you know someone you’d like to see
nominated, it can still be done.
Since there are no Democrats running for a lot of
offices, someone can win a Democratic nomination
by having only ten registered Democrats write in
his or her name in the primary on May 20. With
only ten write-in votes a person could win the Demo-
cratic nomination for supervisor of East Donegal
Township or for council member of Mount Joy.
The nominee’s name would then be printed on the
November ballot for the general election.
It would not matter that the nominee would act-
ually be a member of the Republican party. In fact,
being a Republican would be an asset to his or her
election on the “Democratic” ticket in November.
Everyone knows that party membership doesn’t
mean anything in local government. The local candi-
dates for school board have shown the unimportance
of party membership by cross-filing on both the
Democratic and Republican tickets, although most
of them are Republicans.
The Susquehanna Bulletin has nothing against
any of the candidates whose names are printed on
the primary ballot. We are not campaigning at pre-
sent for or against anyone.
We are campaigning for the democratic process.
An election should be a contest. It should offer
the voter a choice. If it doesn’t, is it worthy of the
name of “election?”
There are only a few weeks left, but it is possible
to make the May and November polls real elections.
Get to work now. You or your favorite candidate
can win the Democratic nomination for supervisor
or member of the borough council, and then make
an honest fight of it in November.
(Continued from page 1)
crat trying for a nomina-
tion to Council, Gutshall.
Unless there are write-ins,
the primary will decide no-
thing. Unless there are
write-ins, three Republicans
are guaranteed office in No-
In Marietta, with four
candidates from each party
“Walk to Rock” Sun.
A “Walk to the Rock”
will take place this Sunday,
May 3, starting at 9 a.m. at
the Chickies Rock parking
lot along Route 441.
The purpose of the walk-
athon, sponsored by the
Lancaster County Conser-
vancy, is to raise money for
the purchase of Chickies
Rock from the Pennsyl-
vania Power and Light Com-
Walkers should get pled-
ges for at least SO cents for
every mile that they walk.
Pledge forms and more in-
formation can be obtained
from Linda Radinowsky, 45
Leaf Park, Lancaster, Pa.
trying for their parties’ no-
minations to the four of-
fices, the primaries will de-
cide nothing. Marietta
alone, however, among the
three municipalities will
have a meaningful general
election in November be-
tween Democrats and Re-
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Stauffer of Mount Joy R.D.
2, celebrated their 26th
wedding anniversary April