1975 March 19, 1975 Candies Grass Baskets G. C. MURPHY CO. 14 WEST MAIN ST. - MT. JOY, PA. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Sat. — 9:00 to 5:30 Thursday & Friday — 9:00 to 7:00 Bank Americard Master Charge Murphy Charge You don’t have to trade in your old RENAULT to save money on a new one! RENAULT is giving a $200 rebate to each Renault owner who buys a new one. In addition, WISSLER MOTORS is giving $200 to $800 rebates on selected models of new Renaults to any purchaser. NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED RUSH IN AND SAVE AS MUCH AS $1,000 AUTHORIZED RENAULT DEALER WISSLER MOTORS Rt. 230, % Mile West of Mount Joy 653-2091 COMPLETE KIT... iS) NOTHING TO ADD! | #8 E3 Apartment For Rent FIGHT INFLATION NOW! REFUSE HIGH RENTS! See Mr. Leaman for lovely apartments at-sensible rates 210 East Main Street , Mount Joy Jy u SAMUEL G. ZUCH NEW YORK LIFE 16 E. MARKET ST., MARIETTA, PA. LIFE, HEALTH, GROUP INS., PENSIONS; ANNUITIES We sell individual hospital and major medical plans For further information call Marietta 426-1613 or 426-3862 or write to the above address SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 7 “Camelot” shapes up “Camelot” is shaping up as another smash hit at Donegal High School. It will be on stage Friday and Saturday, April 4 and $5, at 8 p.m., and will be repeat- ed the following weekend, April 11 and 12. Kim Lauver will star as Guinevere. Tim Eshleman, as King Arthur, and Mike Kohler, as Sir Lancelot, will be the men in her life. Faculty directors for the production are Mary Margar- et Peraro, dramatics coach; RoAnn Lau, vocal instruc- tor; and Linda Ross, choreo- grapher. TRAIN TO BE A LIVESTOCK BUYER No experience necessary. How- ever, you should have a farm background and enjoy working with livestock. Earn a good living and have a secure future in a growing industry. Learn to buy cattle, hogs and sheep. If you have a sincere interest in becoming a Livestock Buyer, write today with your personal background. Send your name, age, address and phone num- ber. A personal interview will be scheduled in your area. No ghone calls, please. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK CO. 5105 North 40th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85018 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company's manager of rates and market research, Andy Baldwin, answers another question from the utility's consumers. QUESTION ANSWER Will you seek a rate increase soon? We will be applying for a rate increase in a very short time. The need for any increase is certain to be questioned by our customers since our performance during the 1960s indicated that we were able to offset rising costs through improved performance. Today, however, costs for everything are increasing faster than we are able to offset them. We are not granted rate increases by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission just because we think we need one. It is necessary for us to establish the need, based on our costs over a prior one-year period. In effect, our rates are based on outdated costs. These costs are scrutinized very closely by the commission and a permanent rate increase is granted only after a series of public hearings and after determining it's necessary to insure that you, our customer, continue to get reliable electric service. PPs |
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