March 19, 1975 Hoe key team The Norlanco Club Field Hockey Team will hold an organizational meeting on March 25 at 7 p.m. in the W. I. Beahm Junior High School auditorium, Poplar Street, Mount Joy. At this time plans will be made for the club’s up and coming 1975 fall season. This meeting is open to former high school and coll- ege players in the Elizabeth- town, Marietta, Maytown, Mount Joy and surrounding areas. Club hockey provides an opportunity for women meets Mar.25 to continue playing hockey beyond high school or coll- ege graduation, providing ‘they are not presently play- ing on a college team. Games are played in the fall on Saturday and/or Sun- days against other club and college teams. Home field for these games is the Done- gal High School. For more information or questions, all are urged to attend the meeting and/or call Joyce Zangari at 653- 5627 during the day. Cub Scouts hold Cub Scout Pack 136 of Mount Joy, held its Pine Wood Derby at W. I. Beahm Jr. High School on March 12, at 7 p.m. Awards were presented to the following boys by Cubmaster Robert W. Mark: Todd Good, Rick Hallgren, Gilbert Cornwall, John Hall, Steven Ishler, Scott Shireman, Andrew Raudabaugh, and Robert Shoenberger. The Derby is sponsored by Mummau’s Firestone Store. On March 4, 11, 18, and 25 Robert W. Mark, Dana E. Mark, John Auker, Vau- ghn Mark, Carolyn Waltz, Park funds requested East Donegal Township has asked the county com- missioners for $16,000 to complete two ball diamonds and three tennis courts. The township is also ask- ing the state for $36,000 to pay for the park land. Plans were made at the last supervisors’ meeting for temporary - stone roads to the ball diamond. Red Barn Located 4 miles West of Eliza hethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 SCHMIDT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs - Alterations - Sewers - Water Heaters Baths HEATING SYSTEMS INSTALLED & SERVICED. EAST PETERSBURG, PA. 569-5989 derby and Edna Wolf will be at- tending extended training at Zion Lutheran Church, Landisville. At 7:30 p.m. on March 26, 7 to 9 p.m., with Pack 263, we will be roller skat- ing at Mt. Gretna. On March 31 there will be a committee meeting at the home of John Shireman, N. Barbara St., Mount Joy. Pack 136 will be holding a Hoagie Sale on April 1. Orders will be taken March 12 to April 1. Hoagies will be 75¢ each. Orders will be taken by Cub Scouts or members of Pack 136. Spring makes George Hanna, 70, feel like dancing KitchenAid energy saver dishwashers get dishes clean with 50% less electricity. af cy er The secret is our new Energy Saver button. Push it, and your dishes are gently dried with fan-circulated air. Without heating. So your dishes come out clean, sanitary, and, in most instances, without any water left on a plate or glass. And you still get KitchenAid reliability. NEW INSTALLATION KIT AVAILABLE FOR DO-IT-YOURSELFERS « There's a KitchenAid dishwasher for every kitchen and budget. « Big capacity racks that are easy to load with almost all sizes and shapes of items. e Exclusive TriDura™ porcelain-on-steel interior — 2 coats of premium porcelain plus an overglaze. « Many more outstanding KitchenAid features. STAINLESS STEEL FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS with unique jam breaking action. lester E. Roberts & Sons Phone 653-4820 47 E. Main Street Grinds up any food waste. And there's hardly a jam that can't be ended by pressing the Wham Jam Breaker button. This ex- clusive, solid state control releases 120 jolts per sec- ond of super torque, jam breaking power. Mount Joy, Pa. SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 5 Boros take tax share Marietta Marietta Borough Coun- cil last week adopted an ordinance increasing its share of the one per cent earned income tax from one-quarter to one-half. Pending a decision by the Lancaster County courts, Council recommend- ed that flood relief funds be made available to help pay for the new fire hall of the Pioneer Fire Company. Most fines for illegal parking in the borough were doubled. Purchase was approved of a dart gun, a can of mace, and control stick for use by the animal control officer. The resignation of David White as deputy housing in- spector was accepted; Mike Weirich was appointed to fill the position. Street signs for Elk Ave- nue, Longenecker Avenue, and Ediwth Manor were ap- proved. Purchase of a new police cruiser, not to exceed $4000 in cost, was approved. Mount Joy At their March meeting Mount Joy Borough Coun- cil adopted an ordinance increasing its share of the one per cent earned income tax from one-quarter to one-half. Purchase of a new gar- bage truck for almost $26,000 was approved. A little more than $6000 will be received in a trade-in of the Borough’s 1971 truck. Also, purchase of a new police cruiser for $4000, to be delivered in June, was approved. The period from March 31 to April 25 was designat- ed as Spring Cleanup. Dur- ing this time trucks will pick up any amounts of trash, including old appliances and brush. AND WE'VE GOT YOUR TONIC. A NEW SUIT OR SPORTCOAT FROM OUR LARGE COLLECTION OF QUALITY NAME BRANDS. »{% Spring Eye Openers THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY o® Men’s Dress Shirts Short Sleeves Reg. $8.00 to $10.00 $5.75 — 2 for $11.00 #2 Young Men’s Pants Checks & Plaids Waist 29 to 34 Reg. $14.00 $9.75 — 2 pr. $19.00 $8 Men’s Work Shoes Selected Group Oxfords & 6°’ Hi (HERMAN) Pick your Lads Easter Suit or Sportcoat & REDUCED 25% Pant Combination from our large stock and 3 _~ REGISTER FOR FREE HAM 4 4 | Receive FREE your choice any dress shirt Value to $7.50 Boys Size 8 to 20 fJavia Martin ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. STORE Mon., Tues., Wed., 9:00 to 5:30 — Thurs. & Fri., 9:00 to 9:00 — Sat., 9:00 to 5:00
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