Page 14 - SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Clean-up in Mt. Joy Beginning on Monday, March 31, 1975 and runn- ing to April 25, 1975 the Borough of Mount Joy will hold a spring clean-up for all residents. Any arti- cles of refuse including large appliances, etc. 'will be picked up by the Bor- ough crew FREE of charge. In order for the clean-up to run smoothly the fol- lowing rules must be ad- hered to: Small Items: All items weighing less than 50 lbs. and smaller than a 20 gal- lon trash container, that are not heavy gauge metal, will be picked up during the regular garbage route on normal pick up days. Each house- hold will have 4 diff- erent opportunities during the month to place out items for pick up. Allbrush and paper must be bundled. Large Items: All large items will be picked up by the Borough truck and crew. You must call the Borough Office (653-2300)and leave your name and ad- dress in order for these items to be picked up. (includ- ing innerspring mat- tress, large appli- ances, large piles of lumber and brush). Due to the increase in the cost of landfill charges we must ask that all resi- dents use good judgement in the amount of refuse that is placed to be picked up. Please note that the Bor- ough will have all Borough Streets swept by the street sweeper the week beginn- ing April 21. It will be much easier and faster to sweep the streets if all ve- hicles are removed from the street EASTER EGG HUNT AT BAINBRIDGE The Auxiliary to the Bainbridge Fire Company will sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt for children in Conoy Township, ages 1 to 10 years of age, on the Fire Company grounds on Sat- urday, March 29, at 1 p.m. Mrs. William Smith is chair-+ person of the project. MOUNT JOY LEISURE CLUB MEETS On Monday, March 10 the Mount Joy Leisure Club held their regular monthly meeting with President Joe Shaeffer officiating. Follow- ing the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the invoca- tion by Arthur Braun, 100 members enjoyed a covered dish dinner. Following the dinner the president introduced Mr. Harry Constein from the Lancaster office of the In- SALUNGA FLEA MARKET & AUCTION Salunga Auction Building 131 Main Street, Salunga EVERY SATURDAY & SUNDAY FLEA MARKET AR . Saturday — 12 noon to 10 p.m. Ve Sunday — 12 noon to 6 p.m. AUCTION Every Saturday Night at 6 p.m. ANTIQUES WITH EVERY SALE Phone 898-2711 (after 6:30 p.m.) COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance AUTO SALES ARNOLD PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE New & Used Car Sales & Service OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ternal Revenue Service who spoke on income tax forms and what is or is not taxable. FULL SERVICE OIL COMPANY REASONABLE PRICES AUTOMATIC DEGREE DAY DELIVERIES 24 HOUR-SERVICE BUDGET PLANS SERVICE CONTRACTS EXPERIENCED STAFF ¢ ABEL OIL CO. 430 Locust St., Columbia Phone 684-4686 ANDREW J. IRWIN Navy Seaman Recruit Andrew J. Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ir- win of Route 2, Manheim, Pa., graduated from recruit training at the Naval Train- ing Center, Great Lakes, I11. The training included in- struction in seamanship, military regulations, fire fighting, close order drill, first aid and Navy history. March 19, 1975 Fly tying at DHS Internationally acclaimed fly tier and author Poul Jorgensen will present his slide show, “Fly Dressings,” in the Donegal High School auditorium Saturday even- ing, March 22nd. The show is part of the annual Fly Tying and Fly Casting Clinic sponsored by the Donegal High School Fly Tying Club. Mr. Jorgensen, a native of Denmark, is known as one of the world’s finest fly tiers. and associate of the late Bill Blades, who is rated by many as the greatest fly tier who ever lived. He is the author of “Dressing Flies for Fresh and Salt Water,” autographed copies of which will be available. His other innovations in- clude the Poul Jorgensen Streamside Fly Tying Kit and the Poul Jorgensen Trout Fly Charts. In addition to Mr. Jor- He was a student Poul Jorgensen gensen’s presentation, de- monstrations of profession- al fly casting and fly tying will be given. Equipment will be available for those unable to bring their own. The program is intended for all fishermen from be- ginner to expert. There is no admission fee. The de- monstrations begin at 7 p.m. and the slide show at 8:30 p.m. oN = Lie 2 Ee yun wb i SLD IS YOUR CAR ANTIQUATED? Let Farmers First help you purchase that new car and stimulate the economic recovery with REDUCED CAR LOAN RATES ON NEW CARS PURCHASED BEFORE APRIL 30, 1975. Ask about the reduced rate at any Farmers First office or these participating dealers John W. Willwerth & Son Wingenroth Motors, Inc. Wissler’s American J. B. Zartman Dodge, Inc. YT , . MAYTOWN, PENNA Keller Bros. Auto Lanc. Motor Sport, Inc. Stadel Motors, Inc. John H. Steffy, Inc. Ventures Chevrolet, Inc. The People Bank D D Member F.D.I1.C. HELPING PEOPLE . . . That's the FARMERS FIRST way. Benny Bishop, Inc. Bud Hunt Motors, Inc. Huber Motor Co. Hubley Motors Oil Burner Sales & Service PAINT & BODY WORK LESTER P. ESHELMAN CARRIGER PAINT & BODY SHOP Cars painted Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 PRINTING ADVERTISERS We Offer LOW COST, EFFECTIVE Advertising * * * EE» Susquehanna Times & Bulletin 426-2212 MYER PRINTING SERVICE OFFSET PRINTING LOW PRICES Fast - Efficient - Friendly Service 52 S. Market St., Elizabethtown Phone 367-6169
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