75 f= March 19, 1976 Wednesday, March 19, Mr. Bill Adams in a Men’s duet. Friday evening will feature the Ambassadors for Christ, a community Male Quartet. Mr. Paul Britton, Allentown, Pa., will lead the congrega- tional singing on the week- end and the Hernley Family will minister in song on Sat- urday evening. The closing Crusade ser- vice on Sunday, March 23 will hear Mrs. Nancy Fen- stermacher, Camp Hill, Pa., who has ministered in France and the Carribean Islands under the auspices of the Back to the Bible Broadcast. Mrs. Fenster- macher, who is a sister to Dave Boyer, will accompany her music ministry with a guitaro instrument. The Pastor, Rev. James H. Grumbine, cordially in- vites people of the commun- ity to attend these closing Crusade services. ST. JOHN'S A Vigel before the cross will be held at St. John’s on Good Friday. Service will be from 12 - 3. Please feel free to come to any part of the service. All are welcome to attend. ST. MARK'S PLANS FOR HOLY WEEK The Worship Commiss- ion of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, Mount Joy, announces the follow- ing plans for the week be- ginning on Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday Service at 10:15 will include a choir processional with the use of palms. The Chancel Choir will sing Gilbert Martin’s “When I Survey the Won- derous Cross” and Gordon Young’s “Droop There, O Sacred Head.” The Celes- tial Chior will offer “He Is Coming” by Pauline Del- monte. The pastor will preach on the theme, “Bap- tism.” There will be a Ser- vice of Infant Baptism. New members will be re- ceived into the congrega- tion. On Thursday evening, March 27th, at 7:30 p.m. a Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion will be observed. It is entitled “Supper with Our Lord.” All able-bodied members of the congregation are ex- pected to be present for this important remembrance celebration. The Chancel Choir will render “O Come and Mourn with Me” by Gordon Young. The Mount Joy Commun- ity Good Friday Service will take place this year in St. Mark’s Church from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Pastors and laymen from. the com- munity will have parts of the program which will con- sider as its theme “The Passion According to St. John.” Special music is planned throughout the two hours of message and medi- tation. The invitation to the community to all services at St. Mark’s Church is always open. DONEGAL BIBLE STUDY Donegal Presbyterian Church will have Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 23rd. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST TO HOLD BENEFIT The United Church of Christ will have clothing and shoes from two factory outlets, in addition to baked goods and home made vege- table soup, at the benefit on March 21, with hours from 10 am. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday, March 22,from 10 a.m. until noon. Mrs. Richard Prescott and Mrs. Ray Kunkle are co- chairpersons of the event. WEEK OF EVANGELISM AT TRINITY E.C. Spiritual Renewal and Evangelism will be empha- sized during the week from March 23 through 30 at Trinity Evangelical Congre- gational Church, 100 New Haven Street in Mount Joy. Reverend Kenneth Wea- ver, well known as an evan- gelist in this area will be the speaker. Reverend Weaver served for many years as a pastor before entering the field of evangelism. The years of his ministry have provided him with a wide range of experience in this field. Elaine Hornberger, a for- mer missionary to Africa, will be the soloist each evening. Schedule of- evangelism services will be: Sunday, March 23 at 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; Monday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m.; Sun- day, March 30 at 9:15 a.m. ind 7:00 p.m. The public is invited. Marietta 426-1486 _roorsies Key & Lock Shop 20 W. 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NEW HOLLAND makes the ¢ Type of emergency (fire, accident, etc.) ; difference n auctions! ® Location of emergency (house number, street) MONDAY - 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 10 a.m. - Horse Sale | e Your name 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 Your telephone number Be sure your information is correctly understood THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Company of United Telecommunications, Inc.
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