Page 8 - Mount Joy Bulletin BOY AND GIRL Of Month at D.H.S. September 25, 1974 NAMED AS BOY AND GIRL of the Month of September at Donegal high school are William (Tex) Landis (left) and Ramona Sell, both seniors. WILLIAM A. LANDIS William A. Landis is the son of Dr. and Mrs. William B. Landis, R.D. 1, Columbia and is a senior in the academic course at Donegal high school. His high school ac- tivities include: Soccer, 9-10- 11-12 (Co-captain); Wrestling, 9-10 (most pins award)-11 (most pins award), 2nd team All Star League); National Merit Semifinalist, 1974; Keystone Boys State Representative 1974; Class Officer, 9-10-11- 12: Math Award, 11; National Honor Society, 11- 12: Science Fair Awards, 11; Student Council President, 12, and Soccer Club, 9-10-11- 12, (President). William is a member of the St. John’s Lutheran Church. During the summer he was a volunteer in Red Cross Learn to Swim Program. He is employed at a pet shop as salesman and at- tandant for animals. William plans to continue his education after graduation from Donegal high school by majoring in veterinary science or engineering. Careful drivers never know when they save their own lives. FASHION RAMONA SELL Ramona Sell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Sell, 770 E. Market Street, Marietta and is a member of the senior class at Donegal high school. Her high school activities include: Dramatics Club, 9- 10-11-12; Band, 9-10-11-12; County Band, 11- Chorus, 9-10-11-12; Student Council, 11- Class Executive Committee, 10; Homeroom Magazine Captain, 9-12; Operetta, 11; Associate Editor of Yearbook, 12, and National Honor Society, 11- 12. Ramona was winner of the American Legion Award in the eighth grade and the Optimist Club Junior Citizen Award in the ninth grade. Last year she was a runner- up in the Lancaster County Miss Optimist contest and recently received an award for outstanding scholarship in the Hempfield Jay-cees Junior Miss Pageant. During the summer of 1973 she spent four weeks in France, where she worked improving her skills in the French language and im- proved her knowledge of the French culture. She is a member of the English United Presbyterian church, CAREER LIKE TO OWN A DRESS SHOP? ALL NAME BRAND LADIES’ WEAR FACTORY FRESH LATEST STYLES YOUR CUSTOMERS SAVE UP TO 50% Complete Inventory...Beautiful Redwood Fixtures...Complete Training Program VERY HIGH EARNINGS INVESTMENT $12,500 VISIT OUR STORES...TALK TO OWNERS CHOICE AREAS AVAILABLE caLL corLect MR. TODD...904/396-1707 OR WRITE HY—STYLE SHOPPE P.O. Box 26009...Jacksonville, Fla. 32218 17-8¢ Marietta, where she is the junior choir accompanist and is scretary-treasurer for the Youth Group. Ramona plans to attend Millersville State college following graduation from Donegal high school to major in elementary art education. The sign of wisdom is one's willingness to listen and learn. Christian Education Program Arranged At St. Mark's Sunday, Sept. 29, has been designated as Christian Education Day at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. At the Morning Worship Service, beginning at 10:15 a.m., special recognition will be extended to all who work in the church’s Sunday School Program throughout the year. The pastor, W. Richard Kohler, will lead the congregation in a litany of recognition. The Chancel Choir will sing ‘‘Antiphonal Psalm’’ by Pfehl. The pastor’s message will be entitled, ‘Me, A Teacher?’ New members also will be received into the fellowship of St. Mark's Church. r : Emergency Medical Calls SATURDAY | AFTERNOO AND SUNDAY Norlanco Health Center Gentility is often confused with weakness. (HEFNER XNA RX XXX Ay EXER RNENEEENRNRRNRNEXNERRR XXX HS Remember a bit of nostalgia . . star-studded candlestick telephone. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. .. but add a dab of modern creativity . introduces an American Heritage. Just pick up your regular telephone and call your local United Telephone Business Office today. BER LT ae Ke kh hkhkhhhkhkhhhkhhdhkhkik* THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Company of United Telecomanunncations, Inc. . . as United Telephone with the fanfare of a * * XEXEXFXRNXRXF LERNER XNNXPXE ERX NXN *