The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 25, 1974, Image 2

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    Page 2 - Mount Joy Bulletin
September 25, 1974
MOUNT JOY, PA., 17552
PHONE (717) 653-4400
Published Weekly on
Fourth of July Week
and Christmas Week
(50 Issues Per Year)
Richard A. Rainbolt
¢ BY, Editor
Be ©. and
Advertising rates upon
request. Entered at the
post office at Mount Joy,
Penna., as second class
mail under the Act of
March 3, 1879.
The Editor
Mount Joy Bulletin
Main Street
Mount Joy, Pa.
Dear Sir:
[ am writing this letter due
to a deep concern of mine
and many other parents of
students in the Donegal
schools. My concern is with
the lack of support the music
organizations receive from
the administration and the
school board.
Our high school band is
now composed of 120
members. Not too many
organizations in the high
school can boast of as many.
The pre-game drill they
performed on Saturday was
commendable. Yet, even
though this organization has
developed over the past few
years from a small group of
48 members to its present
size, il seems to get less and
less support in the budget.
This year there were
students turned away from
playing in the marching
band. The reason was that
there are only 96 out-dated
uniforms for our playing
band members;
therefore only 96 students
could be admitted. There
were several uniforms that
had to be altered. The ad-
ministration refused to even
present the bill to the school
board; (why help out such a
worthwhile organization; let
us, the band parents handle
the bill).
Why should the band
parents be forced to foot all
the bills of this organization?
That's like paying taxes
twice. We work like dogs
(and so do the kids) to raise
money for things the kids
need. Although the band
parents should pay for band
trips and extras for the band,
the school board should foot
the bill for necessities:
school instruments, (in-
cluding decent & up-to-date
drums), adequate music,
new uniforms, and ample
instruction. They are
shunning their duty to the
kinds in all of these areas.
When inferring that there
is not ample instruction, I
am not saying that our past
band director and our
present band director have
not done fine jobs. They have
done and are doing fine jobs.
They have done and are
doing about three men’s jobs
to the best of their abilities. I
am referring to the fact that
not many school districts
require one man to run both
junior high and senior in-
strumental music programs
— especially with such a
large number of students
Our junior high band has
more enrolled than even the
high schools, which means
next year and the following
years more and more
students will be turned away
because the administration
and the school board are
trying to hold the band down
to the level of other
organizations within the
Come on — get with it! We
have a winning organization
in the school. Let’s give them
the support they need!
A concerned citizen
September 18, 1974
Mount Joy Bulletin
Mr. Rainbolt,
If Imay, I would like to say
in public that there are many
people in East Donegal
township that I know who
appreciate the stand of Mr.
Lewis Bixler.
When he said that the
green topping on the D.H.S.
track ‘‘isn’t necessary’ he
was voting for the people
who voted for him. That
makes him something of a
taxpayers’ hero these days.
For some reason or other,
about everyone is tightening
his belt these days to keep
financial things going along
the best they can.
I've heard it said recently,
and I agree, that the true
tragedy of the ‘‘for” or
‘against’ vote about the
track is that only one school
board member was willing to
stand up and speak for
holding down unnecessary
Thus, I would like to say to
Mr. Bixler, “thank you and
congratulations’’ from a lot
of taxpayers. We appreciate
East Donegal Taxpayer
and Parent
It is with a great deal of
dissappointment that we
read the local newspaper
account of the school board’s
decision to spend an ad-
ditional $5,500 on the
Donegal High School track in
order to make the finished
surface green in color. What
was even more disturbing
was the fact that only one
member of the board saw fit
to seriously question the
propriety of the expenditure.
We are all aware of the
current decline in pur-
chasing power of the dollar.
As taxpayers, we would
have hoped that our elected
officials would have this
same awareness to the ex-
tent that they would strive to
gel as much as possible for
EE E4046 te 2480 S800 AYEY
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President Ford talks about getting something
done about inflation — sometime next year?
Perhaps with all the joys of honeymooning for
30 days and with his other busy work he has
overlooked the fact that the economy of this
nation needs attention NOW!!
Surface attention to the most pressing problem
in the country has been given with fancy public
relations exercises in economic summit
meetings but nothing of nitty gritty has ap-
For a lot of people — and that means about
everyone you talk with — inflation is digging
deeper and deeper into their lives and there is
nothing but disaster ahead. :
Mr. Ford, if he is to be the leader of all th
people in this nation, must take immediate steps
to cool the economy.
The alternative is not a pretty picture. This
country has known depressions but the early
1930's might be child’s play as compared to the
disaster of continued inflation for another year
or so.
Economically, inflation has the same effect, in
the long run, as depression. The buyer simply
does not have enough money to pay for his needs.
And, when that situation becomes of crisis
proportions, government themselves break up
and fall.
Itis late, very late, for remedy to be applied on
the inflamation of inflation, but Mr. Ford, as the
leader of this nation, is obligated to move and to
move and to move at once.
Mayor Reports
Now that school is in session, I feel that we should be aware
of our children who are walking and riding to and from our
schools. We should obey all traffic laws and speed limits,
especially around school areas. I can’t mention enough about
the safety of our children.
“Burning Ordinance’ — I would like to refresh our
memories on burning. There shall be no open burning of
trash, leaves, or any other flammable material. All burning
should be done in containers that will withstand heat and be
covered with a 15” mesh top to eliminate hot debris from
escaping into the air. If we must burn, I urge you to be
extremely careful with fire.
Halloween season is approaching. The date set for “Trick
or Treat” night is Wednesday, October 30. I hope that
everyone has a great evening at this spookie time of the
year. I also urge the younger people to dress up in clothes
that can be seen by motorists or people walking on side-
walks. Also I ask that you carry a flash light when out
walking. Let’s have a-safe and happy Halloween.
A reminder on riding bicycles — It is mandatory to have a
light on bicycle when riding at night. Please remember
safety rules and regulations for your safety and someone
Jame A. Gingrich
Mayor Mount Joy
each tax dollar spent.
case, we would be speaking
Apparently, this is not the
out of turn. But based on the
case. The $5,500 in question
does not appear to us to have
been spent wisely. It would
seem that these funds could
have been more wisely
expended to replace some of
the dilapidated, and in some
cases obsolete, text books
which we see our children
using or to offset some of the
continually increasing costs
of transporting students in a
school dsitrict such as ours.
Perhaps we do not possess
all of the facts relating to this
situation. In which
bah bh (a) v4 2
facts that have been made
public it is our opinion that
$5,500 of the taxpayers
money has been wasted.
We realize that our ob-
jection probably comes too
late to effect a reversal of the
board’s decision. However,
we take comfort in the fact
- that we live in a democratic
society in which we will be
able to express our feelings
about such actions during
the next election year.
(Continued from Page 1)
As a matter of good logic,
he just might have a point
Mount Joy merchants
have been hit hard hard hard
by merchandising changes
and methods during the past
several years.
We mentioned a few weeks.
ago that there are only two
places in the community where
the late Clarence Schock is
mentioned in public places,
despite his many gifts to the
One is on the front of the
Schock Home on Main street,
which he and his wife gave
as a retirement home. The
other we spoke of is on a
bronze plaque at the en-
trance to SICO park.
+ 4
There is another, in public,
though it is not often seen.
In front of Donegal high
school there stands a row of
oak trees, planted there in
his memory in 1955. A stone
tablet, mounted flush to the
ground, simply says,
“Clarence Schock, Memorial
Trees, 1955”.
In light of the seriousness
of the Saturday afternoon ac-
cident west of Mount Joy in
which there was a tragic death, it
is interesting to note that Mount
Joy has a police policy, set by the
Borough Council last fall, stating
that police cruisers shall not go
more than one mile outside the
borough, unless by permission of
the Police Chief.
That policy was set im-
mediately following a
serious accident in which a
Mount Joy cruiser nearly a
year ago figured in a serious
accident on a run toward
Columbia. No one was
seriously injured but the car
was damaged considerably.
(The ‘underpass’ off Road
230 onto the Old Harrisburg
Pike, is .4 of a mile west of
the west Mount Joy borough
Several years ago there
was a difficult situation
when emergency vehicles
‘came screaming along Main
street, particularly am-
bulances from the west
going to Lancaster hospitals.
At that time it was
established that drivers of
emergency vehicles have a
responsibility not only for those
people who may be served
directly but they also continue to
bear the burden of exercising full
caution for the rights and safety
of all persons using the high-
At this point, it might be
well to point out that the
vehicle which was wrecked
Saturday in its hasteto reach
another trouble spot was of
no help to anyone but proved
to be a serious negative
service to everyone con-
rp op Ape
E'town College
At DHS Oct. 1
Kevin J. Manning,
assistant director of ad-
missions at Elizabethtown
college, will be meeting with
interested students at
Donegal high school on Tues.
Oct. 1, at the invitation of the
guidance department.
Manning will be at the high
school at 11 a.m.
IS coming to Marietta
bringing new life
for all
Oct. 6-11,
7:30 P.M.
Congregational Bible Church
Rts. 441 & 141
Benne ses
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