The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 28, 1973, Image 2
Page 2 - Mount Joy Bulletin Joycee-ettes Hold November Meeting The monthly meeting of the Mount Joy Joycee-ettes was held at Jaycee headquarters on November 18. President LaVon Harnish was in charge. Mrs. Pat Moran reported on the various activities of the Brownie Troops which the Joycee-ettes help support. Mrs. Venda Aument reported the success of the November hoagie sale. Mrs. Cheryl Hallgren and Mrs. Pat Moran were named chairmen of the next hoagie sale, to be held in January. The current stationery order was distributed by Mrs. Sandy Gingrich. Mrs. Gail Hawthorne presented the revised constitutition and by-laws. Action is to be taken on them at the December meeting after the membership has had a chance to study the proposals. Mrs. Aument reported that the Jaycees will be taking the children of the Messiah home on a Christmas shopping tour on December 15. The children will take their purchases to Jaycees headquarters, where the Joycee- ettes will help wrap the Christ- mas gifts. . Mrs. Diana Blace will chair a “Mrs. Santa” project to aid Santa in the Local stores. Mrs. Debbie Newcomer was named chairman of the Sweetheart photo contest, to be held the end of January. Mrs. Cheryll Hallgren selected a committee to set up a Mount Joy | Club women’s Tea in the Spring. Membership in Pennsylvania Jaycettes organization was November 28, 1973 discussed and tabled until more information can be obtained. The next meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Cheryll Hallgren. This special Christmas meeting will include mothers of the Joycee-ettes and other - special friends. Following the meeting, refreshments were served while the members worked on Mod podge pictures and candy wreaths for fhe organization's bazaar. Awards Are Given To Cub Pack 136 Cub Scout Pack 136 held its monthly pack meeting at Seiler elementary school on Wednesday evening, Nov. 21. Awards were presented by Cubmaster Robert W. Mark ae follows: Bobcat - Terry Kuhn; Bear Badge - Pat Moran; Gold and Silver Arrows - Clifford Waltz, Jr., and Greg Robinson. Denner Badges Wayne Chappel and Samuel Jocoby; Assistant Denner - Richard Breneman; Athlete, . Sportsman, Forester and Citizen Tim Meckley; Citizen and Forester - Jeffrey Duke, Richard Breneman, Dean Brian and William Hall; Webelos Colors - Pat Moran. The opening was presented by Den 1 with Den Mother, Mrs. Helen Keller, and closing by Den 2 with Den Mother, Mrs. Evelyn Duke. Entertainment for the evening was a karate act by David Presto, David Gerberich and William Reuter. The next Pack meeting will be held on December 19. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY One woman's Arctic Conquest before autumn Besides the wench is dead There will be a short interval The fortunate island Captives’ mansion The hollow hills If you can’t be good And then we moved to Rossenarra We, the lonely people The lost chapel picnic The acupuncture murders Starting over Harriet said No bed of roses Best detective stories of the year, 1973 Theking’s grey mare AT THE DOOR ATi TICKETS AVAILABLE Sheila Burnford Matthew Eden Margaret Erskine Storm Jameson Enid Russell S.R. Slaymaker Mary Stewart Ross Thomas Richard Condon Ralph Keyes Margery Sharp Dwight Steward Dan Wakefield Beryl Bainbridge Faith Baldwin Allen Hubin Rosemary Jarman CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S CLUB TO HOLD LUNCHEON The Elizabethtown, Christian Women’s Club will hold a lun- cheon-on Wednesday, Dec. 5, at carpenter’s Inn, Elizabethtown. The time is 12:15 to 2:15 p.m. Mrs. Martha Garber will present a demonstration on Christmas decorations. A string ensemble from the Elizabethtown high school will provide a program of Christmas music. Mrs. Ralph Howell of New York is the featured speaker. Reservations are essential and must be in by Dec. 1st. For reservations, call either 426-1526 or 653-5874. A nursery will be . provided. East Petersburg Rotary Club - Presents The 2nd Program of the 1973-74 Season Travel & Adventure Series Saturday, Dec. 1, 1973 8:00 P.M. Eddie Chu and His Film Entitled “TAIWAN, HONG KONG &¢ SINGAPORE” ~ Centerville Junior High School CENTERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PENNA. Season Tickets & Single Admissions Available Adult Season Tickets, $6.00 Students Season Tickets, $3.00 Single Admission, $1.50 Marietta Tour Set POTEET TT ET TET ET TOT YT Ree eT Ye ive T ie Ye ow eeey For Sunday, Dec. 2 J % “Christmas by Candlelight”, a For Christmas, give a membership in the walking tour of a dozen historic y Sl sites, will be held in Marietta on . oe Sunday, Dec. 2, from 3 until 7 ¢f am sl pm. x Ni All stops on the tour will be old 3) structures, including a number of | Ne restorations. All will be decked 3 for Christmas. 8 ia : N Light refreshments will be & 365 days of driving pleasure 3 available at the Community J ot House, 264 West Market Street. L 3 8 177 Would you like to write to your state or 1 sl federal representatives in Harrisburg or | od Washington? Here are their addresses: N; Y T0 i Y S i g E 1 3 FEDERAL Sy EAS i -— 0 PLEASE Sen. Hugh D. Scott, Room S- J 230, Senate Office Building, 3) i: Washinglon, D.C. 2015. { PACKAGED IN A COLORFUL HOLIDAY BOX J Sen. Richard S. Schweiker, x ; Room 6221, Senate Office 3 Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. RE - Att sr mi xs Rep. Edwin D. Eshleman, 416 . } Cannon House Office Bldg., During the month of December, a handsome new AAA |} d Washington, D.C., 20515. oe { . X STATE 3 | front end plate will be awarded to the proposer for ¢ Senator Clarence Manbeck, § 3 N Fredericksburg, Pa, 170%, of 3 each new member he proposes. $ State Senate, Harrisburg, Pa. A . ol LE A Tag, haat Rp Ny ict Sa ~ — a ng ond NE 17120. 0 ; Representative Kenneth E. J . . ' v Brandt, Bainbridge, Pa., 17502, of Over 60,000 Members in Lancaster County enjoy these services. 5 or State House of Represen- 8 tatives, Harrisburg, Pa., 17120. ; 3 3 SCHOOL PATROLS v ne v LEGISLATION . 4 The Mount Joy J DRIVER EDUCATION J BULLETIN | § sucrose wae oo . 3) ROAD SERVICE AND MANY OT14ERS COAST 0 COAST BAIL BOND SERVICE % 11 EAST MAIN STREET 3 ) MOUNT JOY. PA. 17552 % LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB 4 Published Weekly on v 34 N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. 3 Wednesdays J) Please send 0 CHRISTMAS GIFT membership v Except Fourth of July Week NE : 5 80a) Cheisias Week 5 Te "This application To be used for NEW MEMBERS ONLY vi (50 Issues Per Year) YA ; wid x | Address “ . z Richard A. Rainbolt a v/ UST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY 5 Editor J ge), INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE 3 and 4 6. Send gift package direct O Send to me 0 7 Publisher J ADVISORY SERVICE Sender's Name MONTHLY MAGAZINE y Adverti sing rates upon = Dues ererinnns renee 3 1.90 : No entrant f f per = request. Entered at the post 3) | Fe For sosisni3 388 Address son residing ey present V office at Mount Joy, Penna., is TOTAL ...iiiviiier. $10.00 member, FEE ceeses 910 ; as second class mail under the 3 —_ i Act of March 3, 1879. W J a A a A eT A re ey ee EB BB EN Ee RAR Ee Re Ren Rules Ruths Rufles Refers Refs Rule