Page 2 - Mount Joy Bulletin October 24, 1973 Joycee-ettes Hold Dinner Meeting The September dinner meeting of the Mount Joy Joycee-ettes was held Tuesday, Sept. 18, at the Evans Restaurant in Manheim. In addition to the regular’ membership, seven new mem- bers were welcomed to the club. Following dinner, Mrs. John Harnish, president, conducted the business meeting. The suc- cess of several projects was reported including the Seventy- Five Plus Banquet, the July Bake Sale, the August Summer Social, and the Playground Treat. Mrs. Joseph Heckert reported that the Babysitting Clinic is underway. with forty-two participants. A bazaar is scheduled for Friday evening, Nov. 30 at the former Booth’s store, Mrs. Andrew Reymer announced. Committees have been working over the summer, and a sampling, of the many itmes being made was on display. Mrs. William Grove announced that this year’s fashion show will be combined with a dessert-card party. This event will take place March 11, 1974, at the American Legion. Fashions will be supplied by Gimbels. Mrs. Dennis Fackler an- nounced that a Child Molester Prevention Posters had been distributed to the elementary school students. Chairmen were selected for three upcoming projects: In gathering, the Halloween Social, and Current Stationery sales. Mrs. Robert Gantz announced that orders for the Setpember 27 Hoagie Sale were due September 21. Mrs. Harnish announced that the County Jaycee Wives’ Social will be October 8, in Manheim. The next Joycee-ette meeting will be held Oct. 16 at 8 o’clock at the Jaycee Headquarters. Two In Jamaica Two area students arrived in the Caribbean island-nation of Jamaica recently for a 12-week transcultural home economics seminar led by the chairman of the home economics department at Eastern Mennonite College in Harrisonburg, Va. Betty L. Martin, of Mount Joy R2, and Dorothy G. Nolt, Manheim, R1, joined 14 juniors and seniors from EMC and Goshen (Ind.) College--sponsors of the program -- and from Bridgewater (Va.) College and Messiah College in Gratham, Pa. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Martin, Jr., Miss Martin is a home economics major at Messiah. Miss Nolt, a home economics education major at EMC, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester O. Nolt. Hosted by Jamaican families, the seminar participants will visit numerous points of interest, receive “input” from local ex- perts, and then pursue in- dependent studies of selected topics while relating to social service agencies. 51ST ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zerphey, north Main street, will observe their 51st wedding anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 25. WANTED MOLDERS & FOUNDRY WORKERS TRAINEE or EXPERIENCED TOP BENEFITS & INCENTIVES * Dental Insurance * Hospitalization *Major Medical *Improved Vacation Schedule |. *Life Insurance *Sickness & Accident *Pension Program *10 Paid Holidays Grey Iron Casting Co. South Jacob & PRR, Mount Joy, Pa. 653-1851 Yi ‘SAVE MONEY THIS WINTER ... plug those heating-dollar leaks INSULATE now! There are many ways to reduce home heating costs . . . adequate insulation is one of the best. It can save you as much as one-third on your heating bill. Ideally, it's having insulation at least 6” thick in the ceiling and 3%" in the walls. Simply adding insulation to your attic is a giant savings step . . . one that you can take yourself. For example, adding just 21" to an uninsulated 1,000-square-foot attic floor can save approximately $98 each heating season. The one-time cost of this insulation is about $70. Even if your attic is insulated at present, bringing it up to 6” is a good investment that can quickly pay for itself. STORM WINDOWS Storm windows and doors are important, too. They can cut in half heat losses through existing glass windows. Repair any glass panes that are broken. If you add storm windows and doors, they should pay for themselves in heating savings in less than 10 years. CO WEATHERSTRIP Make sure you're not throwing money to the wind through air leaks around windows, vents and doors. Weatherstripping and caulking is another way to plug those heating-dollar leaks . . . add comfort and value to your home! i & L “Electricity is our product. . . conserving energy resources is our concern." ATER,