PENNSYLVANIA MALLEABLE IRON DIVISION A GULF + WESTERN INDUSTRY NOW HIRING MEN -- WOMEN for the Ist and 2nd SHIFT. at the LANDISVILLE PLANT OPERATIONS Rt. 283, Landisville, Pa. Starting Rate $2.85 /hour -i- Benefits + Incentive Earnings Opportunity Contact Jim Hardin - 898-7611 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F 20-3C RICAN [ORI NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the MOUNT JOY BOROUGH COUNCIL on the 5th day of November, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock . P.M. at the Mount Joy Borough Offices Building, 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania to’ hear the Petition of LAN- CASTER LEAF TOBACCO COMPANY, INC., 628 South Prince Street, Lancaster, Penn- sylvania, presented under the Act of February 1, 1966, P.L. (1965) --- No. 581, Section 1742, to vacate a portion of Ice Alley situated between Old Market Street and Alley “A” in Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Mount Joy Borough Council George R. Ulrich Borough Secretary 21-2¢ NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Borough of Mount Joy will receive sealed bids at the Special Meeting of the Mount Joy Borough Council, Monday, November 5, 1973, at 8:45 P.M., E.S.T., in the Council Chambers of the Borough Offices Building for one (1) 1974 Dump Truck. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, payable to the Borough of Mount Joy, in the amount of 10 percent it’s a special help to baby sitters... to answer the door hy telephone using TEL-BUTLER! / = om — A 4 cman 4 B The neat, compact Tel- Butler fits discreetly by your door. When the bell rings, answer by phone first. There's no need to open the door. Just pick up the nearest phone and talk with the caller by Tel-Butler. Call our busi- ness office for installation infor- mation. B THE UNITED TELEPHONE A Company of United Telecommunications, Inc. 78-2 Hu (Wid NIA HE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVA October 17, 1973 FOR SALE Used late model Maytag pair with gas dryer. Also apt. size gas range. See at Myers Metered Gas. R.D.3, Manheim, 665-3588 7-tfc The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mount Joy Fire company will have a rummage sale on Saturday, Oct. 20, from 9 a.m. until noon at the fire house. 21-1c HELP WANTED RESPONSIBLE PERSON Wanted to own and operate candy & confection vending route in Mount Joy and surrounding area. Pleasant business. High profit items. Can start part time. Age or experience not important. Requires car and $995.00 to $1,885.00 cash investment. For details write and include your phone number: DepartmentBVV 3938 Meadowbrook Rd. St. Louis Park, MN 55426 21-1p of the amount bid. All bids are to be sealed, plainly marked on the outside “Bid on 1974 Dump Truck,” addressed to the Borough Manager, George Ulrich, and be in his possession prior to 8:45 P.M., ES.T., November 5, 1973. Specifications are available at the Borough Offices Building, 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552. The Borough reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to hold all bids for a period of thirty (30) days before a decision, to waive any informality in the bids received, and to accept any bid deemed to be most favorable to the interests of the Borough of Mount Joy. ROROUGH OF MOUNT JOY George R. Ulrich Borough Secretary 21-2¢ ON CRICKET TEAM Jeff Wilson, son of Mrs. Kathleen Wilson, Marietta, has been named to the 1973 Haverford college cricket team. Mount Joy Bulletin - Page 7 SAU IHN: Gibble Excavating Cellars, Spectic Tanks, Etc. Call Manheim 665-6245 4-tfc WELCOME WAGON Call Shirley Brown Ph: 653-2218 4-tfe » WEDDINGS RESSLER — HUDDLE The marriage of Miss Barbara Huddle to James W. Ressler, 739 Water St., took place Saturday, Oct. 6, at 2 p.m. at the Neffsville Mennonite Church with the Rev. Clyde Fulmer officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer S. Huddle, 2111 Hobson Road. She was graduated from Conestoga Valley high school and Erie County Technical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. majoring in dental hygine. She is employed by Charles H. Wolfe, DDS, Lid. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Ressler, Summit Drive, Mountville. He was graduated from Donegal high school and Bob Jones university, Greenville, S.C., majoring in accounting. He is employed by Roy Ressler and Son, Inc., plumbing and heating, Mountville. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Farm and Home Center. The couple will live in Mount Joy. SHEETZ 29 West Market Marietta INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1st Floor - State Liquor Store 2nd and 3rd Floors - Apartment Ready to Sell Reduced to #14,900 GERALD R. REAL ESTATE For Salesman RAY N. WILEY AGENCY, Inc. INSURANCE OFFICE, Mount Joy, Pa. Call 753-1481 ————————— tt TTS TE lteter ei aaa aX rane] FEFIF FETA vera VA
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