The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 30, 1973, Image 1

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VOL. 73 NO. 2
By R. A. R.
It happended many years ago
but the story’s well worth telling
again. Especially this week!
Sammy Miller, for years, was
the community’s weather
prophet and he was willing to)
make predictions - sometimes
right, sometimes not so right.
But, as the Friendship Fire
company was making plans for
playing host to the county
firemen for their annual con-
vention, some asked Sam,
“What’s the weather going to be
on parade day?’
“Tell you in a couple of days,”
Miller replied. A few days later
he again was asked about the
weather, still several days in
advance of the parade.
“What time’s the parade?’’ the
prophet querried. Told the time,
he shook his head and replied,
“You'd better hurry up that
parade. It’s going to rain later
that afternoon.”
And, sure enough! As the end of
the parade neared, the skies
became black, the. crowds
scurried for shelter and just as
the event was finished, the
heavens let down a tremendous
Wonder if anyone has placed
the order for good weather on
Saturday of this week for the 1973
Mount Joy firemen’s convention.
(Continued on Page 4)
Medical Calls
MOUNT JOY, PA. 17552 - MAY 30, 1973
Carnival To Be Staged Same Night Under Lights At Kunkle Field In Boro Park
Perhaps the largest parade ever seen in Mount Joy
will be staged along Main Street on Saturday, June 2, as
the principal feature of the 1973 Lancaster County
Firemen’s convention.
There will be bands and more bands. There will be
floats. There will be marching units. And, there will be
pieces of fire equipment of every age and description.
How long the parade will last is only a guess at this
time, but those who are in charge are expecting it to
completely fill the afternoon.
Step-off time is 2 p.m. - rain or shine!
Plans call for the various units to form the line of
march at the far west edge of the Florin ward, even as
far west as the railroad underpass and further if
The line will move eastward down Main street and
disband in the area of Park avenue.
It will be the second parade through Mount Joy in as
‘many weeks. On May 26th, the annual Memorial Day
march was held over approximately the same route, but
beginning at about Angle street.
While the parade is the principal feature of the day, it
is only the first of two activities in which the general
public is involved.
Following the parade, a huge carnival will be held on
(Continued on Page 3)
Please — Two Requests!
Two requests of the people of Mount Joy.....
ecause it is anticipated that the population of Mount Joy
will be at least doubled on Saturday for the Firemen’s
parade, parking througout much of We community will be at
a premium.
Local firemen are asking that every local person who
possibly can, park his auto or autos at ‘off street’ locations.
Local people know how to find and use these ‘off-street’
spots to the best advantage. The community’s guests for the
day will need the spaces on all streets. ~~ ~~ >
Because of the huge crowds Saturday afternoon, there will
be a great amount of trash and litter left along Main street by
People who live aong Main street and business men in the
area will be doing a lot of late afternoon “clean up’’. Those in
charge of the parade are asking that trash and litter be
placed in plastic bags and placed on the curb. Sometine
during Saturday night trucks will make a pickup.
Hopefully, by Sunday morning, Mount Joy will be back to
normal and signs of the erowd will be swept up and cleaned
up and picked up.
Head Coach Calling Players
“Ten and 0, Here We Go.”
That’s the new football slogan
at Donegal high school as the
Indians already begin looking
forward to the 1973 season.
Head Coach Gayne Deshler
said this week that he is very
interested in signing up fresh-
men, sophomore and junior boys
who are not already involved.
Boys interested should contact
Coach Dennis lezzi at the high
school before the end of school.
The ’73 practice season begins
on August 20 and the first game of
the season is Sept. 8.
Superintendent School's Office
To Move To Washington Bldg.
Office of the chief ad-
ministrator of the Donegal School
District is to be moved to the
Washington elementary school.
Decision to change the office of
the superintendent of schools
from the Donegal high school
building was made at the May
meeting of the Board of
Education as it looks forward to
the 1973-’74 school year.
Vacated areas at the Donegal
school will provide added office
space for the high school office, it
was revealed.
At the same time, the board
moved to re-structure the ad-
ministrative staff of the system
to accommodate to the
retirement of John G. Hart this
Hart, for 35 years a schoolman
in the local district has been
serving as director of education
for the entire district.
Plans for next year call for
Donald Drenner, high school
principal, to assume the added
duties as director of education for
secondary schools. He is to be
provided with a full-time, cer-
tified assistant principal.
Interviews are now being held to
select that person.
John Sauter, principal at
Riverview school, will assume
the added duties as director of
education for elementary
schools. He, too, will have an
assistant at Riverview.
The school board also will be
naming an elementary school
principal to succeed Benjamin
Weaver, who is retiring as ad-
ministrator at Grandview.
Final Day Of School
Wednesday, June 6
School, for boys and girls in the
Donegal District, will close for
Summer Vacation on Wed-
nesday, June 6.
Elementary schools will
dismiss at 12 o’clock, noon and
the secondary schools will
dismiss at 12:35 p.m. There will
be no cafeteria service that day.
Report cards will be issued the
next day between 1:45 and 2:30
p.m. There will be no bus service
that day, however.
lives, all will roll down Main street with perhaps as
many as 150 other fancy entries of fire equipment.
Much of the equipment will be competing in seven
categories for prizes, including - best appearing
custom pumper, best appearing commercial pumper,
best appearing rescue truck, best appearing aerial,
best appearing snorkel, best appearing ambulance and
apparatus coming the longest distance.
appearing front and center are the two newest in the
borough. Left center is the Florin Fire company’s new
equipment and the right center is Friendship Com-
pany‘s new Hahn pumper. Flanking them and to the
rear are other pieces of rolling stock, including
Florin’s tanker and rescue truck, and Friendship’s
ambulance (center). Flower bedecked and washed,
polished and shined within an inch of their mechanical
participating in the big Firemen’s parade on Saturday,
June 2, poses for an official picture. Taken on the Vo-
Tech school parking lot, the picture was made by a
photographer who located himself on the hill im-
mediately north of the building. The wo big trucks
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