Ne. Se ee ee “BUYING or SELLING ey 665-2401 Everybody Reads The Rick Hershey, Sa OFFICE PHONES: 653-1279 enn Realty Inc 112 SOUTH MAI STREET MANHEIM, PENNA, (Formerly Muanheim-Doncgal Realty Co's) Call and as! for: aT 0vey at eo LOOOOVO00 Classifieds mr—— FOR SALE ~y mn GARAGE SALE, SAT. OCT. 98. 42 Columbia Ave., Mount Joy, 10 - 4; Rain Date, Nov. 4 32-1d Used Washers & Dryers, $10 and up. Special prices on stoves. At Henny’s Electric, 43 Market Square, Manheim, Pa. 32-1¢ mn— Quality Plus! Wide selection of Prints and Plain Double Knits await you at Henny's Electric, 43 Market Square, Mtnheim, Pa, 32-1c Lost, bright carpet colors. Re- store them with Blue Lustre, Rent electric shampooer $1. Longenecker’s Hardware, 39 Market Square, Manheim, Pa. te 32-1c 1971 Pontiac Ventura, excel- lent condition, P.S., Air, V-8, 4 Door. Obie Auto Sales, Rte. - AUTUMN SAVINGS - 72, 9 miles north of Man- heim. Ph. 665-6063. 32-1¢c Good 20” black & white con- sole T.V. $85. Call 665-6288. 32-1c Garage Sale Saturday, Oct. 28 from 9 am. to 6 p.m. Thous- ands of items—baby furniture, tools, end tables, dishes, clothes, etc. One free book with each purchase of 25¢ or more. One quarter mile north of Turnpike Interchange on Rte 72 at Distelfinw Camp Grounds. 32-1c Clean rugs, like new. So easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shamgpooer $1. Gra- ham’s. 20 Market Square, Manheim, Pa, 2-1c Place your order NOW for gun cabinets for Christmas There are 10 and 5 gun avail- able. Ph. 898-2877 or 569-1398 821 Centerville Road. 31-4c Two used 367 Gas ‘Ranges; Used Electric Clothes Dryer. Myers Metered Gas, R. D. 3, les Rep HOME PHONE: cee NTAn Manheim. 665-3588. 30-tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two - bedroom mobile home, located near Manheim. Call 665-4339. 32-2¢ Room Wanted. Middle-aged Christian man with modest means wants room, just ord- inary. Write Box AF c/o Mt. Joy Bulletin. 31-2¢ HELP WANTED Men or women to read water meters in Mount Joy. Part- time basis. Call 653-5938. 32-2¢ Young man, willing to work, for carpet laying and uphols- tering. Stop in to learn of benefits. Myer’s Furniture Store, 936 Lancaster Road, Manheim. Phone 665-5781. 31-2¢ The four-foot river dog of the Nile is a voracious fish with sharklike teeth, Value Rated Used Cars: "70 Chevy Caprice, Air, 4 Dr. HT P.B., P.B. A.T. "72 Delta Royale 4 Dr. HT AIR CONDITION, P.S., P.B., AT. (DEMONSTRATOR) 70 Cutlass Supreme Coupe AIR, P.S., P.B., A.T. AM-FM STEREO RADIO, LOW MILEAGE. "70 Olds 98 Loaded ’68 Delta 4 Dr. Sedan AIR CONDITION, P.S., P.B., A.T. OLDSMOBILE J. Harvey Spahr A Safe Place To Buy Oldsmobile & Diamond Reo Trucks 41 - 43 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 665-2281 MANHEIM, PA. . eral carpentry, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1972 ~ Services Offered Saw filing and lawn nower sharpening, Paul Fauser, 50 N. Fulton St,, Manheim, Call 665-4676. 31-2¢ REPAIR WORK WANTED — Minor roofs, Spouting, Inter- ior & exterior painting, Gen- Sidewalks. George L. Workman, Mount Joy R2, Ph. 653-1290, 29 8c CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards, flowers, and visits dur ing my recent ho:pitalization. A special thank you to Rev. ol Roy Eshleman 3 10 J24-1¢ Kohler. Mrs. J. The Worry Clinic oy Dr. Geo. W. Crane observations! For Heed Alma’s shrewd cats may do more good for dogs and shy, unhapry kiddies and withdrawn oldsters in Nursing Homes, than all our medi cal drugs! Even in mental sanitariums, we find that pet dog's wagg ng tail restores the starved ego of many oldsters who are hungry for love and affection! CASE R527: Alma G., aged 27, is a nurse. “Dr. Crane,” she began, tarium. “Many of these patients are elderly and withdrawn {from reality to a serious degree. But I truly believe love & personal attention to their ego hunger would often do more good for them than drugs. “For example, a stray little beagle puppy got into the hos- pital one day. Since the head doctor liked animals, he let it stay. “This dog would go around to the patients and wag its tail in delight if they gave it something to eat. “And it would lick their hands or snuggle down beside their feet. ‘Soon I noticed that many of the inmates would hold back bread or other ilems at meal time in order to have something to share with the puppy. “Gradually, their lack of interest in their surroundings changed, for now they looked forward to petting this dog or “I am on duty at a mental sani- ment! Animal pets in the form of cats and dogs (or even canar- ies and parakeets) help focus our attention on external real- ity. And the purring of the cat, as well as the dog's tail-wag- ging, are a form of compli- ment. They inflate the ego of the human being who is petting the cat or feeding tidbits to the dog. Alas, thousands of former- ly active, beloved oldsters are now shunted away from their once familiar surroundings. Maybe most of their imme- diate families are dead, so they tend to withdraw into a dream world. A dog or cat thus helps to pull their attention back to external reality. And it does so in a happy manner, for when a dog barks gieefully or wags its tail, that builds up the ego of its hu- giving it food. man companion “So I feel sure that more dogs and cats in our Nursing Homes, as well as our mental sanitariums, would be very beneficial, “Dr. Crane, what do You think of this idea?” DOGS AS DOCTORS BE - USEDCARS ‘67 Rambler 770 4-Dr., At.,, Air .. $795 7 Alma’s observation 1s cor- %@ robrated by many other doc- § ‘68 Ford Wagon, A.T. $585 By tors and nurses. a For there is a basic axiom 85 Tempest 2-Dr. H.T. of psychology which states: AT. ........... $395 People do not run away nor § ‘g4 Chevelle 4-Dr. .. $350 w.thdraw from pleasure! Conversely, all animals try § ‘6B Valiant 4-Dr .... $295 to flee from pain. . But our human agony isn’t 61 Falcon 2-Dr. .... $175 limited to needle stabs or § ‘61 Rambler American $100 burns as is true of infrahum- an creatures, e For we can suffer severe psychological pain, such as VIC WENGER humiliation, rejection by loved ones, and severe ego starva- tion. Insanity is usually an ex- treme type of flight, due to a forbidding, cruel or fear- some environ- PUBLIC SALE THE FORMER MAYTOWN BANK BUILDING AND RESIDENCE SATURDAY, NOV. 18, "72 10:00 A. M. LOCATED AT 13-15 W. HIGH ST.. MAYTOWN, PA. 21, STORY BRICK BUILDING Bank side: large room with second floor. Residence side: first floor, living room, dining room, kitchen, den laundry room; second floor, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, bal- cony. 2 rooms in attic, oil furnace with radiator heat, basement, TWO-CAR BRICK GARAGE. To inspect this property call 426-3776. Real estate to be offered at 10:00 a.m. Sale by Union. National Mount Joy Bank MOUNT JOY, PENNA. HARRIS C. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY H. (ABE) SHAFFNER, AUCTIONEER - 653-5689 Colebrook St., R.D. 2 2 Mi. North of Manheim On Shoemaker Rd. Phone 665-3728 32-34-35
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