Want to move up? LOOK BELOW! A backlog of savings can be a springboard for almost ancial or business project. Save it at State Capital, where your money earns the highest rates allowed by law, including 5% per year on pass- book savings, 5%% on & months Savings Certificates, 5%% on 1 year and 6% on 2 year Certifi- cates. Take the plunge! Come in and open your account today. any fin- Our Harrisburg East Mati Cifice is cpen evenings to 3:30, Saturdays to 4:00 P.M. STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION R a 108 N. Second Street, Harrisburg 17105 SOT ~ Camp Hill Shopping Center ® Harrisburg East Mah ware ' ’ Member Federal Home loan Bank System Insured up to $20,000 by Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation AICS » *o o & {INSURED 3 * 3) 8 2 S ; o ‘v * Timely Tips For Women by Doris W. Thomas Bup Cool Corn For best tasting sweet corn, there’s a lot of truth in the old saying — “Fifteen: minutes from the field to kettle.” But there are not many of us today who can follow that rule. Sweet corn, like so many other vegetables, must be fresh to have the best flavor. Flavor is best if it is used just as soon as it is picked. Sugar in kernels give corn its flavor. After the ears are picked the sugar begins to turn to starch. The higher the temperature, the faster this process will oc- cur. For best tasting sweet corn buy from an iced or refriger- ated display and from a source that sells lots of corn. In selecting individual ears look for bright green snug husks. Dry yellow or straw colored husks are an indica- tion of age or damage. Ma- ture corn has dried silk; im- mature corn has damp silk. The ears should be well filled to the tip. You can feel this from the outside of the husk. Ear size does mot necessarily indicate quality since size is partly influenced by variety. Many good varieties have small ear size due to small cob size. Difference Between Jelly, Jam Preserves, conserves - Explained The difference between jams jellies, preserves and conserv- es not only cause mixups in conversation but when buy- ing or making these products. JELLY is made from the juice of the fruit. It is jellied, clear sweet spread which holds its shape and will quiv- er a bit when unmolded. When cut, it is tender and has a flavorful, fresh and fruity taste. JAM is a thick sweet spread with pieces of crushed or chopped fruit. Some jams may hold their shape when unmolded, but they will gen- erally have a softer set than jellies. It just depends on the fruit used. PRESERVES contain small whole fruit or uniform size pieces in a clear, slightly jel- H. D. Boyd, Excavating SPECIALIZING IN: ¥ Back Hoe Service ¥ Front End Loaders ¥ Building Excavation ¥ Tree Removal ¥ Drain Fields - Septic Tanks R. D. #4 MANHEIM, PENNA. PHONE 653-5630 8-13¢c a EE En led syrup. These have a soft set and do not hold their shapes when unmolded. CONSERVES are much like jam. They are combina- tions of fruits plus nuts, rais- ins and sometimes coconut. How To Prepare Glasses and Jars for Making Jams And Jellies You don’t have to have ex- pensive and uniform jelly jars to make jams and jellies. Use containers not over a pint inprocedure applies to the jars, capacity. Choose ones which have smooth sides and which are reusable. Make sure that the jar or glass was designed to hold food. Jars you select should have tight-fitting lids. You may use glass jars such as those that held baby food, instant coffee, apple sauce or mayonnaise. And you can also use plastic containers that are dishwasher-safe such as those that held frozen whipped top- ping and puddings. Before using any container to hold jams and jellies it is necessary to scald the con- tainers to help eliminate any bacteria present and help pre- vent spoilage of the product. Wash the jars in soapy water, rinse, scald and drain. This CHILDREN LEARN VERY EARLY IN CHILDHOOD Some surprising things are being learned about children’s intellectual development, says James Van Horn, Extension family life specialist at Penn State university. For example, many resear- chers believe that as much as 50 percent of a child's intelli- gence is set by the time he is four years old. It also has been observed that a child's intellectual ca- pacity is not really related to the amount of time his mo- ther spends trying to teach him things. Observations of mothers with very competent children revealed that these mothers are far too busy to give undivided attention to a child more than about 10 per cent of his waking hours—or just over an hour a day! And these mothers don’t do much deliberate teaching either. Evidently, says Van Horn, it is the quality of a time a parent spends with a child that counts—not the quantity. And quality doesn’t mean try- ing to teach things to a child. Rather, the wise parent uses everyday experiences as learn. ing situations—on walks, as parent and child look at books, or even when the par- ent is working around the house. Ostriches have only 2 toes on each foot and lay 3-pound eggs. rings and lids, You can wash jars and covers and scald them in an automatic dish- washer if it has a very hot rinse cycle. Before starting to cook the jam or jelly, set the sanitized containers upright on a tray, ready for filling. » * * Child At Camp Needs Mail If you have a child that is going to camp this summer, you should be aware of the difference that letters from home—or the lack of them —make to your child away and on his own at summer camp. Adjustment to camp usual- ly involves some bad mom- ents for young campers. And camp counselors agree that mail plays a greater role in helping or hindering a child's ability to cope than most par- ents imagine. NEWCOMER MOTORS PHONE 653-4821 We Have A Large Selection Good Used Cars "71 Chevy Camaro COUPE - Auto., V-8, Radio P.S., P.B., Real Sharp *20 Olds Cutlass 4-Door Auto., P.S., P. 3B, Radio, Clean '67 Olds Cutlass Auto., P. S., P. B., V-8, Radio 66 Pontiac EXECUTIVE, 4-Door, Auto., P. S.. P. B., Radio, “Good Second Car” '66 Chevy 10 Van West Main & New haven Sis. MOUNT JOY, PA. ADAMS COUNTY Jerseyland Peaches : $3.00 Basket DUTCH PRIDE FARM MARKET TWO MILES SOUTH OF MANHEIM ON ROUTE 72 PHONE 665-4020 Daily 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Saturday 7 a. m. to 6 p.m. WEEK-END SPECIALS SILVER QUEEN White Sweet Corn \ a) ta a oe ma a A a a eat ag ast H Closed Sunday rr — ma. a. a a a a a at Fresh Daily MA's ONE-HALF GALLON Root Beer, Birch Beer, Cola 29c - 2 for $1.00 HOME GROWN Cahhage a ee are ea a i lh. 8c Dr. Pepper 10-OZ. CARRIER §3c plus deposit - Reg. 63¢c Honey Sweet Cantaloupes! Ice Cold Watermelons! Peppers i a { ( | 3 { x . { hu \ { &. J { A ( £ 208 Ca ¢ ( $5 { 3 ( i 3 ( { Pe ( { 0) te { i { ; ( ( ( ( { ( 2 5 ( ( ( % ( 3 ‘8 3 | 5 (8 » ( % re ( ' { HE ( ( ( { ( ( ( { { { ( { ( ( (i GARDEN FRESH Lima Beans areen Beans Tomatoes Lettuce Celery Cucumbers Peetu ————— a —E—— ~— ———— ee Te tte er er a a mC ee. LRN Sg res ne rN rm