The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 26, 1972, Image 3
a & & & & [34 G & & i {18 | FE FE | 8 bl | 2 | 3 | I t & RRRRRARRRANARRSR i% EEE A aE A contemporary glass for Coca-Cola Trade-mark® Collect your set of6or8 \ 1 ) . fries and a Coke rade-mark &® 454 WEST MAIN STREET PHONE: 653-2332 MOUNT JOY The Worry Clinic by Dr. Geo. W. Crane Willliam presents one of the worst threats to our Republic. Be sure you understand why our private foun- dations should never be forced to turn over their func- tion to Uncle Sam. For when everybody must look to “Big Brother” for handouts and favors, voting can be coerced and freedom dies! Beware! CASE Q-599: William C., note. aged 42, is a tax lawyer of “Dr. Crane,” he began, “I believe the government is soon going to rescind the tax exemption of probably 9 fam- ily foundations out of every 10. Sparked by the hostiliy of ormer Senator Gore, an at- empt is being made _to stop private philanthropy. “The many millions now being channeled into college gifts of libraries and research iunds, or {o hospitals and cther brcad educational pro- jecis, will then be confiscated by Unicie Sam. “In this manner, American citizens will be forced to look to ‘Big Brother” for future aids to charitable and educa- tional projects. “And that will be tragic! “For when private founda- tions finance social, religious and educational goals, no coercion is then wielded over them on election day to make them vote for the party in power! “This attempt to eliminate private foundations, though most laymen haven’t realized it thus far, is just another step toward Big Brother’s So- cialism.” Our Founding Fathers did not want. us to be serfs of the state! They disliked having wus lowly citizens kowtow to gov- ernment for handouts. But the government has al- ready placed everybody over 65 in its pocket! That is because Uncle Sam operates Social Security funds instead of letting private In- surance companies handle e 1 t them. Astute political scientists like editor Jameson Camp- aigne, Sr., have shown that if private insurance firms took care of the monthly deduc- tions from your pay checks, then you would be eligible for nearly DCUBLE the amount after you retire at 65! Meanwhile, those firms would be PAYING taxes like the rest of us. Uncle Sam pays no taxes on anything! Furthermore, Uncle Sam could not coerce votes by the veiled threat of tearing up Social Security checks! That's a form of psycholo- gical blackmail that was used very effectively on older vot- ers in 1964 by LLBJ’s TV cam- paign. For TV showed Social Se- curity checks being ripped a- part, with the implicatoin that such would be the result if Goldwater won. Remember, good laws and good government are never partisan! No party has a ‘“‘corner’” on justice, probity, patriotism and honor, Only crooked dealing be- comes a partisan political de- vice to coerce voters on elec- tion day. And it is an axiom of Ap- plied Psychology that the less you permit government to run your lives, the more freedom you will enjoy, “The power to tax,” said Chief Justice John Marshall, “is the power to destroy.” And Woodrow Wilson aptly stated the proper American motto: “All any American should desire is a free field and no favors.” So you literate (reading) Americans need to the devious attempts to us of freedom, even as gards private foundations. This is a non-partisan issue. So send for my booklet “How to Save Our Republic,” enclosing a long stamped, re- turn envelope, plus 25c. Get it into all ‘your high schools so the new leadership of this wonderful country will stop the mad trend toward Statism and dictatorship. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en- closing a long stamped, ad- dressed envelope and 25c¢ to cover typing and printing tosts when you send for one nf his booklets.) expose rob 1'C STEPS IN ADOPTING A CHILD EXPLAINED BY SPECIALIST The first step in the adopt- ion process is reaching a mu- tual decision to seek a child, says James Van Horn, Exten- sion family life specialist at Penn State. Both prospective parents shouid have definite positive feelings about this. If one has doubts, he or she should admit them before- hand. Hidden feelings are bound to come out in inter- views with a caseworker. There are many agencies which offer adoption services. Friends or acquaintances who have adopted children will us- ually be glad to share their WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1972 - ————— experiences, The yellow pages not automatically ruled out of the telephone directory can as progpective parents nei also provide some agency ther are those with low in numbers and names. comes. There may be fees involv In many parts of the coun ed in adoption, points out try, adoptable babies are Van Horn. Before beginning scarce — especially if they with an agency, ask about are~healthy, white and new the fees, State agencies usual- borns. The more selective ly charge no fee; private ones prospective parents are, the may have a sliding fee scale depending on income, Prospective adoptive par ents must go through inter- views and fill out some forms before their application is processed. These are designed to help couples understand more about parenthood, as well as to establish the right home for the right child. In addition to interviews & forms, Van Horn says physic- al examinations, references, and a brief financial report are usually required. People with physical handicaps are ~ longer adoption may take. It takes the sun 11 hours to travel the Soviet Union. aCross OPEN ROAD INDOOR SHOWROOM Travel Trailer-Motor Home Sale & Rental See them all at H. E. LEHMAN, INC. R.D. 3 Manheim, Pa. Quarter Mile North of Turnpike Exit 20 on Route 72 Phone 653-3566 MEN and CALL RHEEMS For Day and Night Work at Rheems Plant. at Rheems Plant APPROXIMATELY AUGUST 1 - SEPTEMBER 15 Applicant must be over 18 years of age. Between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. THE AANNE CNSR ER SNE ERIN ANS EERE ps Sweet Corn Processing HELP WANTED WOMEN OFFICE 367-5142 VERRNERAN JOHN F. COPE Co, Inc. MANHEIM, R. D. 1 17-2¢ 4 * Freezer holds up to 91 lbs. » Automatic defrosting refrigerator section * Huge vegetable bin e Only 28” wide = o : @ - : Flood Discount Still in Effect : ea Up to $85 Cash Refund Paid : DIRECTLY TO YOU BY GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ON PURCHASES OF © MAJOR APPLIANCES, TV OR STEREO Hl BASED ON MID-ATLANTIC ZONE FLOOD RELIEF DISCOUNT : SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FROM JULY Ist to SEPTEMBER Ist f LESS FLOOD RELIEF DISCOUNT Holds 216 Pounds $159 £7 12. INCH \ BLACK & WHITE PORTABLE TV VHF - UHF $6988 ) 3 Water Levels Choice of water Tempt. FREE ® DELIVERY @ NORMAL INSTALLATION ® WARRANTY PARTS and SERVICE Wii EN Ei Si SIRT 1 FHI, SEH THE