The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1972, Image 6
. : WEDDINGS : - BERRIER — HOFFMAN The marriage of Miss Bon- ita Kay Hoffman to Dale Jay Berrier took place Saturday, June 17, at 6 p.m. at the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church, Maytown, with the Rev. Romald E. Peirson offici- ating. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Millard S. Hoffman, Mount Joy R1. She was graduated from Donegal high school and Thompson Business School, Harrisburg. She is employed by Arm strong Ceiling Plant, Marietta, The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Ber- Elizabethtown R3. He rier, was graduated from Eliza- bethtown high school and served in the U. 8S. Marine Corps, for four years, He is employed by PP&L, Holt- wood Power Plant. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white nylon trimmed with Alencon lace, Mrs. “Dianna Zimmerman, sister of the bridegroom, Lan- caster, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Mar- lene Arnold, Bainbridge R1, Miss Jane Gruber, Mount Joy, and Miss Patricia Zinn, Mari- etta. Flower girl was Miss Cheri Johnson, Mcunt Joy. Dean Berrier, brother of the bride- groom, was ringbearer. Serving as best man was David Heistand of Elizabeth- town R3. Ushers were James Hoffman, brother of the bride Mount Joy R1, John T!¥me, Mount Joy R2, and Lester Zimmerman, Lancaster. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Rheems Fire Hall, The couple will live at Halt- wood RI1. MILLER — NISSLEY Miss Ann Louise Nissley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mer Nissley, 539 Hill St., Mt. Joy, and Richard Erb Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Elizabethtown R1 were united in marriage Saturday, June 17, at 10 a.m. at Eris- man Mennonite church. Bishop Howard Witmer of- ficiated at the ceremony, as- sisted by Rev. Abram Hoover, uncle of the bride. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a white flower length gown of peau de soie, fashioned with an Empire waist, stand up collar, and long sleeves. Lace trimmed the front and the back of the gown. Her bouf- fant veil was attached to a cluster of daisies, She carried a semi-round bouquet of dais- les and ivy. Attending the bride was her sister, Miss Linda Nissley, of Mount Joy, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Mar- vin Nissley, Mt. Joy, sister-in- law of the bride, Miss Donna Nissley, Mount Joy, sister of the bridegroom. Serving as best man was Gerald Miller, brother of the bridegroom. The groomsman were Marvin Nissley, = Mount Joy, brother of the bride, Da- vid Miller, Elizabethtown, bro- ther of the bridegroom, and Delbert Wissler, of Salunga. Glenn Nolt, Manheim, and Barry Rissmiller, Elizabeth- town, served as ushers. Nelson Hoover was soloist and Mrs. Elvin Kreider was organist. A reception was held at Hostelters Banquet Hall, Mount Joy. The bride is a 1970 gradu- ate of Donegal high school and is employed at Mount Joy Union National Bank. The bridegroom is a graduate of Elizabethtown high school and is employed at Greiners Garage. Following a wedding trip to the New England States and Canada, the couple will live at Mount Joy RI. RADLE —GEIB Tne marriage of Miss Linda Geib to Larry Radle took place Saturday, June 17 at 2 p.m. at the Florin Church of the Brethren with the Rev, Jacob Replegle officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Geib of 335 Chocolate Avenue. She was graduated Donegal high school. employed by Donegal tries, Inc., Mount Joy. The bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Radle from She is Indus- of 121 East Hazel Avenue, Marietta. He was graduated from Donegal high school and ser- ved in the U, S. Army for 2 vears. He is employed by the York Metalcrafters, Inc., at Wrightsville. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a floor-length Bown of organza over taffeta trimmed with rib- bon beading and pink flowers. Miss Donna Flick of Mount Joy R1 was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Mari- lyn Geib, Maytown, and Miss Kathy Radle, sister of the bridegroom, Serving as best man was Paul E. Geib, brother of the bride. Ushers were Donald Geib, brother of the bride, Maytown, and Barry Engle, Columbia. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Hos- tetter’s Dining Hall. ; The couple will live in Lan- caster, Engagements TT BUCHER — KRAUS Mr. and Mrs. Charles NM. Kraus Jr., 50 N. Chestnut St, Marietta, announce the en gagement of their caughner, Miss Pamela Ann Kraus, Jay Richard Bucher The bride.elect was gradi ated from Donegal high schocl and attended Shippensturg State college. Mr. Bucher is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Euche: of Rock Rd., Ephrata Rl. He was graduated from Ephrata high school and Gettysburg college where he earned a B. A. degree in business admin- istration. He is employed by National Central Bank. VanderSchaaf — McElrea Mr. and Mrs. William J. McElrae of Mount Joy Rl, announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Marie McElrea to Mark Edward VanderSchaaf. Mr. VanderSchaaf is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard VanderSchaaf, 920 44th St, S. E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Miss McElrae is a graduate of Hempfield high school and a senior at Swarthmore Col- lege in Swarthmore. Mr. VanderSchaaf is a gra- duate of Washington high school in Cedar Rapids and Swarthmore college. He will be in the graduate program in urban planning at the Uni- versity of Iowa. The wedding is planned for January. THE INTERNATIONALS The Internationals, singers and orchestra, a dedicated group of young Christian stu- dents representing the Flori- da Bibie College, Hollywood, Florida, will present a pro- gram in sacred music at the Congregational Bible Church, 441 By-Pass, Sunday evening, June 25, at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited. Marietta, on- PAGE 6 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1972 ny B.P.W. Members Attend State Meeting members of the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women’s Club were among the 695 women attending the 52nd annual convention of the Pennsylvan ia Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, held in Philadelphia, June 15 18, at the Bellevue Stratford Thirty-seven Hotel, District 7 served as hostess. Mount Joy delegates were Mrs. Gerald Sheetz and Mrs. Marlin Sinegar. Alternates were Mrs. Abram Weidman and Mrs. John H. Fry. Mrs. Benjamin Horst, Jr. attended as the club’s incoming presi- dent, and Miss Dorothy Donegal High Honor Roll “A” HONOR ROLL Seniors Mark Gainer, Georgeanne Fitzkee, Patricia Buchanan, Linda Grissinger. Jean Heilig, Mary Jane Heisey and Joan Little. Juniors Betsy Barto, Pamela Brock, Heather Mumma, and Cindy Myers. Sorhomores Joyce Brubaker, Musser, Marcia Kenneth Mellinger, Lutheran Church Bible School Daily Vacation Bible School will be ‘held at Trinity Luth- eran church Monday, June 19, through Friday, June 30, from 9 to 11 a.m. The theme for this year’s school is “My God, My Faith, My Life”, and there will be classes for chil- dren from age 3 to and inclu- ding 6th and 7th graders. The Bible School lessons are orn film strip, and the daily sessions also include worship service as a group, songs, arts and crafts, games and refresnments. There will not be a closing Sunday program this year due to the holiday weekend. Instead, there will be a short closing program the last day of the school, Friday, June 30 at 10:30 a.m, Teaching this year’s school will be the following: Marilyn Etsell and Sylvia Klauss, nur- sery. Kindergarten: Jean Ger- berich and Mary Hallgren. Primary: Sally Walton, Jo- anne Strickler and Mary Ann Lauver. Juniors: Judie Wel- ler and Linda Boozer. Pre- teens: Elinore Ruhl and Mir- iam Breinich. Helpers include the follow. ing: Barbie Hallgren, Cathy Lauver, Kim Brown, Pam Horst, Jeannie Lauver and Weidner, Nursery. Sheri Zerphey, Lee Ann Ellis, Steve Zerphy and Scott Brightbill, Rif Jerzatien. rimary: Carol Klauss and Janis Brown. Juniors: Cindy Malehorn and Charlene Kel- ley. Preteens: Keith Smith and Helen Brown. Mrs. Sue Zerphey will be the secretary. .Mrs. Dorothy Nissley, song leader. Keith Smith, pianist. Refreshments will be prepared by Mrs. Stel- la Batzel, Mrs. Winifred Lin- ton, Mrs. Floy Gilbert and Mrs. LuElla Eshleman. Rev. W. Lester Koder will be in charge of the daily devotions. The Nation’s truck fleet, which numbered only 700 ve- hicles when registration first began in 1904, had grown to an estimated 17.8 million trucks in 1970. The famous London Bridge now stands in Arizona, Babassu nuts are the hard- est nuts in the world. NEW BOOKS AT MOUNT JOY LIBRARY Weep no more, my lady Milbry Out of the dark Felled oaks Open marriage The ledge Confessions of a basketball gypsy Angels four Inspector Ghote goes by train The miracie workers Mickey Deans Bowen Ingram Norah Lofts Andre Malraux Nena O’Neii Gertrude Schweitzer Rick Barry David Nott H. R. F. Keating Jess Stearn Karen -Saylor, Sharon Zim- merman, Patricia Wolfe. Freshmen Newton Kendig, Mary Alice Heilman, Jeff Sheetz, John Weidman. “B” HONOR ROLL Seniors Scott Albert, Robert Aungst Richard Buchanan, Barbara Brubaker, Paula Brandt, Deb- orah Clapsaddle, Kathy Clark Patricia Coyle, Sally Cran- ford. Leslie Engle, Caleb Hess Molly Fry, Leslie Keener, Wil- liam Libhart, Sharon Kreider, Mindi Liggins, Gary McCork- el, Joseph McLain, Dale Neid- igh, William Ober, Edward Reeves, Elaine Lioraw, Mari- jane Sager, Stephen Stark, Michael Watcher, Brent Zeller and Marjorie Straub. Juniors Donna Coller, John Frey, Eugene Grimm, Carol Fry- moyer, Deborah Harnish, Pal- mer Hossler, Debra Hess, Wil- liam Lenox, Nancy Houck, Georgeanne Jenkins, Beverly Loraw, Barbara May, Debra Meckley, Patricia Morton, Lisa Mull, Eugene Raihl, Mary Jane Robinson, Susan Rolfs, Richard Ryder, Trudy Smith Susan Shue, Lena Slesser, Sharon Steckbeck, Linda Stoltzfus, Lynn Weaver, Bon- nie Wilson, Joan Wolgemuth. Sophomores Gabriele Amersbach, David Bard, Beth Becker, Rachel Brubaker, Norman Ebersole, Dustin Drénner, Phillip Hol- linger, Eva Glattacker, Susan Godshall, Denise Golden, Vic- kie Greiner, Nancy Jo Green- awalt, Robert Lauver, Brenda Kreider, Carole Henry, Linda Sue Hess, Linda Kauffman, Gloria Longenecker, Bernice Mummau, Julia Meszaros, Donna Peters, Keith Smith, Cynthia Rinehart, Cindy Waltz, Betty Troutwine, Lin- da Toth, Cindy Spicher, Gail Garner. Freshmen Dean Buchenauer, Jean Ad- rian, Marcia Aungst, Susan Adams, Paul Earhart, Timo- thy Eshelman Andrew Fan- tom, Fred Frick, Helene Dal- kiewicz, John Haynes, Rebec- ca Germer, Eileen Grimm, Marlene Hess, William Landis Ann Houseal, Maureen Jones, Jim Laughlin, Pat Mathiot, Wayne Rice, Jeff Ruhl, David Schlosser, Raymond Sell, Ju- dy Morton, Odessa Mull, Pat Peifer, Ramona Sell, Joseph Snyder, Scott Stark, Michael Troup, Donald Witman, Wil- liam Zimmerman, Sonya Smith, Selisa Stauffer, Marcia Weidman, Robin Wilkinson. Attend Convention Albert J. Kleiner, Mount Joy Bgsbough councilman, and George Ulrich, Mount Joy borough manager, accompan- ied by Mrs. Kleiner and Mrs. Ulrich, have been atten- ding session June 18-21 of the 61st annual General assembly of the Pennsylvania State As- sociation of Boroughs. Held at Benjamin Franklin hotel in Philadelphia, the con- vention had as its theme, “Home Rule”. Kleiner is a member of the Lancaster County Borough's association and a director on the Pennsylvania association’s board of directors. He and Mrs. Kleiner were members of the committee to plan the assembly for representatives of 965 boroughs which have a population of more than 3 million people. Schock served as song leader throughout the convention. Thirty-one club members at- tended as members-at-large, Mrs. Catherine E. Freder- ick, state president of the Federation, presided over the convention and Mrs, Jeannie C. Squire, national president elect, served as the national representative to the assemb- ly. 4 Dorothy M. Mowery, Director District 7 and mem- member of the Shippensburg club, was the general chair. man of the convention assist- ed by two vice-chairmen — Mrs. Mary Lou Herr of the Columbia Club and Miss Phyl- lis Mengel of the Hershey Club. At the Friday night Awards Dinner banquet Mount Joy as one of the clubs in District 7 to receive an equalization award for membership for the 1971-72 club year. The Mt. Joy club received two cita- tions in the state news Ser- vice contest classified under the following categories; the pest feature story on a club as a group and the most com- plete coverage of a special project carried by a local b ap banquet held Saturday evening in the ballroom of the hotel was in charge of: the Mount Joy club. Mrs. Earl Koser, chairman for the event was assisted by Mrs. Lester Eshelman, Mrs. Herbert Sar- ver, Mrs. Paul Little and Mrs. James B. Heilig. All Mt. Joy club members attending the convention served as hostesses for the banquet. Enfertainment was present- ed by Mrs. Romayne Bridgett, well known contralto from Mount Joy, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Joan Lock- wood of Lancaster. Details Changes At Hersheypark Si Little, publicity director of Hershey park, was the speaker Tuesday noon, June 20, at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Mount Joy Ro- tary club, held at Hostetters. Showing slides, he told how the famous park is undergo- ing a five-year improvement program-—indicating what has been done and what is plan- ned year by year until 1976. The park attracted more than 700,000 people last year Little said and the projection is that the number will ‘soar by 1980.. TO SELL STOCK Pennsylvania Power & Com- pany has filed a registration statemetn with the Securities and Exchange Commission covering the sale of 350,000 shares of Preference Stock: The proposed offering, which tentatively is set for July 11, is expected to raise about $35 million, which will be used o retire short-term debt incurred to meet con- struction expenditures. PP& L’s construction program for the three years 1972 through 1975 will require about $700 million. MT. JOY ATHLETIC ASSN. PEE WEE LEAGUE (June 18) American Ww L Red Sox .....c.5+0 4 2 Indians. i. ose. 3 3 Orioles... ...... svi 1 5 TWINS «.ciad. dine 0 6 Results Indians 6 Phillies 4 A's 15 Red Sox 6 Phillies 9, Orioles 8 National Ww L Giants... .. via ce vi 5 1 Pirates .... cov vien 5 1 AS ves ei a res 4 1 Phillies ©. =... 2 suiies 1 4 Results Giants1l1, Indians 2 Giants 6 Twins 3 Pirates 3, Orioles 0 0 \; IL ed |B | BS le A 5S \s 8 2, % = D> - i) 2) ) pri El CC ne) as J ~ AEOEOICR Ey KR 3 "ney! = 1 Use dru to abo use lem ress Corr ety mar ture the How term just are. pl iar safe using Seiou safe beco man for use home ect ¢ Choo tries’ them factu then actu vrork &.ppli of th you, hold Take Durir ‘R sumn day vity tiring Thy ed of vacat for and s cover day. longey sunbu reflec ches « In « if you He of re print in siz 34) t: fabric sizes (bust ik 0) cents mail IRIS pape 0795( Fre you. tern 1 pon f