oducts are difficult Dutch farmers wear wood- Nearly one out of PACE WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1972 Some Dr en shoes because leather does five trucks in the Nation {0 & to guarantee, as Montgomery : Ward's catalog of 1881 point- not last long In Holland's day is used on the farm—g COUNTY WIDE ed out, ‘“Perspiration from damp fields. total of nearly 3.5 million some feet has the same ruin- farm trucks. ous effect on leather as a EDUCATIONAL NOTE R———————— ‘ strong acid, hence we will not A chorus girl gets her ed- S————— | i ucation by stages—a college Vitamin A helps the body pl warrant boots worn without girl by degrees, build resistance to infection NEED HELP? OR SERVICEY socks.” One of these reputable firms may be able to be of Ce fh EEO ON | EEE | assistance 4 FE Lh aa M antl VHA S & H GREEN stamps [1B = CASH AND CARRY ONLY M ali a Located Ln RL Jz: Mile N. | of ( = = RRR o st Petersburg {EF Hon S _AUNO SALES * ROOFINGSIDING oo FREE PARKING rin, ARNOLD'S Phone 898.0041 ’ Qoy PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE TED ‘MILLER 0 | | SUMMER HOURS: ; oy New & Used Car ROOFING & SIDING Ni Ad FA TR TAR Mout, Wed. & Thurs. to 6pm. RB Glo: Sales & Service CONTRACTOR ; Wh os noi3 om. | dist MAYTOWN, PENNA. FREE. ESTIMATES Closed Sunday ny 146 S. Grant Street, Manheim members of The American Assoc anon “: Nursergmen; Pa's Nurserymen's Assn. y late " Phone 6656591 G. 1 ! S] a» bm] STURDAY., HANDCRAFTED PREEN > DAIRY PRODU LL ET 1G GODS Prevents eid fu 15,000 Sq. Fi. iy. ELWOOD MARTIN — FICNIC TABLES! sly 55 | ‘PENSUPREME PRODUCTS RAY KNORR'S Weed & Feed Evergreen Beds L866 MILK & ICE CREAM SPORTING GOODS — The Zeiy Way — EVER PREEN at I .D.2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-4891 . sq. ft. Only $4.95 June RD. 2 h oy ® pe” 3 Licenses 7 ). R Pp! 4 NTS | crief S—— pment 500 XR id % o LARGE 3-YEAR ed ® HOME . HOURS: Mon Tue, Thur, & A hang IMPROVEMENTS 7-3-9 pm. Sat. 9am 5pm. Rubber Plants, Dwf. Orange & Lime TRZE PEONIES 18 = ; Date Palm and Crotons POTTED M ary DROP CEILINGS PANELING WATCH REPAIRING dre $5.95; NOW g 4°) 4 a NEW ADDITIONS BIRD B ATHS | : a ¢ Fim Guaranteed Workmanship CALL 6654345 \ Large Display as low as $6.29 BALTIC IVY 10 “ Nl ell — = Hardy Ground Cover - Flats of 200 | ° child ® LOANS XK: : ] SEE OUR BIG DISPLAY OF 10c each 3 2, gr 1 GARDENA GARDEN HOSE qf co Instalment Consumer 3 AND ATTACHMENTS BAR HARBOR JUNIPER 3 5 aDicoun So py WATCH SFIANDY CLICK-ON ACCESSORIES Fine ground cover $2.49 4 ral 1 23 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown REPAIR : : : Yas PHONE 367-1185 = Bruce Myers 1/3 OFF on ALL ANNUALS (Bedding Plants), Geraniums, Cannas, Moss ery, . TET 68 S. Linden St. Phlox, Perennials, Clumps, Lovely Hanging Baskets — REAL VALUES! ® MASONRY ALLL & Manheim - St m= — j y . ° LESTER P. ESHELMAN SI ; i Hi ERR ET : : ry Se MASONRY : lad SE RL 2 a Brick » Block - Stote “SHURF INE YELLOW CLING 2 WL Silicone Masonry 2 GE 8) Lave LS chur Waterproofing X 21, SIZE Sed EJ Fre day, Donegal Springs Road : cans § y bcd 653-5325 : vit the | m= = » a” ” ht a.m. e OIL SERVICE FRESH- CRISP WESTERN “ICEBERG : am, — 5 n | p.m. HOLLINGER : 8 ay OIL SERVICE ; Ld I MOUNT JOY 653-4484 : 3 hl ATLANTIC PETROLEUM E , by by th PRODUCTS : HERSHEY'S t ship \ er br a Q = + 80 i eran | {| EEE CHCA SYRUP {| : a Final Touch 02 39 1 i Carriger # Le FABRIC SOFTENER ontitl Paint & Body Shop ’ og GIANT SIZE 33 oz. Mem] : . SP 4 rged Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt WITH THIS COUPON MEATY END CUT nga Wheel Alignment Service Oc Limit 1 coupon per : 3 boitie purchased ox come ai iki SK PORK CHOPS Ej} .- Byrds 1 jon W i Heeaemable only at Mosemann’s om Without coupon 79c » altar. ® PLUMBING Expires 6/24/72 ! mari; hi mm Ib. eo § B work H. S. MECKLEY & SON tend. PLUMBING - HEATING Fresh Cut at Mosemann'’s ! : OIL BURNERS > Sales & Service Ll 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-5981 GROUND { H U { K E:2 Fresh Ground at Mosemann's! Est: awe ITCHING? js AWAKE ® ET Town Let doctor's formula stop it. LE AN BOILED \Y/ | 1 Ib ad Ly -Zemo speeds soothing relief to ex- 2 : ted tc ternally caused itching of eczema, | Dersor minor rashes, skin irritations, non- " - 3 | reque: poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes ESSKAY HICKORY SMOKED En ate p: aerve endings. Kills millions of sur- ys ing c face germs, aids healing. *‘De-itch” C ER LY ~ gainst skin with Zemo, Liquid or Ointment. them Quick relief, or your money back! SLICED B A 0 N . leme! ALL PURPOSE MILD - RINDLESS . ® 3 M-ONEOILf] LONGHORN CHEESE : and Oils Ever ything Fresh Sliced at Mosemann'’s! in ° Th Prevents Rusti lf OPEN - THURSDAY and mgs till 0 PM ~ SATURDAY till 6 PM , The REGULAR — OIL SPRAY — ELECTRIC MOTOR ; A EX be East I a : 5 visors |] i hs Friday a ei p.m - : Hitman | 0 37 MARKEZ SQUARE . : MANHEIM, PA. applic: Flowe:
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