The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1972, Image 2
~~ much, but « PAGE 2 Pick Your Own Sweet Cherries FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL HOMEGROWN SUGAR PEAS STRAWBERRIES NEW POTATOES CHECK FOR CANNING APRICOTS NEXT WEEK MELONS AND CANTALOUPES EGGS — 2 doz. large, 89¢c; 3 doz. cracks, 89c WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MARKET Open Daily 8-6; Except Friday 8-9. Closed Sunday % MILE WEST OF FLORIN, PHONE 653-5661 - NOTICE - WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATION THE WEEK OF JULY 3rd Brubaker’ DRY CLEANING & MEN'S SHOP S ALSO The Pepper Tree Dress Shop 15-2¢ DEMAND In dealing with life we all carry a note of credit that says “Payable on demand.” We shy away from persons who seem to demand too there are some positive aspects of this word. Beethoven wrote music that could not be properly played because adequate instruments were not available. But he did not stop writing music. The piano concerto in C Minor created a demand for new techniques. Because of a gen- ius that would mnot quit, we have his beautiful music to enjoy. CONTENTMENT I have two friends who are studying the same profession, but their attitudes toward their work are as different as they: could possibly be. One of my friends strives, strug- gles, and strains all his facul- ties in in getting his work done. The other works stead- ily in quiet contentment, knowing that he can do that which needs to be done. Be ing contented does not mean giving up and accepting things as they are. I! may mean FOR Moving Storage CALL Charles E. Groff 653-1357 MOUNT JOY choosing a path walk with ease and enjoy ment toward your uliimate goals. WOMEN'S CLOTHING SIZES NOT STANDARDIZED The National Bureau of Standards has made clothing standards for sizing children’s clothing available to manufac- turers. Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson Extension clothing specialist at Penn State, says- this siz- ing is based on studies of the body measurements consider- de to be average for partic- ular ages However, she points out, that sizing is not standardized in women’s wear and that’s the reason many women wear different ‘sizes in different brands of clothing. VITAL STATISTICS : DEATHS Henry H. Hiestand, 86, Salun- ga Miss Malinda G. Myers, formerly of Florin * * * 88, BIRTHS A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Stauffer, Manheim A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ryan, East burg A son to Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Landisville A son to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Myers, Manheim A son to Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Bender, East Peters- burg A son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pfoutz, Manheim Peters- OPEN HOUSE at Wolf's Sporting Center [J DOOR PRIZES Of All Kinds — REFRESHMENTS * Starting June 22 through June 24 SPECIALS A Scopes, 4X-32, $14.95 Winchester cartridges, cal. 270, 100 grain Winchester .22 mag. h.p., . 45-cal Black Powder Rifle Powder Flasks, 36 and 45-calibre S FOLLOWS: 3 to 9 Scopes, $24 95 .. $3.50 box tess se esvine Remington All American Trap Loads 12 gauge, Shooting Shirts, Clay. Birds Remington wads, #130 Remington 94 wads, Alcan Primers Remington Primers, Mec 600 Jr. 12-gauge loader sie Yee ee seen . $2.15 box (Case, $41.95) reg $6.95, now $4.95 $2.39 carton $5.69 for 1M 1 M, $5.89 RR TE SR Ee RN ses siemis assesses nie 15 Fishing Reels on Sale — Fish Hooks, 6c a pack, ‘5c Spinners of all kinds, 4 for $1: reg. 39c each Dozens of Other Items to Choose from For More Information call 665-6089 LOCATED ON RTE. 72 - § MILES N. OF MANHEIM 14-2¢ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1972 Quantity Rights Reserved LOW PRICES GREE STAMP EVERY DAY AT YOUR WEIS MARKET a —— i — | WEIS “Fresh” . GOV'T INSPECTED GREAT ON THE GRILL... . SMOKED rin FRYING CHICKEN LEG or BREAST QUARTERS -30 Without NECK GIBLETS PORK CHOPS 08: Facial Tissues KRAFT ... Catalina Die, Br NBG BBGEIE TSE SO GGG GGG EEE SUE, | BY SII RGGI Y BEI WEEK'S FEATURE : il. Salad Dressing THIS FRESH, DELICIOUS PRODUCE & ny "FREE ONE BATH SIZE BAR OF IRISH SPRING soar « with purchase of one bar Offer Expires 6/28 72 Ome Coupon Per Family RRARRRFARRARRRRRIN 8 1 1 ig i » 3 18 i fromm mmm eof WITH &! THIS «& COUPON ‘SAVE 35. [&3 & On a 4-Oz. Jar of FREEZE-DRIED 2 & MAXIM : INSTANT COFFEE 2 << & << & Offer Expires 6/28/72 One Coupon Per Family a PEACHES which you BANQUET... Frozen § Ys 0 | ‘Dinners #5 WEIS QUALITY P i i WHOLE 1-Lb. {) a 0es or SLICED Cans LORD MOTT... G 15-0z. reen Beans Extra S&H Green Stamps |° TA 4 you | DUTCH VALLEY BlANT 8.02. c soy | Pretzel Sticks 5% 35 LUCKY LEAF .. . Cinnamon ] 25-0z Applesauce 5 WEIS QUALITY Boxes of 200 2-Ply 9 NIBH G GGG: LH HUGG GY IPB IBGE | ‘SAVE 15- &.. | 3 bye COUPON (ff 2 ON A 2-LB. CAN OF 2 2 1 5 MAXWELL HOUSE ff D . COFFEE < < a X S BD Offer Expires 6/2872 G | 2 One Coupon Per Family $ Tm, RRAOAALREARRRAARAAAI SHG BEGG GB BB IGG OGG GBB BYBIL 3 WITH SAVE 18§¢ ito. © » COUPON } 2 ON A 28-0Z BOTTLE of LIQUID » AR : AJAX CLEANER. 2 } 3 &B 3 ) Offer Expires 6/28/72 g 3 ‘One Coupon Per Family sh ARRRRRABRPRAA AAA AARRADAARARRARAIN | A A AN RZ ZAMAN AAR A A A A A —— a wa wl i