The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1972, Image 15
% ! ! MOVEMENT The opposite of movement is that which is static, still, perhaps stagnant. Even when something touches our emo- tions deeply we say, “I was moved by it.” Movement and fluidity are a part of living ef- fectively in the world of to- day. We must develop more skill in moving from the old to the new without a sense of loss. Imagine yourself in a boat moving with the current, not with fear but with a sense of joy and ex»ecstation, to- ward the experienca just around the bend. The blue whale is the larg est animal ever known to live on the earth! Young people tell you what they are doing, old people what they have done, and fools what they wish to do. Otters are the swimming and diving champions of all land mammals, The Grand Canyon was dis- covered in 1540. J. Harvey Spahr A Safe Place To Buy Oldsmobile & Diamond Reo Trucks 72 Demonstrator Sale! "72 Delta 88 Royale PS, PB, AIR COND., WHITE WITH BLACK VINYL TOP : Y. . C3 Value Rated Used Cars: ’69 Olds Delta 88 4-Dr Sedan P.S., P.B., AIR COND. '68 Olds 98 Luxury Sedan LOADED ’68 Olds 88 4-Dr. Sedan, P.S., P.B. 4] - 43 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 665 2281 MANHEIM, PA. DISCOUNT SALE NEW CARS & NEW TRUCKS + BIG SELECTION OF PRE-OWNED AND RECONDITIONED CARS — COMPARE WTH OTHER DEALERS! You'll buy where you SAVE MONEY!! Come on over — Come out — Come down LOOK AT THE PRICES! — but GET HERE for the biggest inventory S ALE we have ever had. our own famous warranty on these pre-owned — reconditioned cars. you bought from:— Ask about You'll be glad MANHEIM FORD, INC. mzziss TOWN & COUNTRY 665-3551 3.0 SOUTH MAIN STREET 38 PCNTIAC 4 Door Sedan, White " Nice Car, Low Miles $1795 “69 FORD MUSTANG Red, Sure Eye Catcher New Carbon Valve Job $1795 ‘69 FORD LTD 4 Door, Green, You'll Like This $1985 ‘67 FORD FAIRLANE . Black Wagon $1095 68. FORD FAIRLANE Turquoise, White Inside Nice $1195 m1 AMERICAN HORNET, 2 Door Sedan Green $1795 ‘70 FORD MUSTANG, White, Black Vinyl Top $2095 ‘70 FORD MUSTANG, Green *g6’" Cylinder $1795 ‘71 FORD MAVERICK, Blue, Auto. $1895 ‘70 PONTIAC 4 Door, Air Condition, Green, Nice, Low Miles Warranty can be transferred $2295 ‘71 VOLKSWAGEN BUG, Light Blue, Nice $1795 ‘70 FORD TORINO, 2 Door Hardtop, Nice yellow color $1945 394-4071 MANHEIM, PENNA. ‘66 CHEVROLET Impala 4 Door Sedan, Nice, Really Nice $1095 71 INTERNATIONAL Carry All $3555 ‘70 FORD LTD 2 Door Hardtop, Dark Brown, Low Miles $2495 ‘69 FORD TRUCK 12 Ton $2095 ‘69 FORD 15 Ton Pick-up, New Paint, Etc. $1895 ‘72 FOLD DOWN NEW CAMPER $1545 TR ER IL AE, SCE Bray I. ® Classified Ads (From Preceeding Page) sens s— tt ct ee— J————- Wanted to Buy WANTED: Cigar molds, lab els, bands, etc. box full or truck load, Write box 103X, East Prospect, Pa. 17317. 15-10¢ Services Offered For masonry concrete work, call Jan Martin, masonry con tractor, 626-7466. 15-4c¢ Want Service on Norge - Zen- ith - Maytag or Gibson? Call Henny’s Electric 663-2105 — Jim Norton, owner. 15-1c ROHRER'S BOOK STORE and SODA FOUNTAIN 11 S. Main St., Manheim — Tyndale Living Bible — Open Daily 9:30 - 9 Saturday - 9.30 - 5 Business Opportunity fe — MAN OR WOMAN Reliable person from this area to service and collect from automatic dispensers. No experience needed . . . we es- tablish accounts for you. Car, references and $995 to $1,995 cash capital necessary. 4 to 12 hours weekly could net good part-time income. Full-time more. For local interview, write, include telephone num- ber, Eagle Industries, Dagart- ment BV, 3938 Meadowbrook Road. St. Louis Park, Minne- soa 53426. 15-1p Attila, the Hun, died at his own wedding feast from drinking too-much wine, NEWCOMER MOTORS PHONE 653-4821 69 Camero Cpe. : S.T. RH -8CYL '68 Chevelle Cpe. A.T. R.:..6 CYL. 67 Camero Cpe. 8 CYL. - 4-SPEED, S.T.R. wo Olds Cutlass 4-DOOR SEDAN - A.T.R. '65 Buick Special 83CYL.-A.T.R, ‘64 Chevelle 4-DOOR SEDAN - A. T. R. '62 Olds Cutlass COUPE - A. T. R. WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. WANTED! Full Time * CONTACT Warehouse Office Lancaster Leaf Tobacco OLD MARKET STREET MOUNT OY, PA. USED CARS Card of Thanks ——— ————————————————————————— We wish to thank all our friends for the lovely cards and well wishes for our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bentzel. 15-1p Mrs. Charles Hoffman and family wish to thank Rev. W. A. Stephens, relatives, neigh- bors and friends, for the flowers, prayers, cards and other kind deeds of sympathy during the illness and death of beloved husband, father, and grandfather. What has become of the myth that women belong to the weaker sex? There are two kinds of fools. One says, “This is old, therefore it is good.” The other says, “This is new, therefore it is better.” —William R. Inge —— 318 CROCHETED DRESS A crocheted dress is a wondor- ful way to dress your little ¢ No. 318 gives directions ior making sizes 2, 4, 6 ycars. Send 30 cents plus 10 conts for postage and handling to MARTHA MADISON (care of this newspaper), Morris Pluins, N.]J. 07950. For Needlework book send 50 cents. Contains tree coat pattem and embroidery and a coupon tor free pattern ot your cl ‘69 VW Bug 4-Speed ....... $1235 ‘87 Rambler 770 4-Dr., Al. Air .. 3795 ‘66 Falcon 2.-Dr., At $3585 ‘65 Rambler 660, At. $450 ‘65 Olds F-85 4-door A.T. 5 g ‘65 Chevy II, 2.Dr. .. § ‘64 Chevy 2-Dr. H.T, Awlo. .......... $3585 § Super Sport V-8 ‘64 Rambler American 4-Dr., Aulo. ..... 3495 ‘64 Chevy II, AT. .. $485 ‘64 Chevelle. Malibu 9385 § ‘€3 Rambler, 8.5. ... $150 VIC WENGER Colebrook St., R.D. 2 2 Mi. North of Manheim On Shoemaker Rd. Phone 665-3728 Laborers 9-ife