The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1972, Image 14
OOOTITVOUHIOUOOVIVDODIIN. AIGOO0000 “Everything for the Knitter”, E h d Lessons available, Marie's vervbho r YN of Yarn & Handmade Gitts. 13 Y y he i lassi le N. Main St., Manheim. Hours: ds off Mt. Joy road on Weaver At your drugstore. 8-10c — Road. Eby Berry Farm, 665- 5495 or 653-4755. Daily 9-5:30 except Tues. 9- Reads 12; Friday 9.9. Also at Rout’s COOOO0O0 every Tuesday. 11-tfe peme———"_ Strawberries. Pick your own. Reduce excess fluids with Bring your own containers. 3 Fluidex, $1.09 -. lose weight FO R SA LE miles west of Manheim, just-safely with Dex-A-Diet, $1.98 1967 Mustang 6-cyl. ST., yel- 15-1¢ > B > ¢/o Mount a os Bulletin C07 15-1p Super stuff, sure nuf! That's Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs 36-Vol. Ency. New Funk and sid iin Siosire scans N lls. Ph. 665-3331. 15-1p shampooer $1. Longenecker’s y egal EE P Hardware, 39 Market Square, FOR RENT: Viliage Green Sears 8'x16’ sidewall Tent, Manheim, Pa. 15-1¢ Apartments, east Willow St., $60; 2 sets of bunk cots, $10 Elizabethtown. 1 and 2 bed- per set. Call 665-5751. 15-1c New Factory Fabric Outlet— room apts., featuring total el- 40 new double knit prints eetric living, wall-to-wall car- 1965 Renault, very good con- just arrived. You know our pet, fully equipped G.E. kit- dition, $325. Call 655-2134. quality, See at Henny's Elec- chen, laundry facilities and 15-1c Jr, 43 Market Equare, Men. individually controlled Car- eim. - i i itioni . Treat rugs right, they'll be a C rier air conditioning & heat delight if cleaned with Blue Strawberries, sugar peas, hul- ge Lm ? ecy op Lustre. Rent electric sham- led peas picked daily. Stiegel urday and Sunday; 4 to 8 on pooer $1. Graham's, 10 Mar- Valley Farm Market, 2 miles : : Tuesday and Thursday. Call ket Square, Manheim, Pa. north of Manheim on Rte. 72. p i 15-1c Open till 8 p.m. 14.35 367-4769 or 838-4271 for infor mation. 38tfc Pick your own Hull Peas. Ph. Used refrigerators, ranges & 665-4205. 15-1¢ dryers. Good condition. Harry Pick your own strawPBerries. C. Smith, Frigidaire Sales & 3 mi. so. e. of Manheim along ee 33 Market Bqugrs, Fruitville Pike, near Fairland ee school. Bring own containers. FOR RENT HELP WANTED by Benjamin Franklin Library Waitress wanted, part time, 3 ie oan, Manisa to close in Paris. fey works, Musi be over 21. Sr -3033 and ask for 1961 Comet 2-Door, $15. Call Scientists urged to recreate Mrs. Paul Evans. 15-1c 665-5751. 15.1c life. (Turn to next page) When you can't be there... say, Gul Yokes with a Long Distance Tel TRO lephone call. dd a — mat” .y COLUMBIA - UNITED Ti TELEPHONE COMPANY An Equal Opportunity Employer CALL 684-2101 Member UNITED TELEPHONE SYSTEM OPERATED BY UNITED UTILITIES, INCORPORATED ew sale Sa TAY GOUDA CHEESE dinner dessert. Extension con- sumer specialists at Pennsy!- Gouda cheese, the red-wax- yania State university say ed coated cheasse, has a mild, that gouda cheese also makes nut-like flavor that is delici- an excellent centerpiece for ous when you serve it with a snack tray of varied cheese fresh apples for a light after- slices and mixed crackers, . OF we PERSONAL PROPERTY TO BE HELD FRIDAY EVE'G, JUNE 23 AT 6:00 P. M. Located 1 Mile North of Manheim, along the Old Line Road. 1 A FARMALL TRACTOR with plow & cultivator LINCOLN WELDER 225 AC DC with 2-cylinder moto mounted (like new), 1'2-ton chain hoist, Westinghouss air compressor, large tank, 175 lb pressure, like new; neavy duty Chicago pneumatic riveting outfit, like new, vise en mount; 10-20 truck tubes and flaps, 1 blower fan for van trailer, 1 fifth wheel, for truck; sleeper cab for truck, Reyco equalizer for tandom trailer, V2" inch elect. drill, step ladder, log chain, two 199 ft. cords, 50 ft. cord, new elect. 600-volt cable, new 11.5 h.p. electric motor, 8-ton hydraulic jack, soldering tools, welding rods, complete set cutting torch, elect. skill saw, tools, scrap iron and aluminum, batteries. 4chair breakfast set, refrigerator, cedar clothes closet, mahogany desk, rocker, clothes tree, barbecue grill, small AM-FM radio, 21-in. TV; 2 steam irons, elec. heater, porch bench, washing machine, metal sink, two end cabinets, iron kettle, 3%2h.p. lawn mower, self pro- pelled; old wine barrels, metal shower 30x30, galvan- ized tubs, buckets, sausage press, door latches, milk cans, old wheat bags, some Garden Tools, lots of un- sweetened grapefruit juice and grapefruit sections, 17 dozen jar lide and caps, new; old jugs, 2- & 3-gallons; 1 bolt action .22 rifle, one 16 guage bolt action shotgun, two 12 gauge pump gun, one like new; 50 license plates - 1923 up. Sale by: Harold Wenger RUFUS GEIB, and RAYMOND MILLER, AUCTIONEERS PUBLIC AUCTION —OF —— Antiques—Tools—Household Goods SATURDAY, JUNE 24 10:00 A.M. Located at 54 West Main Street. Mountville, Lancaster County, Penna. 04 Cal. U. S. Martial Percussion Pistol, dated 1854; iron fork salts, watches, iron frog, old dolls, parlor lamp, cups and saucers, Sugar Creek batter clappers, pictures, frames, bottles, tin ware, jugs, crocks, jars, books, pressed glass, hand painted Nippon & Noritaki old valentines & cards, cheese molds, banks, The Big Noise and National Cap Pistols, flat irons, trivets, campaign buttons and materials, 1910 couvenir pitcher and 2 mugs, shav- ing mug, mustache cup, German dishes, small mugs, 3-prong forks, miniature tools, soap stone, jewelry, Essay’s by Ralph Waldo Emerson, toys, games, puzzles, old newspapers, records, lead sol- diers and horses, song books, pewter spoons, childs homemade house and barn, Cobel Keener coverlet, wooden items, family bibles, German bible, keys, buttons, glass animals, ironstone, Buddy L. Truck. Stuffed chair, rope bed, trunks, cane seat roc- ker and chair, Victrola, 2 clothes trees, copper ket- tle and wash boiler, 4-pc. bedroom suite, suitcase, Record Players, electric Portable Sewing Machine, blanket chest, tables, Chest Freezer, dough tray, porch furniture, granny rocker, school benches, old tools, tool boxes, 2 old childs sleds, large chisels, hewing axe, step ladders, benches, small Garden Tractor, paint and brushes, spray gun, iron kettle, lawn and garden tools, lawn mower, Beebe pot belly stove. Sale by Naomi & Ruth Hartman CONDUCTED BY: J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE R. D. 1, MANHEIM, PENNA, OMAR LANDIS & GIRVIN BROS. AUCTS. PHONES 665-4806 - 665-5051 - 569-9492 Food by Ladies Class of St. Paul's United Methodist Church 14.2¢ 14-2¢ a