The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1972, Image 12
Tireston RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES CR ON YOUR OWN TIRES ; SPT REE Te ba A 3 3 ks * Always A Good Buy! SPECIAL PRICE! Chock our low prices on retreads too! DLC-100° NEW TREADS VWHITEWALLS or BLACKWALLS 2 for Larger sizes only 2 for $28 HV RETR LR ST Check Us For ¢ Batteries - * * FTC MAKES RULING ON CLOTHING PERMANENT CARE LABELING Homemakers who find do- ing the family laundry a real puzzle about which water temperature, what drying cy- cle to use and even whether to launder or dryclean a gar- ment, should have less diffi- culty in the near future, says Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson, Exten- sion clothing specialist at the Penn State university. The Federal Trade Commis. sion has issued a ruling which requires that articles of wear- ing apparel bear permanent this ruling affects finished tex- tile garments and hosiery re- quiring care and maintenance for ordinary use, domestic & imported clothing, and hand- textile piece goods sold to consumers for the purpose of making wearing apparel must be aecompanied by care labels which home sewers can per- manently attach to the finish- ed product by sewing or iron- ing, Items of apparel not cover- ed by the ruling include head- wear, footwear — except hos- iery—and handwear such as gloves and mittens; apparel which requires no care such as disposable products; com- pletely washable items intend. ed to sell for less than $3 such as men’s and boys’ under- wear; and items such as scar- RADIOEAR Hearing Aids Check your Yellow Pages information In by the care instruc- hangtag or separate tion form, RESOURCEFUL The best way to maintain a sense of fulfillment that is free from frustration is to be resourceful, This involves tha ability to look around, see new possibilities, and move toward their accomplishment. Many, many people have been discouraged by the fact that when they pass a certain age, no employment is available to them. This does not hap- pen if we continue to culti- vate our resourcefulness. If Cr ] a NR labels clearly stating instrue- AR 8 OPEN EVERY tions for A care EC main- ves whose use or appearance we have developed several A Mt x THURSDAY tenance. This ruling, which would be impaired by a per- skills, we open new doors : Jee He ood goes into effect, July 3, 1972 manently attached label. when old doors are closed. HA 0] 7.75.14 7.0013 6.8515 and FRIDAY applies to all clothes manufac- Items exempted from the rul- We all have untapped resour- f2Se33 77513 6.6018 tured after that date — but ing, however, points out Mrs, ces to call upon in time of All prices plus 37¢ to 56¢ NIGHTS not to clothes that are still Wilson, must be accompanied need. PE rand to ; in stock. (same size) off your car, TIL. NINE Mrs. Wilson explains that The Declaration of Inde- pendence was read publicly for the first time by a man named Nixon. Some water insects have IN-THE-FIELDI ON-THE-ROADI : ” crafted clothing made for sale. for closest Service Center, | gills ON-THE-FARMI! 29 The rule also requires that 4 : Dur fully equipped Firestone 5 farm service truck brings you RCA] TITTY) oe i SP dots alte poosscssssnny 322232 2 TLLLLeeee 22 tee SHo+0402 2222 2002 3H fast on-the-spottire RE- PAIRS, REPLACEMENTS and HYDRO-FLATION . & WHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED IT Sweigart 329 W. HIGH ST. Phone 665-2258 MANHEIM, PA. "FARM TIRE SERVICE ne Firest BANKAMERICARD ey 2 copywriting improved, Perhaps the could have been MANHEIM REC. CENTER Chicken Barbeque FRIDAY, JUNE 23 4:00 - 6:00 p. .m TAKE OUTS $1.25 Avazilable in front of old fire hall and both banks. >raybill Miller, Barbecuer but in 1875, a bargain was still a bargain. Montgomery Ward’s catalog of that year offered “Pullman Palace Car” perfume at 50c a bottle that “requires but a drop to per- fume the handkerchief for days.” “People can be divided into three groups; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what hap- pened.” —J. W. Newbern Hahn - Eclipse Lawn and Garden Equipment $829 FORD RIDING GALLON GALLON LAWN TRACTORS and GARDEN TRACTORS @ Stop in today and see us about a Rotary Tiller, ] New or Used — WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL — NAUMAN’S REPAIR SHOP 872 MOUNT JOY ROAD Phones: Shop - 665-2070 HOURS: — Mon., Wed., and Thurs., 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. . A : Sat. 8 am. - 3 p.m. Closed Fri., Sun. & Holidays 5-2c , with this special $829 GALLON Sherwin-Williams Paint Sale, Come in and get GALLON MANHEIM, PA. — Residence - 665-4401 28222808” riot tits rtbeveved ve Sweet Cherries are waiting for you! ! LARGE DARK AND LIGHT CHERRIES Delicious 220202222000000000030000000000000000008000000000000000090000s000s Toy] i — $819 $00000000000000000050009000000000000004¢ vd SPO PvbPttb ti tttti lll oeeeee Soot ttoticii lito t roe aa? GALLON 3 Ts y { ¥ : Va 0 y fi A [) 7) ‘4 FS ©1972 Hanna-Barbera Productions Ince Paint now with Sherwin-Williams? Paints and have fun all summer long. We're celebrating the coming season of fun your Sherwin-Williams paint now. *Accent colors slightly higher LER ) J / a Soot ILL Ln ATER é HOUSE PAINT x >) 004000000000 0000 tet ot iot ltt It IIOP P09: “eed. Soot otitis tt ditotidtiilliteeee Gloss whire 47 "OR Woon sunrFact® 4 Ra ; SE’ >>) DESHLER RTT 2220000000 0009000000000000000000000000000000000r cdi: ALSO RED PIE CHERRIES Pick Them Yourself — Pay by the pound Bring your containers © We supply the ladders $479 GALLON $629 GALLON SP rrr III TILL EV oe Opening Date, June 26 Daily 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m . — Sat. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY Cherry Hill Orchards ROUTE 324 - 2 MILES SOUTH OF LANCASTER ON THE NEW DANVILLE PIKE R. D. 6, LANCASTER, PA. 17603 PHONE 392-6022 IN AT- GRAHAM’S BEFORE YOU BUY APBLIANCES & PAINTS WHERE YOU GET SERVICE AFTER THE SALE ! 20 MARKET SQ. MANHEIM 665-5501 odie tei Ira tei od IIa TTIITX Iisa Ir STOP $8844004000000000000000 0d $e 15-1¢c i 2%d $0000 00000 000000000030 e 3021221211100 0°0009¢ Seite IIT 22S obs iootioiit ili eeY 3 $644 00000 0000000000 eit itII0T000000000000000 00090000 000p eto t itt l ltt IT Mey iii ItIL LL eee 5000000000000 o te tiTITITIIILI IOP PO OO I040e coli pp oS88s0sassdscsscnccsntcsctnnns : Tt SH P2222