The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1972, Image 11
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University Women’s Club. ~all sorts of family and social my husband describes you?” i When I shook my head, she continued: “He says all you ever write about is ‘sin, sex and sea wa- i ter’ so I felt that would make an intriguing title for your address before our group. | “Several of our older mem- bers have had dramatic im- provement from arthritis by {drinking ocean water, “So, if you can’t cover all three topics in an hour, please start with sea water.” SEA WATER Modern medicine has pro- duced many miracles of heal- ing. = But there is always the ten- cency to look far off for some miraculous new drug to com- bat cancer, arthritis, emphys- ema, etc. The “sea water” theme, as advocated by many biochem- ists, is based on simple “horse sense.” For example, our bloud is essentially water and it thus contains small traces of all the 44 trace chemicals of the soil that are water-soluble. But many of these chemic- als have washed back to the oceans since plowing kas turn- ed over the soil to meet the torrents of rainfall and melt- ing snows. alysis of river water in the “U. S. A. showed an absence of 20 of those 44 trace chem- ‘|icals that originally were in the soil when the continents first rose up out of the sea, Until recently, medics dis- regarded ocean water, think jing that such small traces of {chemicals surely couldn’t be , valuable, But in 1924 we lodized salt thereby almost totally elimin- ating simple goiter, We also prescribe iron ton- ics to raise your hemoglobin to normal and thus combat anemia, Recently, dental surgeons have shown that fluorine seems to reduce dental decay almost 65%. And we know that calcium is vital for bones, ete. But we have ignored most of the others among the 44 water-soluble ocean chemic- als. Yet God Almighty surely must have intended that they heip preserve our health or why would he have them in our blood? If they were useless, then they would be deadheads, adding more work for our : faithful human heart, which pumps them at an average of 72 beats per minute. “Dr. Crane,” she began, * “= As 4d result, a chemical an- The Worry Clinic sy Dr. Geo. W. Crane Wilma’s husband has cleverly tried to compress this column into the 3 words below. But I discuss literally thousands of medical and psychological concepts of bene- fit to human beings. So if you think God intended our bodies to cure themselves of most ailments, then be sure your glands get all the 44 trace chemicals found in our CASE Q-509: Wilma Z., aged 28. is president of her ‘although your column covers problems, do you know how Many medical conditions are called ‘deficiency ail. ments,” apparently caused by a lack of some water-soluble chemical. But all such chemicals are in the sea, though many are almost completely leached from our soil and thus are missing from fruits, vegeta- bles and even the meat of ani- mals that graze on such chem- ically deficient grasses. Arthritis, eczema, epilepsy, psoriasis, as well as cancer, are among the many ailments classified as due to possible chemical deficiency. Hundreds of you arthritics have reported remarkable results from taking a little sea water daily in tomato juice or milk, ete. If you are not on a low salt diet, due to heart trouble, then send for my mooklet “The Ocean’s 44 Trace Chem- icals,” enclosing a long stamp- ed, return envelope, plus 25c. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en- closing a long stamped, ad- dressed envelope and 25¢ to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one nf his booklets.) Superstition never contrib- utes to the unfolding of truth. KNITTED CAPE Wing into fashion with a short, smart cape. Instructions are giv- en for knitting this style in small, medium and large sizes. Ask for No. 1053. Send 30 cents plus 10 cents for postage and handling to MARTHA MADISON (care ot this newspaper), Morris Plains, N.J. 07950. For Needlework book send 50 cents. Contains free coat patiern and embroidery and a coupen for free pattern of your choice. H. D. Boyd, Excavating SPECIALIZING IN: x Back Hoe Service ¥ Front End Loaders ¥ Building Excavation ¥ Tree Removal ¥ Drain Fields - Septic Tanks R. D. #4 MANHEIM, PENNA. PHONE 653-5630 8-13¢c