-: WEDDINGS : - WOLGEMUTH — SLOAN Mr. and Mrs. G. Walter Sloan announce the marriage of their daughter, Barbara Ann, to Dwight L. Wolge muth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abner M. Wolgemuth Friday afternoon, June 9 at 4 p.m, in the Chiques United Meth. cdist church. The Rev. Woodrow Kern and the Rev. Roy Peterman performed the double ring ceremony. The wedding march® was played by Miss Esther Wal- ters, organist of Chiques Uni- ted Methodist church. Soloist was Miss Delphine Ritter, who is choir director at Chi- ques United Methodist church in Lancaster. The bride was attended by Mss Karen Garner of Broad way, Va, Leslie Engle, Mt. Joy, ser- ved as best man. Ushers were Lt. Richard W. Sloan, Minot, N. D., and Alan H. Sloan, Mt. Joy, both brothers of the bride. Following the ceremony, a recepton was held at Groff's Farm, Mount Joy. The couple will reside in Mount Joy after they return from a honey- moon in Virginia. The bride is a ’71 graduate of Donegal high school and attended Bridgewater college, Bridgewater, Va. Mr. Wolgemuth is also a "71 graduate of Donegal high school and is.employed by his father. MILLER — SWORDS The marriage of Miss Diane Louise Swords to Glenn S. Miller took place Saturday, June 10, at 2 pm. at the Glossbrenner United Metho- dist church with Reverend Clair Wagner officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester R. Swords, 210 Peach street. She was graduated from Donegal high school. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mil- ler, 219 Barbara street. He was graduated from Donegal high school and serv- ed in the U. S. Army for two years. He is employed by Auto Litho, Inc. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of cotton petite trimmed in white lace. Miss Barbara Martin, of Mount Joy was maid of hon- or. Bridesmaid was Mrs. Mary Jane Stoudt, sister of the bride, Mount Joy. Flower girl was Miss Mich- elle: Stoudt, Mount Joy. Barry Miller Jr., New Holland, was ringbearer. Serving as best man was Jeff Miller, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were Bar- ry Miller, New Holland, and Robert Miller, Manheim. bro- thers of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Flo- rin Fire Halll The couple will live in Mt. Joy. HEISEY — SHUMAN The marriage of Miss Pa- tricia Jean Shuman to Lynn B. Heisey took place Satur- day, June 10, at 1 p.m. at Zion Lutheran church with the Rev. Gerald Krum officia- ting. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Shuman, 29 Naomi Ave., Lan- isville, She was graduated from Hempfield high school. She is employed by Weinhold’s IGA Store, Landisville. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Heisey, 343 W. Donegal St., Mount Joy. He was graduated from the Donegal high school and is serving in the U. S. Army. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a floor-length gown of sheer or- Zanza trimmed with Alencon lace and lace appliques, Miss Sue Snyder of Landis- ville was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Sand- ra Shuman, Sunbury, and Miss Nancy Shuman, sisters of the bride, Flower girl was Miss Beth Ann Hurst, Manheim. Serving as best man was Scott Shuman, brother of the bride. Ushers were Gary Hei sey, brother of the bride- groom, and Daniel Colbert, Washington Boro RI. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the church. To Attend BPW Parley Thirty-seven members of the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women's Club will attend the 52nd annual convention of the Pennsylva- nia Federation of Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. in Philadelphia, June 15 18, at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel. Elected to serve as dele- gates from the Mount Joy club are: Mrs, Gerald Sheetz and Mrs. Marilyn Sinegar. Alternates elected to serve are Mrs. Abram Weidman and Mrs. John H. Fry. Mrs. Benjamin Horst. Jr. will at- tend as the club’s incoming president and Miss Dorothy Schock will serve as song leader throughout the con vention. Thirty-one club mem- bers will attend as members- at-large. Mrs. Catherine E. Freder- ick, president of the Pennsyl- vania Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., will preside at the convention and Mrs. Jeanne C. Squire, National President-Elect, will serve as the National Representative to the assembly. Mrs. Dorothy Mowery, Di- rector of District 7 and mem- ber of the Shippensburg club, is the general chairman of the convention and will be as. sisted by two vice-chairmen— Mrs, Mary Lou Herr of the Columbia Club and Miss Phyl- lis Mengel of the Hershey club. In additional to the Mount Joy club, 14 other clubs make up District 7—Chambersburg, Columbia, Dallastown, Eliza- bethtown, Gettysburg, Har- risburg, Hershey, Lancaster, New Holland, Red Lion, Ste- wartstown, Shippensburg, Waynesboro and York. : Each of the 15 clubs in District 7 has been assigned one specific responsibility to insure a smooth working con- vention program. The full responsibility of the banquet to be held on Saturday even- ing, June 17, has been desig- nated to the Mount Joy club. Mrs. Earl Koser, chairman for the event, will be assisted by = Mrs. Lester Eshelman, Mrs. Herbert Sarver, Mrs. Paul Little and Mrs. James B. Heilig. All Mt. Joy mem- bers attending the conven- tion will serve as hostesses for the banquet. Entertainment for the Sat- urday evening banquet will be provided by Mrs. Rom- ayne Bridgett, well known contralto from Mount Joy, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Joan Lockwood of Lan- MT. JOY ATHLETIC ASSN. PEE WEE LEAGUE (June 12) American w L Red Sox ........... 4 1 InGians-............... 2 2 Orioles... .......... 1 3 Twins ........ .:.. 0 4 Results Red Sox 11, Orioles 8 Red Sox 9, Indians 1 Red Sox 9, Twins 6 Red Sox 9, Phillies 6 Indians 9, Orioles 1 Indians 9, Twins 8 A’s 7, Indians 5 Orioles 11, Twins 6. National Ww L Pirates ............... 4 1 Giants. ox: ...v. 5.0 3 1 Als... 0 2 1 Phillies =. ..........; 0 3 Results Giants 2, A's 1 Pirates 5, Ginats 0 Giants 4, Phillies 2 Giants 20 Oriels 7 Pirates 9, Phillies 2 A’s 2 Pirates 1 Pirates 14, Twins 1 Pirates 8, Red Sox 4 caster Members will attend wari. during the ous workshops sessions including Civic Par- ticipation, Personal Develop ment, World Affairs, Legisla tion, Membership, By Laws, Finance, Public Relations and Incoming club presidents, The theme “Garden of Ro- ses’, chosen by the District hostesses, will be emphasized throughout the convention. % Phone Company (From page 12) cempany’s utility operations and said that continued good results for the year 1972 are dependent on improvements in the revenue picture. “Rate increases for both ourselves and the Bell companies, which were expected early this year, have been delayed. None have been held up dir- ectly by the Price Board, but all commission activity has been slowed by the influence, or by the procedural debates, of the Price Commission,” Al- den said, “United companies have requests pending for $11 mil- lion in new rates — some of them going back to April of last year. Given reasonable decisions on these cases, we will be able to meet our bud- gets for earnings, construc- tion and service in 1972.” He reported. Officers were re-elected and regular quarterly divid- ends were. also declared. Dividends declared amount. ed to 24 cents a share on the common stock, and will be payable June 28 to holders of record as of June 6. Re-elected as directors were: R. M. Alden, D. H. Deaver, R. C. Kemper and Mr. Hen- son, all of Jansas City; Loren M. Berry of Dayton, Ohio; R. G. Fuller and H. S. Payson, both of Boston; H. Dail Hold- erness of Tarboro, N. C.; R. P. Holding, Jr., Raleigh, N.C; C. A. Scupin of Abilene, Kan- sas; and Erwin A. Stuebner, of Chicago. GRADUATED Navy Hospitalman Recruit Ronald L. Range, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Range of 32 North Gay St., Marietta, hase been graduated from re. cruit training at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, He is a former student of Donegal high school. WINS WINGS Navy Lieutenant j.8. Mich- ael L. Simmons of 325 East Market St., Marietta, has been designated a Naval Aviator. He completed more than a year of intensive ground and inflight training and now will be assigned to specialized training. He is a 1970 graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. COMPLETES “PHASE” Navy Hospitalman Recruit Terry L. Kinsinger, husband of the former Miss Sara J. Bell of Marietta R1. has com- pleted the recruit phase of the Navy's “Four to Ten Month” active duty program at Millington. He will complete the re- mainder of his active duty training lasting from four to ten months, at a specialized aviation school. FAMILY REUNION The 36th annual Derr fam- ily reunion will be held Sun- day, June 25 at #5 pavilion in Sico Park, Mount Joy. Those attending are asked to bring a picnic basket. There will be games and prizes or young and old. Activities will PAGE 6 Two Churches Plan Joint DVBS A Cooperative Daily Vaca- tion Bible School is in prog- ress at Glossbrenner Method- ist Church through June 23. Sponsored jointly by the Flor- in Church of the Brethren and Glossbrenner Church, the school provides classes for pre-kindergarten through jun- ior high school pupils. theme is “We This year’s Worship God.” Each day Ss ex perience includes Bible les- sons, crafts, and singing. : Lead teachers for the vari- ous classes include Loretta Hill, Connie Weber, Wanda Custer, Fran Greiner, Marilyn Dombach, Fern Ney, Martha Kline, Lois Witman, Leona Rogers, Erma Witmer, Gerry Young and Phyllis Landis. Helpers throughout the school are Mabel Buller, Ros- ine Farmer, Betty Robinson, Sandy Kling, + Mary Shank, Yvonne Farmer, Karen Klugh Jenny Becker, Donna Witmer, Helen Eshleman, Jody Ney, Sandy Kirkpatrick, Janice Gantz, Linda Redcay, Vickie Eichler, Karen Buller, James Stauffer, Marian Myers, Ven- da Aument, LuAnn Eichler, Lorraine Wagner, Beth Beck- er, Carolyn Zimmerman, Nor- ma Speicher, Wendy Hostet- ter, Ardie Wolgemuth, Sharon Wolgemuth, Linda Trostle, Clara Kniss, Mildred Shetter, Judy Mellinger, Connie Kline, Vardella Spickler and Flor- ence Kling. Directors for the school are Marilyn Dombach, Yvonne Farmer, Lois Witman, and Gerry Young. Children of the area are in- vited to share in the school. ATTENDS INSURANCE SCHOOL Lynne F. Milligan of the Ray N. Wiley Agency, Inc. at 323 West Main street, is at- tending the 16th School for Mutual Insurance Agents be- ing held June 4 to 24 at Ob- erlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, Sponsored by the National Association of Mutual Insur- ance Agents, Washington, D. C., the three-week scheol this year attracted a record 110 students from 28 states and the District of Columbia. It provides an intensive course in fire and causualty insur- ance fundamentals. ELECT OFFICERS New officers of the Mount Joy Sportsmen’s Association auxiliary have been elected. They include: President, Kitty Updefraff; secretary, Mary Fitzkee; trea- surer, Alice Watts; financial secretary, Sylvia Warfel. Their next meeting will ba Monday, June 19. % Borough Council (From page 1) ley L, at alley L, facing east; a “no parking” regulation on the east side of Old Market street, between Market and Manheim; and a no parking on east and west sides of N. Plum between Pink alley and Church streets. —Authorized that bids be taken for borough building fuel oil for the 1972-73 heat- ing season. —Thanked the Mount Joy Jaycees for the cleanup of Main street the night follow. ing the Memorial Day parade. —Heard a report from Bor- ough Manager George Ulrich that state environmental spec- ialists have been working in the area with industries. —Ordered that notices be published requiring culting of weeds in the borough. —Discussed possibility of “doing something” about lim- iting continuous parking on streets and alleys and parking of trailers, campers and boats —Set in motion to hire a new clerk secretary for the borough and the authority to fill the place left by the recent resignation of Mrs. Dorothy Wagner. get underway at noon, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1972 Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Bentzel of Lumber St., Mount Joy, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sun day, June 11, In honor of the occasion their son and family hosted a drop-in-party in the Fellow- ship Hall of St. Mark’s church The Bentzels were married June 11, 1922, at the home of the bride. The late Rev. H. S. Keifer officiated. The couple are members of St. Mark’s United Methodist church, Mount Joy. Mr. Bentzel is a retired employee of the Lancaster County Farmers Natinnal Bank, Mount Joy office, hav- ing served the bank for 51 years, The Bentzels are the par- ents of one son, Robert W. of Landisville. They also have two grandsons, Dennis and Brad, and a great grand- daughter, Shannan Leigh, Four-Way Test Is Rotary Subject Four members of the Mount Joy Rotary club provided the local organization’s program Tuesday noon at the weekly luncheon meeting, held at Hostetters. They each spoke on aspects of Rotary’s Four-Way Test (see editorial. page). Speakers were Lester Eshelman, Ray Wiley, Senior; Lester Hostet- ter and Rev. W. Lester Kod. er. Introducing the program were Dr. Robert Brackbill and Rev. Jacob Replogle. Win Rose Show Trephies, Honors Two Mount Joy rose grow- ers won prizes last weekend in the Lancaster Mens Gard- en Club annual Rose Show, held at the Commonwealth Bank. Lester G. Hostetter, north Barbara street, won trophies for the best grandiflora na- turally grown on a Sorrosel Red Rose, and sweepstakes for most points (83) scored in the show. Eleven of 30 roses entered were blue winners, seven seconds and four thirds Simeon Horton, Donegal street, won four ribbons. Caleb Hess Wins Scholarship Caleb Martin Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Hess, of 303 South Market avenue, has been awarded one of 18 Men- non Simons scholarships at Goshen college, Goshen, Ind. Substantial awards, scholar- ships are made to outstand- ing high school graduates of the class of 1972. Winners are from seven states, New Guinea and Puer- to Rico. Recipients are nam- ed on the basis of high school record, character, contribu- tions to church and commun- ity life and performance on the Scholarship Aptitude Test. Hess is a '72 graduate of Donegal high school and has been highly successful in the area of science. GRADUATED David C. Hostetter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Hos- tetter, 315 North Barbara St., was among the seniors. at Lebanon Valley College, grad- uated this spring. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, in English. He received the Sen- ior English prize, awarded to the outstanding senior in Eng- lish, taking into account scholarship, originality and progress. He is listed in “Who's Who Among Students in American Universities,” and of Phi Alpha Epsilon, honorary society named by the faculty.
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