HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS TO BE HONORED Eleven graduating high school seniors who are mem bers of St. Mark’s United Methodist church will be hon ored by the congregation at the Morning Worship Service on June 18 at 10:15 a.m. Those receiving recognition include a number of recent award winners for athletic and academic achievement. The group is as follows: Lin da Gri‘ singer, Beverly Shank, Ella Gainer, Barbara Bender, Suzanne Newcomer, Marie Schatz, Alan Secrest, Drew Hostetter, Mark Gainer, Mar- tin Heisey and Scott Albert, Also being honored is Dav- id Hostetter, recent cum laude graduate of Lebanon Valley college. The Service of Worship on Father's Day also includes the Baptism of Infants. Phone Company Changes Name At the annual meeting of United Utilities, Inc., stock holders approved the proposal to change the company’s to United Telecommunica- tions, Inc. and its shortened version to United Telecom. The changes became effective with the close of business on June 2. Paul H. Henson, chairman and prsident of the Kansas City-based holding company, told shareholders, ‘The new name was chosen to commun- icate the true nature of the firm. The name United Utili- ties no longer reflected the growing scope of diversified telecommunications opera- tions.” mental objective of United is mental objective of Pnited is to expand into a broadly bas- ed communications company with a demonstrated ability to consistently maintain rela- tively high growth in both revenues and earn- ings. He defined a broadly based company as one that is not critically dependent up- on any of its parts for finan- cial sustenance. Thus, the United ‘Telephone System, operating in 21 states, provid- es a degree of geographical and juristictional diversity as a protection against national disaster or capricious regula- tion, he said. However, this geographical dispersion has not protected the telephone companies from the Anti-utili- ty sentiment expressed by political candidates and from price controls on a national scale, both of which" have tended to bring telephone ccmpanies, along with other utility companies, into dis- favor in the financial market- place, he said. To provide an additional maasure of protection and market appeal to the equity investment of its sharehold- ers, United will expand its basic skills in telecommunica- tions into new but related growth markets,” Henson said, . R. M. Alder, executive vice president, reported on the (Turn to page 6) * On Dean's List Shirley E. Hollinger of Mt. Joy has been named to the dean’s list for the spring term at Susquehanna univer- Sity. Miss Hollinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Paul E. Hollin- Zr, - Donegal Springs Road, ount Joy, is a junior maj- oring in Latin. Dr. Quentin L.. Hartwig, Dean of Academic Affairs at Saint Francis College of Lor- etto has announced the Dean’s List of honor students for the 1972 Spring semester. To achieve the listing, a stu- dent must have attained a auality point average of 3.5. 4 0 is considered a perfect yverage. The following person has been placed on the Dean’s List: Patricia J. Barr, 213 East Market street, Marietta, sen ior, French, 3.6, le ale a ade ale ale a ae a alin ae a a he eh Ne Ne Ne NE NB EN EN I Ns IN Nr NE EN As EN SN BN 0 Se Br Hs 0, Ns — - - M————— - — —————— ea —— — — er —— - - - We —— A ia » ’, Make Patho Dog REALLY special Sa . «+ let him sicep luia, . . serve him breakfast in bed . . . let him . watch his favorite TV shows for a change . . . and be sure there's a Hallmark Father's Day card to carry your best wishes for the day. We have a wide selection of cards to show your love and appreciation to Dad on Father's Day. SLOAN’S PHARMACY 61 EAST MAIN ST. — PHONE 653-4001 oe MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 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