weve The Classifieds RE =" Fluidex, $1.69 - - l.ose weight a FOR SAL E safely with Dex-A-Diet, $1.98 At your drugstore, 8-10c a pV § EA Ap Ta AOR by’ 3 EACH 87 STRAWBERRIES— pick your own and bring containers. FOR RENT Call 665-4878. 14-1t Sain = 3 purebred Siamese Kittens, FOR RENT: Ten acres pas- 3 14-1¢ ture. with stream. Call 653- Call 665-2747. 4750. 1 > WOLF'S HEAD MOTOR OIL REG. 67¢ QT. ALL WEATHER 10 W 30 162065 48 Heavy Duty SHOCK ABSORBERS items ‘including hand made FOR RENT: Viliage Green rugs, cut glass and carnival Apartments, east Willow St., glass, old buttons, tokens, Elizabethtown, 1 and 2 bed- flatirons, iron troughs, old bot- room apts., featuring total el- tles, crocks, jugs, coins, Gienn ectric living, wall-to-wall car- Miller records (originals); pet, fully equipped G.E. Kkit- space heater, used 2 winters; chen, laundry facilities and toys, dishes, clothes and many individually controlled Car- articles too numerous to men- rier air conditioning & heat- tion. Sale date June 19-30 at ing. Immediate occupancy. 210 N. Charlotte St., Man- Rental office open 1 to 5 Sat- heim. 14-1¢ urday and Sunday; 4 to 8 on - — Tuesday and Thursday. Call Soup’s on — the rug, that 1s. 367.4769 or 838-4271 for infor- So, clean the spot with Blue mation. 38tfe - Lustre. Rent electric sham- pooer $1. Graham’s 20 Mar- ket Square, Manheim, Penna. 4-1c : HELP WANTED New Factory Fabric Outlet— 40 new double knit prints ==: 2 just arrived. You know our Addressing and stuffing envel- quality. See at Henney’s Elec- opes for firms. Start immedi- tric, 43 Market Equare, Man- ately. For details send 25¢ and heim. 14-1¢ 5 stamped envelope to S & B, Sorry Sal is now a merry gal. P.O. BX S05QU, ii She used Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs and uphol- EARN AT HOME stery. Rent electric shampoo- Morning dishwasher, Apply er $1. Longenecker Hardware Mount Joy Restaurant. 13-2c¢ 39 Market Square, Manheim, 2 Penna. 14-1c REGULAR 7.97 EACH Replace Now for New Car Ridin Comfort and Roadability. INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Cleans As It Waxes! Gives A Hard, Durable Shine! 126175 aida BB TRE AL at! BLT be Lat URE TEE PTE TOLLE PEERS Se A REE OR RL TAUREN ' + Treagwes: Bats ¥ Ting Weary To | KIT WAX EXCH. REG 97¢ JOHNSON'S 8 OZ. 87 INSTALLED FREE! FRONT 97 AUTO FLOOR MAT Easy to Clean. Beautiful Colors to VW SERVICE AVAILABLE REG. 17.95 Contour RUBBER Pont. 55.71 Tempest 61-72 ASSORTED COLORS REG. 4.97 A Harmonize with Interior. 161031/8 * American Mtrs. 87-72 ® Chev. Prod. 55-71 * Corvair 65-69 ® Plym. 67-72 « ® Dart/Valiant 60-72 * Ford 6 Cyl. 85-72 ® Falcon 65-70 * Mustang 65-70 177852 Power Packed AUTO BATTERY | ports Car. Controls. pacts & § [LL ITE U 1 1 Standard Exists: 2997 Ideal for Com Thumb-Whee| 3 Auto STEREO TAPE PLAYER Strawberries, sugar peas, hul- HELP WANTED led peas picked daily. Stiegel Valley Farm Market, 2 miles FEMALE north of Manheim on Rte. 72. Open till 8 p.m. 143s <= Te Strawberries. Pick your own, Waitress wanted for parttime June 16. Bring containers. 3 WOrk and weekends. Age 18 miles west of Manheim, just OF Over. Apply at Lincoln off Mt. Joy road on Weaver Restaurant, East Main street, Road. Eby Berry Farm, 665- Mount Joy. 12-3¢ 5495 or 653-4755. 14.1¢ a Nice 21-inch color TV, all channels, $90; also AM-FM 1 plus police band radio, $30. Services Offered Other nice household items. =——= seme Call 289-0200. 14-1c Want Service on Norge - Zen- Pick your own Hull Peas. ith - Maytag or Gibson? Call Start Friday. Call 653-5916. Henny’s Electric 665-2105 — | y 13-2¢ Jim Norton, owner: 14.1c Sugar Peas for freezing or ROHRER’'S BOOK STORE eating. Mrs. James Garber, and SODA FOUNTAIN Phone 653-5750. 132¢c 3; s. Main St., Manheim inensive Ladies Wigs only — Tyndale Living Bible — : plus wig styling cost. ilv 9:30 - For details write: Discounts - Open Day > : 1203 E. Chelten, Philadelphia, aturday - - vig .- Pa. 19138. 13-6p Power orchard sprayer, 15 Po . gal., Sears model 471-4500-20. One year old. Call 633-5320 Card of Thanks 13-2¢c REG 39.97 LT WEN a! Ya LL a ury TINGS 4 NII! Hi EXPERT oy WITH ATED, PARTS EXTRA IF NEEDED $ 297 3227 Slotted for Use with Seat Belts. CHASSIS LUBE and OIL CHANGE With WOLF'S HEAD MOTOR OIL . LUBRICANTS HIGH QUA ThickFoamBacking.180330 40 NYLON FOAM AUTO SEAT COVER REG. $4.47 Birdseye CORN ON THE COB 65 4...45 Chef Boy Ar Dee Sare Lee COFFEE RING Blueberry Almond CHEESE PIZZA 13'2 oz. 69: SPECIALS Rn FROZEN FOOD $429 CONFIDETS Sanitary Napkins BARS Drange Cream Sickles Pakof 12 COMBO Dutch Pantry & SALAD DRESSINGS 3 3" 89° $139 UMINUM FOIL 12" x 25' Box ANACONDA] Abbots Ice Cream 19°) 59° LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT Qt. Bottle Used refrigerators, ranges & dryers. Good condition, Harry C. Smith, Frigidaire Sales & Service. 33 Market Square, Manheim. 13-3¢ Used Electric Dryers, Demon- strator Caloric Range, Myers Metered Gas, Manheim . Ph. 665-3588. 11-4c “Everything for the Knitter”. Lessons available. Marie's Yarn & Handmade Gifts. 13 N. Main St., Manheim. Hours: Daily 9-5:30 except Tues. 9- We wish to thank our friends, relatives and neighbors for the cards, flowers and many other kind deeds at the time of the death of our dear mother. Charles Fitzkee, Thelma Fitzkee and Loretta Hill 14-1p We see a strange paradox in people who work hard for many years so they can re- tire and have a time of leis. ure, and then find the hours HOUSE and GARDEN INSECT SPRAY : 16': oz. Aerosol Can Lge. . Top ; ~t’s resting heavy on their shoul- 12: Yelay 22. Big at Roos ders. Observe children at — play, and you will often see a SPINET CONSOLE PIANO powerful truth demonstrated: gy be purchuied by Snail real enjoyment of leisure time monthly ‘payments, see O° can come only with a sense cally, write Cortland Musie of freedom and imagination. Co, P. O. Box 39, Cortign; > Anyone who keeps his imagi- Ohio 44410. p ination alive will never re- Reduce excess fluids with tire to a land of limbo. Mrs. Filberts Qt. Jar Mayonnaise | At 99° LUZIANNE ICED TEA MIX Lge. 20-0z. Jar Makes 35 Glasses YL 24 SRR Yk Rac 25001) Sil 5.1 63° JIFFY BISCUIT MIX Lge. 40-0z. Box Great for Shortcake DINNER NAPKINS SCOTTS VIVA For Soft, Clean Carpets FS ; BLUE LUSTRE CARPET SHAMPOO |} § 79 f | EB ” OVERNIGHT 12's BUTTER Lge 28-02. Jar NABISCO OREO CREAM COOKIES Lge. 19-0z. Pkgs. Deep cleans and brightens colors. Re- BLUE \! stores that soft plush feel to carpeting LUSTRE : . Lo Use in your carpet shampooer, or . . . SHAMPOO, — : " RENT ELECTRIC SHAMPOOER, $1 PER ud DAY WITH PURCHASE OF BLUE LUSTRE DAYTIME 15's Each Your PLANTERS PEANUT Choice 2 FOR A ——_—— J MANHEIM, PENNA. 20 MARKET SQUARE PHONE 665-5501 GRAHAM
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