By R.A. R. Recently it was decided that school lunch prices in Donegal district will be raised five cents for the school year 1972-73. - Recently there was talk about the possibility of a school breakfast program. However, there has been no reported interest in the pro- posal. ® @ » Donegal school district’s playground program will be- gin June 26 and end Aug. 4. ® © o Donegal’s summer vacation is 89 days long — 12 weeks and five days). ® © ® Last week we mentioned that Mark Gainer, '72 D.H.S. graduate won the same award his father received several years earlier. ® & @® Here's another ‘repeat’. ®e Oo © In 1961 J. Terry Zeller re- ceived the Charles Palmer Da- vis medal award at D. H. S. This spring, it was his young- est brother, Brent Zeller, who won the very same award. Donegal Society Hclds Meeting Frank J. Lausche, former judge, mayor, governor and senator from Ohio, will ad- dress the afternoon session of the 59th Annual Reunion of the Donegal Society at the Donegal Presbyterian church, on Thursday, June 15. The society’s annual meet- ing at the historic church and 330 year old Witness Tree, will start at 2:30 p.m. A morning session with Dr. Elmer G. Homrighausen, Dean of Princeton Theological Sem- inary, speaking, will be con- ducted at 11:30 a.m. A noon picnic luncheon will be served in the church grove by the Ladies of the Donegal church at 12:30 p.m., with the society’s annual busi- ness session scheduled for 2 p.m. Lausche, a Democrat, was governor of Ohio for on un- precedented five terms. after first serving as a county judge and mayor of Cleve- land. The son of immigrants from Yugoslavia; Lausche was the first Roman Catholic to be- come governor in Ohio. Retires Leon F. Dresher, Columbia, will retire July 1 from the Wyeth Laboratories after nearly 18 years of service at Wyeth's Marietta facility. The Marietta operation produces injectable biologicals & phar- maceuticals for the company, a major manufacturer of pharmaceutical products, with headquarters in Radnor, Pa. Mr. Drescher is employed in the building services as a group leader. Mr. Drescher and his wife, Lena, have four children, 14 grandchildren. One son, Leon is employed by Wyeth as a laboratory assistant. To Host County Meet Mount Joy’s chapter of the Jaycees will be host on Fri- day evening, June 16, for a county J. C. meeting. The session will be held at the American Legion pavilion. Sunday, June 11, Members of the Mount Joy Jaycees at- tended an officers’ conference, held at the Pennsylvania State headquarters in Lancaster. THE MOUNT JOY Ralph M.Sn Ce R. H 5 Liyder Mount Toy, pa. BULLETIN Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy VOL. 73. NO. 4. MOUNT JOY, PENNA.,, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1972 TEN CENTS Alumni Hold 73rd Meeting One hundred and six alum- ni of the Maytown, East-Don- egal Twp. high school attend- ed the 73rd annual meeting of the organization, held in the Rheesms Fire Hall, Satur- day, June 3. Howard Frysinger, Lans- downe, class of 1839, spoke, as did Mrs. Martha Shank Busk, Palo Alto, Calif., 1912, and Wayne Warner, 1952; Major USAF, home from the Panama Canal Zone. Mem- bers of anniversary classes brought greetings. Group singing was led by Rev. Paul Marsteller, pastor of Maytown United Church of Christ. Mrs. Robert Barr sang two solos. She was ac- companied by Miss Sabrina Frey. Miss Sharon -Zimmer- man sang two numbers and accompanied herself on gui- tar. Miss Grace Henderson, act- ive in the association since her 1915 graduation, missed her first meeting. In recogni- ” tion of her many vears of ser- vice, each person attending the meeting signed a guest register which was presented to her at her home. Miss Hen- derson is recovering from sur- gery. To Induct Officers Newly-elected officers of the Mount Joy Welcome Wag- on club will be installed at a dinner to beheld Thursday, June 21, at the American Le- gion, beginning at 7 p.m. The officers are: Shirley Brown, Diane Mengel, president; Helen second vice-president; Joan Cartright, secretary; Jean Wiley, treasurer, and ~ Barb Smith, historian. president; first vice- Ebersole, Home From Hospital John Zerphey, who was in- jured in a motorcycle acci- dent on Donegal Springs Rd. six weeks ago, was released from St. Joseph's hospital last Friday ater undergoing several operations. He will have to return to the hospital later for another operation. Takes New Position Mrs. Dorothy Wagner, of Florin avenue, who has serv- ed as office secretary of the Mount Joy Borough Authori- ty for the past 12 years, has resigned to accept a position with the Union National Mt. Joy bank. She submitted her resigna- tion to the Authority at its June meeting, held Tuesday, June 13, in the borough build- ing. She will continue her du- ties with the municipal organ- ization until July 14. Mrs. Wagner has served not only the Authority, but in recent months has shared her time with the Borough gov- ernment, working as office secretary under agreement with the Authority. / Graduated Jay N. Gingrich, Mount Joy R1,, was awarded a diploma at the 44th commencement at Valley Forge Military Aca- demy, Wayne, Pa., on Sun- day, June 4. He held the rank of second lieutenant in the corps of ca- dets. New House Parents Working AtMessiahHome Edward and Nancy Sider, formerly of Ridgeway, Ontar- io, have arrived at the Mes- siah Children’s home, Angle street, and are preparing to become the new house par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Buckwalter, who have been in charge of the home or about seven years, and their daughter, will be moving to their new home on Donegal Springs Road the end of this mon'h, The Siders, who are pres- ently involved as Voluntary Service workers, are serving under the Brethren in Christ church missions program. The Messiah home is directed by James Lesher, Marietta RD 1. Sider formerly was an em- ployee of Rich Products of Canada after being married May 1, 1971. His wife was employed as a Child Care Worker Parade Fund Needs Hel County Firemen's Parade May Come to Town in 73 POSSIBLY REPLACE MEMORIAL DAY Mount Joy’s annual Memorial Day parade will not be held in 1973! At least, that is the way things are shaping up as of this week. However, at about the same time of the year, Mt. Joy will see what probably will be the biggest parade this parade-eager community ever has seen. Although there are a few ‘loose ends” to be tied up and final official details to be laid in place, it now appears that Mount Joy will be the site of the 1973 Lancaster County Fireman's Convention and Parade. Monday night, June 12, one of the principal approvals was granted by borough coun- cil; Councilmen approved ten- tative plans for the parade and placed handling of vend- ing licenses for the day in the hands of the firemen. Almost one of the biggest parades in the entire area, the 1972 event was held a few Continuation of programs sponsored by the Mount Joy Community Council are threatened, it was reveal ed this week, Projects are imperiled because the organization is running into a financial deficit following payment of bills incurred by the staging of the recent Memorial Day weekend. Total expenses for that community effort were $2,500.10, it is reported, and total contributions toward that amount have been only $1,877.00, leaving a deficit of $653.10. Council officials point out that butions are needed from various the community. additional contri- sources throughout days ago at Ephrata and at- tracted many thousands of peorle for an enormous par- ade. The firemen’'s has not bzen held Joy since 1947. Probably, the final approv- al needed before Mount Joy is named officially will be given at a meeting to be held soon by the county fire organ- ization. Mount Joy, including both the Friendship and Florin fire companies, already has ex- tended a bid for the conven- tion and there were no otaers asking to be the convention site. Tentatively, Community Council and the firemen have talked about holding the usu al Memorial Day weekend ac- tivities but substituting one parade for the other. As fortune has it, in 1873, the Memorial Day and fire ac- tivities will fall within a very few days of each other. May 30, next year is on a Wednes- day. The firemen hold their convention and parade on a Friday and Saturday, the 1st week in June, whch is Fri convention in Mount n day and Saturday of the same 2 week as the traditional Mem MOUNT JOY BOROUGH COUNCIL Tennis court lighting, dogs, police cruisers and sub-divis- ions occupied the principal at- tention of the Mount Joy Bor- ough Council Monday night as councilmen held their June meeting in the borough build- ing. A month ago Mount Joy Jaycees presented and had approved a plan for installing tennis court lighting at the borough courts. Monday nite an altered plan was presented and approved. Jim Gingrich detailed the new proposal. A different lighting system has been ad- vised and will be supplied by the Joycees. Materials will cost about $300, Gingrich said. Lights will be activated through a coin box at a charge of $1 for an hour’s el- Music in the Park June 18 ectricity. It is hoped. the spokesman said, that the lights can be installed within the next two weeks. Action was taken Monday night which may add a sec- ond cruiser to the borough's police department equipment. By using a state/federal grant, it may be possible to buy the second police car on a 50-50 basis, or perhaps even more advantageously to the borough. The borough manager was gus authorized to investigate fur- ther into the possibilities. The subject of dogs erupted when a petition bearing 63 names was presented asking that borough council ‘do something’ to relieve an al- leged situation in the South Barbara, New, Walnut street area. A delegation of more than half dozen people was told that Mount Joy no longer has a “dog law” and that action must be taken by the people who feel that they have been offended. The ‘running at large” dog law is a state reg- ulation, Chief J. Bruce Kline said. On the strong plea of the delegation and based on the petition, Chief Kline and May- The Red Rose Chorus of the Lancaster Chapter of the SPEBSQSA, Inc. (Society of the Preservation and Encour- agement of Barber Shop Sing- ing of America) will present a night of Music on Sunday, June ‘18, at Mt. Joy‘s Mem- orial Park from 7:30 to 9 p. m. The chorus is made up of orial Day date. Change Lighted Tennis Court Plans or Clark Berrier were instruc- ted to follow every possible line of relief to correct the situation. Councilmen approved a sub-division plan submiited by John E. Melhorn for addi tional development of Har vestview apartment complex. The Planning and Zoning Commission was instructed to inspect and investigate tenta- tive plans for development of 39 acres of land east of the boro on Route 230, owned by J. Roy Breneman. Parkwood Homes of Elkhart, Indiana, proposes to erect a manufac- turing plant on the site. In other business, council —Amended traffic regulations to include a stop sign on Al- (Turn to page 6) 30 male voices from neighbor- ing areas apd is under the direction of Chuck Williams, of Columbia. In case of rain, the program will be held at the Wilbur IL Beahm Junior high school. The program is sponsored by the Mount Joy Communi- ty Council.
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