The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 07, 1972, Image 5
Everybody Reads The Classifieds Yarn & Handmade Gifts. 13 N. Main St., Manheim, Hours: Daily 9-5:30 except Tues. 9- 12; Friday 9.9. Also at Root’s every Tuesday. 11-tfe SPINET CONSOLE , PIANO may be purchased by small monthly payments, see it lo- cally, write Cortland «Music Co., P. O. Box 35, Cortland, Ohio 44410. 11-4p Reduce excess fluids with Fluidex, $1.69 — Lose weight FOR SALE 8 m.m. movie camera, 8 m.m, movie projector; John Deere B tractor, 64 Pontiac Tempest station wagon. Call 653-5282. 13-1p 1965 Mobile Home, 10’ wide, 53’ long. Call 367-5321. 13-1p Pick yveur own Hull Peas. safely with Dex-A-Diet, $1.98 Start Friday. Call 633-5316; At your drugstore, 8-10c 3-2¢ = Special this week! Geraniums 35c, 3 for $1.00; Stauffer’s Greenhouse, Manheim, Pa. FOR RENT cman SSIS S Cr — Card of Thank We wish to extend our heart- felt thanks to all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards, flowers and other kind expressions of sympathy extended to us during our re- cent loss of father and grand- father. The family of John H, ‘Williams. 13-1c Sr yp We wish to express our ap- preciation to our friends, fa- mily, neighbors, ambulance team, Friendly Class, Eliza- bethtown Church of the Brethren, to Rev. Wayne Zunkel and Rev. Roy Forney and to the Christion Couples S. S. class of-St. Mark’s in Mount Joy for all the prayers, cards, gifts and many kind- nesses shown us during Ray's recent hospitalization and con- valescence. Ray, Betty and 13-1p WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1972 EDITORIALS One of the encouraging flickers in the dark is the growing indications that this country is beginning to see that Justice—swift, sure and righteous—is a necessary ingredient of continuing America. From the very top of the pyramid of Justice — the United States Supreme Court—verdicts are be- ginning to tilt towrd the forces of peace. Responsible black leaders are beginning to put a higher priority on peace in the streets and security for the individual above race considerations. People of all walks and stations are deeply con- cerned and are making strong pleas to put the fore- es of law on the side of peaceable living as opposed to fear of crime and violence. Following the recent attack upon the person of George Wallace, there has been another surge of cries to enact sweeping legislation against guns. But, what the plea really means is that Justice be done and that there be swift and certain punish- ment for the breaking of laws. Too long has the arm of the law been shackled PAGE b 13-1c ... " Sugar Peas for freezing or FOR RENT: Ten acres pas- eating. Mrs. James Garber, tyre. with stream. Call 653- Phone 653-5750. 13-2¢ 4759. 13-2¢ Kelvinator Freezer Sale! Save up to 40%. Chests and up- rights, 15 to 25 cu. ft. Stop in at Grahams, 20 Market Square, Manheim. 13-1c Moving to Florida. Must sell beautiful lowboy style color T.V. Looks like new. $175 or best offer. Phone 295:0200, 13-1c Expensive Ladies Wigs only $1.00 plus wig styling cost. For details write: Discounts - 1203 E. Chelten, Philadelphia, Pa. 19138. 13-6p Power orchard sprayer, 15 gal., Sears model 471-4500-20. One year old. Call 655-0229, 13-2¢ Pick your own strawberries. Watch next week’s paper for opening dates. Eby’s Berry Farm, 665-5495 or 665-4755. - 13-1c One 8'x10° Camper for sale. $900 invested. Call 665-3469. 13:1c Lot 90’x200° with 12’x52’ Mo- bile Home. State require- men's sewerage, plus. Route 72. five miles north of Man- heim: $6800. Low down pay- FOR RENT Furnished room, working gentleman preferred, First floor next to bath, Call 665-6321. 13-1p FOR RENT: Two - bedroom mobile home, located near Manheim. Call 665-4339. 12-2c FOR RENT: Viliage Green Apartments, east Willow St, Elizabethtown, 1 and 2 bed- room apts., featuring total el- ectric living, wall-to-wall car- pet, fully equipped G.E. Kit- chen, laundry facilities and individually controlled Car- rier air conditioning & heat- ing. Immediate occupancy. Rental office open 1 to 5 Sat- urday and Sunday; 4 to 8 on Tuesday and Thursday. Call 367-4769 or 838-4271 for infor- mation. 38tfc = ad WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: One house or v4 house in Mount Joy or Elizabethtown. Phone 367-5321. 13-1p Gary Bell. while the force of crime have been given increasing (Turn to page 12) freedom. LEGAL NOTICES HOKUM The television networks, like the camera work of Holly- wood before them, tend toward the sensational. This is bad enough in the field of entertainment, the intelligence level of which is so low, but is much more disturbing when the trend infects news presentation. A T.V. station in New York recently ran a full page ad in newspapers claiming a new nightly news program would not only report the news but tell listeners what was behind it. The ad claimed the show would report not only what the Lindsays, Rockefellers and Nixons say they mean, but what they really mean. Further, the boast was that the news show would tell it (as the street phrase goes today) the way {he listener ought to hear it, not the way some people want the listener to hear it! The daily news is to be interpreted by the two televis- ion aces, who will scandalize elected leaders, see through their lies, hypocrisy and evil doings and, courageously, give listeners the real inside truth! Analyzed seriously, this message is designed to appeal to those who teach and rant that the establishment is against the average man, that elected leaders are phonies, not telling the truth, ete. The networks know better, or should know better. Such cheap popularity appeals to radicals and militants’ reinforces false concepts and ignorant conclusions based on prejudice and hate. They are a distinct disservice to the nation and EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Lucy E. Fitzkee, dec’d, late of Mount Joy Bor- ough, Lancaster County, Pa. Letters testamentary on ;aid estate having been grant. ad to the undersigned, all Jersons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, NATIONAL CENTRAL BANK 23 East King Street Lancaster, Penna. Roda, Morgan, Hallgren and Heinly, Aftt’s. 700 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. 12-3¢ DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET AND PER CAPITA TAX NOTICE The proposed budget of the Donegal School District for 1972-73 is available for pub- ment possible. Call 665-4961. 13-1c Make HELP WANTED pr = ” Carpets a fright? a them beautiful sight with : Blue Lustre. DE Coren enisiodisn, Aply at 2 EO '« Chiques nite ethodis shampooer $1. Longenecker's = =~" pone 653-5075. 13-1c Hardware, 39 Market Square lic inspection during school hours at the office of Donegal High School, R.D. 1, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania and will be presented for final adop- tion at a special school board meeting in said high school at 12:15 p.m. (daylight saving cause disunity. The American people need no unelected inter : alize the news; what the country needs is straight sensation: news reporting, of the good an on scandal, sensationalism, or p ed youth. When one notes the tone oO cent' ad, the dangers of a small news preters to d bad, and not over-emphasis lay to militants and misguid- f such pitches as the re- group in New York, Manheim, Pa. 13-1c Used color and black & white TV. Sets. Norge - Gibson - Zenith - Maytag — Service & Sales. Henny’s Electric, 43 Market Square, Manheim. Use Our Revolving Charge Plan, 13-1c New Factory Fabric Outlet— Special! Seersucker material, reg. $2.39, now $1.98 per yd. many colors. See at Henny’s Electric, 43 Market Square, Manheim. 13-1c Used refrigerators, ranges & dryers. Good condition. Harry C. Smith, Frigidaire Sales & Service. 33 Market Square, Manheim. 13-3¢ Clean rugs, like new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Gra- ham’s, 20 Market Square, Manheim, Pa. 14-1c Used Electric Stove, 4 burn- ers, width 21”, $30. Used T. V. Converter for UHF sta- tions, $6. Call Manheim 665- 4771. 13-1p New avocado Whirlpool por- table dishwasher. Deluxe model $150. Ph. 665-6373. 13-1¢ 3x5 sawed ocust posts, 8 ft. long, $2.50 each. Ph. 6(3 57s 13-1c Used Electric Dryers, Demon- strator Caloric Range, Myers Metered Gas, Manheim . Ph. 665-3588. 11-4c Fifty used sewing machines. Portables $9 and up; cabinets Morning dishwasher, Apply Mount Joy Restaurant. 13-2c 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE Waitress wanted for parttime work and weekends. Age 138 or over. Apply at Lincoln Restaurant, East Main street, Mount Joy. 12-3¢ Services Offered se— ROHRER’'S BOOK STORE and SODA FOUNTAIN 11 S. Main Si., Manheim — Tyndale Living Bible — Open Daily 9:30 - 9 Saturday - 9:30 - 5 Miscellaneous In conjunction with the Mount Joy Sportsmen's Bar- becue, the auxiliary will have a home made pie sale at the club house June 10 from 4 to 7 p.m. There will be shoo fly cherry and apple pies. Orders will be taken by calling Kitty Updegraff, 653-4206 or Alice Watts, 653-4774. 13.1c Annual Strawberry Festival at St. Luke’s church, Mount Joy, Saturday, June 10 from 3 to 7 p. m,, rain or shine. tworks, deciding what news the vast ma- time), Wednesday, June 21, from the three ne vg on or 1972. jori f the American people will get each night, are grim Persons becoming inhabit- jority 0 —Ephrata Review ants ofthe school district or 1 apparent. attaining the age of 21 years therein are required by law, within 12 months thereafter (under penalty of payment of a double per capita tax, to give notice of such acquisition of residence or attainment of age. Please contact the office personnel at Donegal High School, R.D. Mount Joy, Penna. 17552, DONEGAL SCHOOL @ Letter to the Editor birth defects, the aged, any- one who is helpless and will be a burden to society. I am sincerely one who cares Dear Mr. Rainbolt, Several Pennsylvania House Bills concerning the issue of abortion may be voted on within the next week or two. I strongly urge all interest- 1, BOARD ed citizens of Mount Joy and . By: (Mrs.) Dorothy J. Meade surrounding areas to write to Rotarians Hear Secretary 11-3 {heir state representative and Boys of Month Ten Donegal high school seniors, all selected during the past school year as “Boy of the Month”, were guests Tuesday noon at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Mt. Joy Rotary club, held at Hos- tetters. All previously had visited with the club several meet- ings. The boys, with Mark Gain- er serving as master of cere- monies, each spoke for about three minutes on some sub- choosing senator, asking that the un- born be protected with the same diligence that all other life now enjoys. If we allow the destruction of the unborn child, we can look forward in the future to passage of bills for the des- truction of children with PUBLIC NOTICE The Mount Joy Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on June 14, 1972, at 7:30 p.m. in the Bor- ough Offices Building. The Board will consider a request from Jay R. Peifer to erect a sign at 5 South Barbara St. MOUNT JOY ZONING HEARING BOARD 12-2¢ NOTICE The East Donegal Township Board of Zoning Adjustment will hold public hearings for "CLASSIFIED $ Roady work two applicants at the East ject of their own Donegal Township Supervis- which is of particular interest ors office at Maytown, Friday, : June 9, 1972 at 7:30 p.m to them The first hearing will be The Mount Joy The DOYS onl thee ii on the application of Patrick . were: 7 ess elonce S. Crankshaw, R.D. #1, Mari- Bl 'LLE | IN Fair; Rockney Feeman, U. S. etta, Pa. to build a school Naval Academy; Rick Buch- bus garage on his property at anan, band; Leslie Engle, intersection of Routes 441 and 11 EAST MAIN STREET rifle: Drew Hostetter, tennis; 743. : MOUNT JOY. PA. 17552 Martin Heisey, photography; The second hearing is on Published Weekly on Dennis Brown, baseball; Lar- ; and Ed the application of Charles E. Wednesdays ry Priester, track $14 and up, zig zag $29 and up. American and foreign makes. Expert service all makes. Radio. dispatch trucks, 50 mile radius, $3.50 house calls. No mileage charge. Big discount. Famous zig zag. Open daily 10 to 11. Sundays 10 - 6. Call dealer 944-1401. 11-3p “Everything for the Knitter”. Lessons available. Marie's Supper will be served — all homemade food, chicken corn soup, sandwiches, hot dogs, strawberries, cake and ice cream. 13-1c Union Square School Reunion will be held at Kauffman’s Park in Manheim, Pavilion #3 on Sunday, June 11, at 2 p.m. Hope to see you there. 12-2¢ Flowers, 137 East High St., =» v5 . Smith a i ET Un wept pons Sy Fes Se isting building measuring 21’ (50 Issues Per Year) by 27° with a prefab, home Rjchard A. Rainbolt 2: lyf 3 measuring 12'x60’ on proper- Editor AY of “ ty located on same above ad- and S : OUR WANT ress. os Publisher == x ay opposition to these ap- Advertising rates upon request. ADS ARE plications may be made Entered at the post office at SMALL known at this hearing. James Endslow, Chairman (Turn to page 6) Mount Joy, Penna., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. but they get