The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 07, 1972, Image 3
Lio A it ctiiin 7 PAGE 3 Blisters pop up on exterior your problem probably is RA—.—S_SRL walls” painted just a year ago. caused by moisture, BRAY , ['irst reaction may be to ree +» WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1972 ee y % 4 aR Se : aan ; i {8 A bi I \ ‘ S & H GREEN STAMPS blame the paint. But assum. The world's first atomic i LA | | CASH AND CARRY ONLY £% ing you use a good brand of pile was built in an abandon SIT a2 at hl wre Located on Rt. 72—1 Mile N. bat paint and apply it properly, ed squash court. rE Oo ei bs | 0 38 of East Petersburg BIE ccmcscsmsmemmmmcms——————————————————— Ria [ 2h SUSE D8 | Ei) FREE PARKING SR commen — w-— i BEE 11 | AR URS orate Phone 898-0041 bo Sle JR I ] oh 4 [8 Th4ek de quay ©. Tr a | an TR ail \| "AD fy Well NEW SPRING HOURS: = |. <2 KA a? } Con |e me Bra J 1 ELT § . 2 % Bow J ll © i RT wR ae . Hp Ar Mon., Wed. & Thurs. to 6 p.m, 1% tn i Rai} afAEEE | ? AA ol UL Tues. & Fri. to 9 p.m, sf 4 Ee 24 , < Puy E Ee Foals Saturday to 5 p.m. per § i Aan at Ciosed Sunday fi | i n of Nursetymen; Pa's Nurserymen's Assn, Beautiful Rhododendrons | EVERGREENS - All Types Red, Pink, Lavendar ' ‘ ASK US FOR ADVIC SELECT IN FULL BLOOM! ICE BIRD BATHS | TREE PEONIES tr Large Display as low as $6.29| were $2.58; NOW $1.98 | 1/30ff on all DUTCH BULBS BALTIC IVY | and PLANTS- Real Buys! Hardy Ground Cover of 200 CLEMATIS VINES 5 colors locas were $2.19 NOW $1.49 BEAUTIFUL MUMS Large potted plants in bud & bloom POTTED — NAMED were $6.95 - NOW $5.59 | 3 ror onuy - $1.29 SEE OUR FINE SELECTION OF PERENNIALS, CANNAS & ANNUALS FOR BEDDING —. INDOOR PLANTS PRICED TO GO Every Thursday 1-5 p.m. WEIDMAN BROS. | 1116 MOUNT JOY ROAD MANHEIM | Parents who really pay at- worth. The feeling of person- color, the planet Mars was || PHONE 665-2778 | tention to their children con- al worth helps the child deal named after the Roman god {| "99 | vey to them that their child- more effectively with the of war. aes ren are valued and that he is world of events and people, respected. Such respect gives i the child a sense of self. Because of its “angry” red : Men'sS ML Lass -~ an, ’ ~aNAR vo HO-IRON SHIRTS (= 8 Vey eR ; Cit eo Comnaie at $5.00! i Now for casual or dress, |B. V. D. new patterns woven of poiyester and cotton! Snort sleeves for cool conifort. Machine wash. Brilliant colors. TEAS TTS OWN HANDLE! 4000 BTU, 115-Velt, 7-Am). JUST 43-lbs. LIGHT \ A 3 I MODEL AGTE304FA 10 YEAR LEXAN" OUTDOOR CASE Replacement Warranty manufacturing defects. ® Goes Anywhere—carry it where you want... bedrcom, summer home, boat, camper, coliege dorm... w= ® Trim (only 10%” deep) e 115 Voit, 7-Amps Operation e Instant Cooling ® LEXAN® Quter Case won't rust—ever! service Wa EVERYWHERE J .NEW IN MEN'S : MEN'S HOSE | "PATCHED SUEDE" 1 EB chest Freezer | | 6) Refg-Freezer &3 auto. Washer “DENIM LOOK” SHOES | Hota 2-Door 3 Load Auto. Def, Levels 89¢c rar | $1698 [if] S159 | 12 $209 [|S $189 FREE DELIVERY NORMAL INSTALLATION WARRANTY PARTS and SERVICE 5 Bright Colors RETTEW’S .. ase I