The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 07, 1972, Image 16
Don Zeller, Harold Milligan and Jim Kinsey returnzd Saturday from a one-week hunting and fishing trip to Cobalt, Canada, When they arrived, after driving more than 800 miles, the tempera ture was a warm 90 deogrees but by the next night. it drop- ped 50 degrees. Only one bear was sighted by the group. Mr. Zeller caught a 5% pound walleye and several pike. * ¥ * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Z. Gin- der and Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Mellinger spent the weekend in Pittsburgh attending the graduation of Mr. and Mrs. Ginder’s son, Douglas. He graduated Sunday, June 4, from Robert Morris college with a Bachelor of Science Degree. He also received an award for outstanding schol astic achievement. ® * * Last week Seiler Element- arv School held a special awards assembly honoring several retiring teachers. Mrs. Donald Straub, president of Seiler School & Home Assoc. presented each teacher with a gift certificate and words of appreciation from parents and students. Those rezognized were: Miss Irene Heisey, Mrs. Margaret Hart, Migs Dorothy Kaylor Mrs. Mayme Hackman and Mrs. Edna Hostetter. Al- mentioned in the line of SO appreciation was retiring principal, Charles Heaps. Morrell Shileds, instrumental instructor presented 2 awards for music. They were: Joe Coover and runner-up, Wen- dy Newcomer. Ed Miller head of the safety patrol for the 6th grade presented out- standing girl and boy patrol. man awards to Joe Coover and Joi Shearer. Also special recognition was given to the Cap‘ain Stacy Miller and Lieutenants Scott Baker, John Haldeman and Wendy Newcomer. * * * Girl Scout Troop #21 held a baby shower for their lea- der, Mrs. Rachel Kline. at Glossbrenner United Metho- dist church on May 23. she received many nice gifts. Those attending were Mimi Dickenson, Teresa Freed, Sandy McQuate, Laurie Zer- phey, Janice, Hazel, Donna and Susan Rogers, Barbara Liz Peifer, Lisa Mummaw, McMullen, Kim McKinney, Patti Sheetz, Beth,Sue and Mary Kline, Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Richard Sheetz. Mrs. Richard Peifer, Mrs. Drew Mummaw, and Mrs. Robert McMullen. COMPLETES COURSE Marine Lance Corporal Norman A. Flowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mélvin C. Flow ers, 56 West Donegal Street, has completed a specialized aviation maintenance course at the Marine Corps Air Sta- tion, Cherry Point, N. C. A former student of Done- gal high school, he joined the Marine Corps in September of 1970. COMPLETES SPECIALIZED MAINTENANCE COURSE Marine Lance Corporal Norman A. Flowers, husband of the former Miss Joan M. Crause of 189 Emily Avenue, Landisville, has completed a specialized aviation mainten ance course at the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N. C. A former student of Done- gal high school, he joined the Marine Corps’ in Szptember of 1970. LEISURE CLUB The Mount Joy Leisure Club will meet Monday, June 12. at the Sports Farm as usual. DRIVE CAREFULLY PEOPLE! NANCY NEWCOMER | Subject: Emergency Medical Calls SUNDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON Dr. David Schlosser NEW ARRIVALS Joseph and Joyce (Fahnes- tock) Hottenstein, Mount Joy R2, a daughter, Friday, June, 2, at General hospital. % This and That (From page 1) two hotdogs them down consum:2d ted out with EACH, washed with large cokes, two big boxes of popcorn, and then had to have more cold drinks. It was fanta-tic! The vendors were the busiest people in the ball park! And all the time, the game went on, It was a good game, full of well-executed plays, exciting crises, and plenty of foul balls hit into the stands to keep the little boys (and those not so little) quite hap- py! There were roaring cheers when favorites came up to bat, loud boos when someone not so well liked appeared. And there was a mild skir- mish between an umpire and a manager. So it was a good game, even though the Phil- lies lost 6-5 in the tenth in- ning! But mostly it just seemad to bz an afternoon to have fun, to enjoy the warm sun- shine, and to eat, eat, eat! There were thousands of children, most of them com- ing or going to the refresh- ment stands! Others were running ux and down the ramps, buying souvenirs or patronizing the water foun- tains. We suddenly realized that although we were in a huge stadium in one of the biggest cities in this country, the children seemed to be run- ning around and having fun, just about the same way they do a* a baseball game in Mt. Joy!We saw no incidents of trouble or violence of any kind. And we saw lots of the opposite—a feeling of good will, of “camaraderie,” of friendlinzss. Maybe Philadelphia is still the “City of Brothzrly Love,” after all—at least at a Phillies baseball game! Jaycee Golf Mest Sunday The annual Jaycee golf tour- nament will bz held at Cool Creek Country Club on Sun day, June 11. This will be a point quota event with prizes awarded to the 12 golfers with the lowest scores. This marks the 198th straight year the Mount Joy Jaycess ave sponsored this tourna ment, im conjunction with the Mount Joy Golf Assoc. Pairing and starting times are: 11:00—B. Pennell, D. Arn- old, J. Binkle, and C. Stites. 11:07 — J. Mummau, B. Echleman, G. Sheetz. and C. Johnson. 11:14—M. Pricio, B. Slade, D. Hatt and J. Able. 11:21B. Wells, G. Hostetter, N. Hallgren and L. Zwally. 11:28—-J. Dolan, B. Flick; McHain and P. Sload. 11:35 — BE. Craui~C. Eber- sole, J. Funk and K. Funk. P. 1142 —— J. Hackman, B. Quickle, C. Lucabaugh, B. Brosey. 11:49 — L. Ellis, J. Hostet- ter EF. Lindemuth. and R. Packer. 11:56 — L. Hostetter, Elias Lind2muth- and R. Packer. 11:58 — L. Hostetter H. Gingrich, D. rand, and J. Zink. 12:03 — J. Pennell. J. Char- les: H. Zimmerman, W. Kretz- ing. 12:10 — G. Berryhill, DD. Drenner, J. Johnson and J. Keener. 12:17 — J. Allen, S. Keller, J. Deitz and B. Young. 12:24 — A Neiss, B. Barto, K. Smith and J. Breneman, 12:31 — R. Divet, E. Koser, B. Acherley, and B. Grissing- er. 12:38 — C. Bell. J. Good, K. Alexander and D. Houseal. 12:45—R. Hallgren, 1. Hos- tetter, R. Hurst and A. May- er. 12:52—M. Rupard, R. Cole- man, B. Burr and G. Page, 12'59, G. Funk, BR. Runk and H. Zangari. Young Musicians Lauded Several years go an elemen- tary band 100 Club was form: ed as an honor group in in- strumental music. Students 100 were required to earn points in one marking period in order to belong to this group. In a very rchort time, some of the students. were carning more than 200 roints and a 200 Club was formed. Last year one student earned 350 points and the S‘enger Music House established a trophy. This year there are two students who have gone over the 300 mark and one student who has set a new record with 485 points in ons mark- ing period. The two students who have exceeded 300 voints are Dean Bricker and Greg Zimmer man of Grandview, The stu d>nt who scored 485 is Chris- tine Spickler of Grandview. This makes Christine’s score for the year 690 points which compares favorably with 3 year scores. Following is a list of the new members and old mem- bers of the honor clubs. 400 Club Christine Spickler, view) 485 points. 300 Club Dean Bricker, (G). 320; and Greg Zimmerman (G), 301; 200 Club Wendy Newcomer (Seiler). 261; Debby Torres (River- (Grand- view), 246; Connie Malik (S), 220: Lisa Mumma (G), 209; Cindy Bailey (G), 208; 100 Club Good (S), 191; Joe Coover. (8S). 177; Larry €oo- ver (G), 171: Enleen P2nvak (R), 170; Jeff Mason (R), 169; Sherri Karen Ellis (GQ), 163; Phillip Howell (R). 162: Mark Wag- ner (GQ), 160; Steve Meczaros (R), 156; Sam Zuck Maytown, 156; Doug Hopwood (G), Doug Kline (G), 139; Mummaw (GQ), 1306; Rcbin Sayder (G), 139; Sheri Kins ey (G3), 137; Penny Hendrix (S) 136: Donna Kreider (C) 132 Kevin McKain (M), 132; Sue May (R), 130; Karla Rex (M), 130: James Bloom (G). 129; Carolyn Davis (R). 129; Re- 146; Mitch netta Gruber” (S). 129; Andy Kelly (G), 129; Gearge Root (GQ). 127; Bruce Wagner (@, 127; David ‘Hart (GQ) 123; Dennis Weller (G), 121; Sandy Kreider (SS), 129; Mark Smedley (R), 120; Ron- ald Haldeman, (G). 119; Scott Hart (GQ) ,119; Judy Kirchner (M), 119; Julie Endslow (M), 111: Barbara Peifer (G), 111; Tom Roaten (M). 108: Jeff Kauffman (F) 105; Pamela Rineer (R). 104; Sally Scha'z (G), 104; Jeff Mihajlov M), (R). 103; Scott Abernathy (F) 102; Wayne Mylin (M). 100; Monika Nissley (M): 100; Kar- en Barnhart (M), 100 and Cynthia Oriwell (M), 100. PAGE 16 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1972 Bingo's Back in Town! Bingo is back in business! ! And, Mount Joy's Friend- ship Fire company is among the first organizations to sch. edule the game after District Attorney Henry Rutherford announced that he will not prosecute promoters. Several months ago Friend- ship comupany investigated the possibilities of holding a bingo night and went as far as to buy some of the needed equipment, But, at that time it did not seem advisable to hold a game so the equipment was stored. Thus, when the lid was lif- ted, Friendship was ready al- most immediately and plans were made to hold a bingo night each Wednesday even- ing at the fire house. First affair was scheduled for Wedne day of this week at 7:30 o'clock. Seventy-Five Pius Party The 16th annual Seventy- Five Pius banquet, co-spon- sored by the Mount Joy Jay- cees and Joycee-ettes is sched- uled for Thursday, June 15, at Hostetters. The dinner, which is open to any Mount Joy resident who is 75 years old or older: will begin at 5:30 p.m. This year th» program will feature a Biblical character portrayed by the Rev. Wil liam A. Groff, pastor of the Elizabethtown Church of God. Following the dinner there will be group singing and pri: zes, Anyone who is eligible to attend the banquet and has not received an invitation, may call the Rev. Stephen N. G:tty or Mrs. Carl R. Hall gren. Coach Still in Tourney Although Mount Joy en- tries in the big Inter-County Tennis League tournament at Manheim have droppzd out a Donegal high school teacher and athletiz couach remains among the top contenders. Bill Loercher, D.H.S. tennis coach, who was top seeded in the tourney, has played thru to the semi finals, and is fa- vored to take the meet, which will end this coming week- end. Drew Hostetter, won three matches before bowing out in the hotly-contested quarter finals to Gordon Groome of Lancaster, 6-4, 6-2. He had won previous matches from Charles Drewes, 6-1, 6-3, from Ray Stauffer, 6-1, 6-0, and from Ken Lehman, 6-1, 6-2. iad Hostetter come thru the quarters, he and coach— Loércher — would have been opncnents in the semi-finals. Brent Zeller and Dick Div- et also played in the tourney but dropped out— in the op- ening round, Neighborhood Scouts Mrs. J. R. Williams, chair- man of the Donegal Neigh- borhcod, and Mrs. George Hedrick, Neighborhood secre- tary, were presented gifts by the service team Monday, June 5, during a meeting of that committee at the home of the -Neighborhood Coordin- ator, Mrs. Ralph Gibble, The gifts marked the resig- nation of both officials from lccal Girl Scouting. Purpose of the covered dish luncheon was to arrange the agenda for the coming year’s activities, The summer sched ule is as follows: : Deadline for day camp reg- istration - June 10 (Mrs. Rob- ert Swert) Day camp at Camp Cornwall - July 24, 28. Ccensultants for the coming year will be Brownie - Mrs, Rcbert Schwert; Juniors Mrs. Elwood Young and Ca. dettes, Mrs. George Malik, Troop organizer, Mrs. John Fry; De-clegates to Council, Mrs. Arthur Shaud. alternates Beth Gibble and Mrs. George Malik. Persons recziving pins and the total years they served are as follow: 20 years - Mrs. James Baker; 15 years, Mrs. Donald Zerphey; 10 years - Marilyn Baker, Mrs. Harold Dzrr Mrs. J. Bruce Kline, Mrs. Harold Kulman, Mrs. George Malik, Mrs. Rich- ard Ober, Mrs. Drew Mum- - Ebersole Post 185. maw, Miss Linda Myers, Mrs. Richard Sheetz and Mrs. Merle Wiilkinson. Five yezar awards were pre- sented to: Mrs. Elwood Bar- bour, Mrs. Latrobe Barnitz, Miss * Susan Flowers, Mrs. Kenneth Good, Mrs. Paul Hay Mrs. Paris McKain, Mrs. Rob- ert McMullen, Mrs. Albert Newlin, Sr., Mrs. John Park- er, Mrs. Richard Peifer, Mrs. Frank Rodgers, Mrs. Arthur Shaud: Mrs. C. H. Showalter, Mrs. Ronald Stauffer, Mrs. Ieaac Studhslm. Mrs. Herbert Weller, Mrs. Baxter Wells and Mrs. James Williams. LEGION AUXILIARY At a recent meeting the Ladies Auxiliary to Walter S. Mt. Joy, elected Mrs. David Baker president for the coming vear Serving with her will be Mrs. Richard Overly, vice president; Miss Diana Rein- eke, secretary; Mrs. Ruth Ri- neer, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Mateer, chaplain; Mrs. Mary Coldren. historian and Estelle Kline, Sgt.-at-Arms. Miss Roxanne Stein, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Stein, Mount Joy, will rep- resent the auxiliary at Girls State, to be held at Shippens- pure college June 25 to July NEW BOOKS AT MOUNT JOY LIBRARY Firecrest The running of the deer The lions of Living Free The moon’s a balloon Nunaga Spies at the pass, Bandits before the pillars Bank shot Victor Canning Ewan Clarkson Jack Couffer ~ David Niven Duncan Pryde Kathleen Trautman Donald Westlake TRUCK AND AUTO INSPECTIONS Sticker No. 1 2. 3 4 Expires October 31 January 31 April 31 July 31