The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 07, 1972, Image 14
7 // ON THE SQUARE From DEPT. STORE in MANHEIM, PA. “hocse Frem A Wide Selection of Famous Brands We Give S&H Green Stamps STATE LEADING PRODUCER OF OAK VENEER FOR PLYWOOD Pennsylvania is the largest producer of oak veneer in the plywood industry. American \ Forest Institute reports. The state’s vencer mills use 43% of the annual sawtimber har- S—— — vest, or more. than six million board feet. MORE THAN HALF STATE IS FORESTED Pennsylvania is 62 per cent forested, American Forest In- stitute reports. Of its 17.8 million foreste acres, 17.5 ol million bear harvestable trees, and the remainder either is withdrawn from harvesting or is unproductive. From tropics to the Artic Circle, there is no escaping mosquitoes. all 2000 kinds of them, Chests and Uprights 15 to 25 Cu. ft. STOP IN AT- 20 MARKET SQ. GRAHAM’S BEFORE YOU BUY APPLIANCES & PAINTS WHERE YOU GET SERVICE AFTER THE SALE! MANHEIM 665-5501 SORE HRONE000C0000000I0H0000000 SOOR0 ITD 00 % EEDA RAR A TR IR RE TT RT RS MO0000000COCV000V0TTOV00O0O0NBOOCEOONBISGOCRCOCOOVADODDDO0DDOOOOOOD] Ww EDNES SE MAY 31, 1972 ‘ ’ . “ g-0--8-0-0-0-0-8-2-0-0-2-8-0 Sidious eeet Be po a i — Ea -— or el | bi Os 1 o | - £5 - area 3 2 | i | v A ony & CHEN d : Pin NPL Zi | Ye wEY ot ) 4 a CTNl Foes WR RELAY 3 2-STORY BRIC] A DWELLING e 0 Ma FS TR ng { HOUSEHOLD COODS ie 3 and HOUSEROLD GUOLS 2 TO BE HELD Fs CTE TE AT YER TD > TEINS psy ma / r= GIV nd 8 of A OJ JER DA ¥ 9 ef BK i! 7 I i d &i \ } bah V Sud & ; \T 12:00 NOON by . gy.” hy ry LOCATED AT 20 SOUTH FULTON 2% MANHEIM, GIFT 9 Storv Brick Row-House bat Th OOS ry 04 A% a 4 Use consisting of 2 bedrooms, bath, & sewing room on 2nd floor; living room and large kitchen on 1st floor. Fu basement, oil hot water heat with domestic water hook- up, and I-CAR GARAGE. Pine dutch cupboard, Tappan 4-burner elec. range, RCA Whirlpool refrigerator, GE uj pright freezer, Easy spinner washer, Frigidare dryer, twin tubs, breakfast set with 6 chairs, utility cabinet, sofa, 2 lounge rockers, 2 book cases, small table, desk, two 2-pc. single bed- room suites, each with single bed, 2 twin box springs and mattresses, small chest (date 1915), sewing chest, Singer elec. sewing machine, wardrobe, Hoover sweep- ironing boards, floor and table lamps, lawn furni- ture, 20” window fan, 2 benches, card tab! e, Sunbeam mixer, blender, braided rugs, set of 12 silverware, dish- es. pots, pans, goblets, lustre pitcher, cranberry water set. er, Garden tools, lawn mower, 4 ft. stepladder and lots of real nice items not. listed. 5 Inspection of property by appointment. Call 665- 2805 or 6635-5350. Sale to begin at 12 o'clock Noon and property at 2:00 P. M. Sale by: Mamie Snavely & Estate of Stella Winters DAVID YOUNG, ATTORNEY RUFUS GEIB & RAYMOND MILLER, AUCTS. AUCTS. NOTE: Property is well kept and other items are spotless 13-2¢ uschold Goods, Restaurant & Office Epuipment SATURDAY, JUNE 149 AT 10:30 Ed Located at 1045 Church Street, south of Lan- disv.lle, Pa., next to Indian Springs Golf Course. bo F o 1 Dehumidifier, Christmas decorations, Norge | self-defrost Refrigerator, game table, 8 folding Norge heavy duty washer & dryer, Norge § c stove, 3 wooden Captains chairs, 6 padded | stainless steel sink, portable dance § floor, liquor display shelves, library table, blend- er, platform rocker, end tables, coffee tables, cabinct, magazine rack, table lamps, sofa, dough end tables, portable bar and mirror, chest of ; iron settee, table, 2 chairs, chairs, alc Fy ei1eClrl " : gar sSivCO4s, tray, drawers, single bed, fern stand. RESTAURANT EQUIP.—Hobart meat slicer and meat saw, 2 steel tables, large pots and pans, glasses, cream-a-matic cream dispenser, Starmaster food server, soda dispensers, coffee urns, cutting boards, hot plates, dishes, plates, napkin holders, 100-1b. Penna. scales, wooden bowls, fountain dis- § play, trash can on wheel Is, rug shampooer, cham- pagne buckets and stands, and many other small articles, pots and pans, Restaurant dishes. \ OFFICE EQUIPMENT — 2 metal desks and two swivel chairs, filing cabinets, 3 typewriter tables, Olibette - Underwood check writer, adding ma- chine, Underwood electric typewriter, 3M. 107 Copier with table. Wheelbarrow, Rotary mower, Charcoal grill, Lawn and Garden Tools, 30-ft. ext. ladder. This furniture and equipment is modern and in very good condition. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Reber CONDUCTED BY: J. CMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE R. D. 1, MANHEIM:. PA, OMAR LANDIS & GIRVIN BROS., AUCTS PHONES: 665-4806 - 665-5C54 - 5569-9492 *Food S and ai Sale 13-2¢c iz 7% A 3 5 @ 3 3