©: LEGAL NOTICES ————— a LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE On or before 3:00 p.m. E.D.- S.T. Thursday, June 8, 1972 undersigned will receive seal- ed bids in the offices of the School District in the high school on Pennsylvania Trav- el Route 141 in East Donegal Township for the old Mariet. ta Elementary School in The Borough of Marietta on the south side of West Walnut Street. For copies of the bid form or for inspection, contact Ralph E. Coleman, Director of Business at the school dis- trict office (P. O. Box 297, Mount Joy, Pa., 17552; tele- phone 653-1447). Immediate possession upon settlement available. Other terms and conditions appear in form of sealed bid. DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT By Dorothy J. Meade, Secretary Shirk, Reist and Buckwalter, Attorneys 7-6¢ EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Lucy E. Fitzkee, dec’d, late of Mount Joy Bor- ough, Lancaster County, Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant- 2d tp the undersigned, all Jdersons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for sei- tlement to the undersigned, NATIONAL CENTRAL BANK 23 East King Street Lancaster, Penna. Roda, Morgan, Hallgren and Heinly, Att’s. 700 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. 12-3¢ DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET AND PER CAPITA TAX NOTICE The proposed budget of the Donegal School District for 1972-73 is available for pub- lic inspection during school hours at the office of Donegal High School, R.D. 1, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania and will be presented for final adop- tion at a special school board meeting in said high school at 12:15 p.m. (daylight saving time), Wednesday, June 21, 1972. Persons becoming inhabit- ants of the school district or attaining the age of 21 years therein are required by law, within 12 months thereafter (under penalty of payment of a double per capita tax, to give notice of such acquisition of residence or attainment of age. Please contact the office personnel at Donegal High School, R.D. 1, Mount Joy, Penna, 17552. DONEGAL SCHOOL BOARD i By: (Mrs.) Dorothy J. Meade Secretary 11-3 Notice is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation will be filed with the Department of State of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, Har- risburg, Pa., on or after June 9, 1972, requesting the ap- proval of the Articles of In- corporation of and granting of a charter to a proposed corporation to be known as: It's Next time you advantage of Direct Distance Dialing. BE es trszL6 hortcut .. With the easiest and quickest way to call long distance! All you do is dial your Direct Distance - Dialing access number, next the Area Code (if different from your own), then the local phone number. And, presto... you're talking up a storm! If you don’t know the local phone number, call Universal Information: Dial your Direct Distance Dialing access number, the Area Code and 555-1212. Direct Distance Dialing saves you time and money. Cut-of-state calls you dial yourself cost less. NORTHWEST LANCASTER COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION and to be organized under the provisions of the Non- profit Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, approved May 35, 1933, P.L. 289, as amended, for the following purposes, To provide facilities, equip- ment, and supplies for the use of physicians, surgeons, dentists and nurses, located, residing or practicing their professions in Northwest Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania and for the use of public of- ficials and private organiza- tions and individuals engaged in whole or in part in public health work in said area, and to cooperate with these per- sons and organizations and with agencies of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania and of the United States of America, for the guarding and preservation of the health of persons residing in said area and for caring for persons who are ill and re- storing them to health, and in connection with such gen- eral purposes and for the ful- fillment there#f to purchase, lease, hypothecate, receive, take and hold by gift, grant, devise or bequest, both real and personal property in trust and otherwise; to care for, use, operate, improve, devel- op, sell, lease, convey or oth- erwise dispose of such prop- erty; to invest and reinvest funds available to it for in- vestment; and to solicit and accept contributions and aid from individuals, organiza- tions and municipalities, and from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United call long distance, take Bi= BL ELa COLUMBIA — UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY An Equal Opportunity CALL 684.2101 amhar UNITED TELEPHONE SYSTEM, Operated by UNITED UTILITIES, INCORPORATED Employ” EDITORIALS That's What It’s All About Volkswagen has done it! Every man dreams of inventing something akin to the mounting of an eraser on the end of a lead pencil. Every man has the idea in the back of his head that he should be able to come up with something simple — something original — that would make him successful and famous. Well, Volkswagen has done it. And, has proved again that what this world needs is ideas, imagina- tion and initiatve instead of cop outs, freak outs, dissension and criticism of the system. When you think of it, the idea of connecting vit- al parts of an automobile to a plug and a cable to a computer is so simple any kid entered in a high school science fair should have thought of it. Now, we're not saying that every schoolboy in- terested in things electrical, mechanical and elect- ronic could have instantly worked out the details, but the idea in 1970 is absolutely basic—as simple as the eraser on a pencil. Which leads directly to the whole idea. The world—yes, in 1972—is sitting waiting for someone to find fundamentally easy solutions to big problems. And, there are some, we're certain. What youth needs to do is to use some of the new basic knowledge, some of the new techniques, some of the new ideas it can dream up, and harness them for a solution to the same problems he is de- crying. Years ago we heard the famous William Allen White of Emporia, Kansas, make a university com- mencement address in which he said that the west- ern frontiers are virtually conquered. But, he point- ed out. the frontier of the test tube is only begin- ning. The world of the scientific laboratory still is wide open to any person who is willing to work and to be imaginative. Keep working, keep dreaming and use the won- derful world in which you live. That, young Americans, is what it’s a GR about! FARMERS MUST LIVE TOO Food prices have risen, but before condemning farmers and ranchers and threatening them with a wave of controls, a few facts must be considered if the nation wishes to continue eating in the style to which it has become accustomed. Foremost among these facts is that farm prices still remain at preinflation low levels. Food prices have risen because of inflationary increases in handling costs. The plight of the farmer is well expressed in an article appearing on the editorial page of a major daily newspaper. It is pointed out that, “Farmers and ranchers are expected to stay on the land rather than join the job-seekers in the city .... On the other hand, farmers and ranchers are not expected to make more money ever because if they do the cost of food will go up. When beef prices rise to levels of 20 years ago, the protest is loud and clear . . . Bear in mind that farmers and ranchers are consumers, too, and as con- sumers their expenses have gone up more than 100 percent during the same period that prices they re- ceive for their products have remained stable.” The conclusion reached in the article quoted above is much to the point — the food we buy today is one of the best bargains in the marketplace. *“ . . . even if beef prices have climbed up to 1952 levels.” —Ephrata Review CONGRATULATE We often congratulate others on their good fortune. Today let’s be slightly selfish and congratulate ourself! “For what,” you may rightly ask. Well, for a start, let us congratulate ourself on the good fortune of belig alive, of being able to think and to feel, to give and to receive, to laugh or even to cry . .. oh, the list is endless. Get the habit of congratulating yourself and others, and you'll be a better person to have around. States of America; this is a corporation formed for chai. table purposes which does not contempla‘e pecuniary gain or profit incidental or otherwise to its members and the pur- poses shall conform to the requirements of Section 501 (ce) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and in the event of dis- solution of ths corporl 101s. any remaining assets shail be distributed only to such org- anizations which are exempt under Section 501 (c¢) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Roda, Morgan, Hallgren and Heinly, Attorneys 12-1c PUBLIC NOTICE The Mount Joy Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on June 14, 1972, at 7:30 pm. in the Bor- ough Offices Building. The Board will consider a request from Jay R. Peifer to erect a sign at 5 South Barbara St. MOUNT JOY ZONING HEARING BOARD 2 -2¢ 4 We Rormbos - only you can PREVENT FOREST FIRES |
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